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† ed. T. Kock, 3 vols in 2, Lips., 880.88,
Svo, bound in brown cloth
Kaibel, Vol. I., fasc. I., Doriensium Com.oe-
dia Mimi Phlyaces, 1899, 8vo
Imp. ad Robertum I., Flandriae comitem,
epistola spuria, [Preface by Comte: Riant],
Genevae, 1879, 8vo, hf. cloth

One of only 350 copies, with the folding plates at end.
räge z. Erforschung ihrer Gesch. in ver-
deuts. u. erläut. Urkunden des 12. u. 13.
Jahrh., aus d. Griech., v. G. L. F. Tafel,
1870, 8vo, hf. cloth
414 CHALANDON (F.) Les Comnène, études
sur l'empire byzantin aux XIe et XIIe
siècles, I. Alexis I. Comnène, 1081-1118,
II., Jean II. Comnène et Manuel I. Com-
nène, 2 vols, 1900-12, roy. 8vo, binder's
blue cloth, scarce




415 COMPAGNI (Dino) Istoria Fiorentina,
dal 1280 al 1312, Pisa, 1818; Vita
d'Antonio Giacomini Tebalducci Malespini,
scritta da J. Nardi, Pisa, 1818; 2 vols in
1, 8vo, hf. morocco
416 COMTE (Ang.) Cours de philosophie
† positive, 6 vols, 1852-42, 8vo, hf. cloth
417 -Principes de philosophie positive,
précédés de la préface, par E. Littré,
1868, cr. Svo
418 OSTWALD (W.) Aug. Comte, der
Mann u. s. Werk, mit Comtes Bildnis, 1914,
12mo, buckram


419 CONDORCET. Esquisse d'un tableau hist. des progrès de l'esprit humain, suivie de réflexions sur l'esclavage des négres, 1822, 8vo, hf. cloth, worn


TANTINE. FIRTH (J. B.) Constantine Great, the Reorganisation of the Empire and the Triumph of the Church, wusts, 1905, cr. 8vo

[ocr errors][merged small]


SCHWARTZ (E.) Kaiser Constanta 2. d. christl. Kirche, 1913, Svo 426 CONSTANTINE V. LOMBARD (A.) Etudes d'hist. byzantine Constantin V., empere des Romains, 740-775, avec préface de C. Diehl, 1902, 8vo


427 CONSTANTINE VII. Excerpta historica jussu Imp. Constantini Porphyrogeat. confecta, ed. U. P. Boissevain, C. de Boor u. T. Büttner-Wobst, 4 vols, 1903-06 £33 roy. 8vo, uniformly bound in cloth

[blocks in formation]

De legationibus, de virtutibus et vitiis, de a MANOJLOVIC (G.) Studige o spesa "De administrando imperio" cara Korstantina VII. Porfirogenita, 4 parts Zagrebu, 1910-11, 8vo


429 CONSTANTINE XIII. MIJATOVICH (C) Constantine, the last Emperor of the Greeks, or the Conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, 1453, illusts., 1892, cr. 8vo


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

KONDAKOV (N.) Vizantijskija Trerkwi i Pamjatniki Konstantinopolja, Odessa, 1886, 4to, sewing broken 7 MORDTMANN (M.) Esquisse top† graphique de Constantinople, jolding plans and illusts. in text, Lille, 1892, 4to, cloth 7,6 435- SCHULIZE (V.) Konstantinopel, 324450, Altchristl. Städte u. Landschaften, I. 1913, Svo

Half title loose and leaves spotted in places. 420 CONGRESS OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, Universal Exposition. St. Louis, 1904, [Transactions of, ed. by H. J. Rogers, 8 vols, Boston and N. Y., 1905-7, roy. 8vo 25-436 Philosophy, Mathematics, Politics, Law, Religion, Language, Literature, Art, Inorganic Sciences, Biology, Sociology, Medicine, Technology, Social Sciences, Education.

421 CONGREVE (William) Works, consisting of his Plays and Poems, Third Edn., revis'd by the Author, 2 vols, Printed for J. Tonson, 1719, sm. Svo. old panelled calf, rebacked

[blocks in formation]


Map. Large folding plan of Constantinople, in colour], Texte French and German) avec ses faubourgs par C. Stolpe, Berlin, 1866, 8vo, cloth 3 CONYBEARE (F. C.) Myth, Magic and Morals, a Study of Christian Origins, 1909. cr. 8vo



History of New Testament Criti 2cism, with portraits, 1910, cr. 8vo 439 COQUELLE (P.) Hist. du Montenegro et de la Bosnie, depuis les origines, 1885 ☎ roy. Svo 440 CORNEILLE (Pierre et Thomas) Thestr de, avec notes et commentares, 2 vols N.D., Cr. 8vo, bound in cloth

441 CORIOLANI CEPIONIS DALMATAE de Petri Mocenici Imperatoris gestis libri tres, item Conradi Wengeri Brix. de bello inter Sigismundum archistrategum Austriae et Venetos libellus, praeterea Michaelis Coccinii Tubing. de bello italicis liber unus, Per Rob. Winter, Basileae, 1544, 12mo, hf. vellum, scarce 15/With the fine full-page printer's device at end. 442 CORNELL EXPEDITION to Asia Minor, etc., Travels and Studies in the Nearer East, by A. T. Olmstead, B. B. Charles and J. E. Wrench, Vol. I., pt. 2-Hittite Inscriptions, illusts., Ithaca, 1911, folio, sewed

3/6 443 CORNFORD (F. M.) From Religion to Philosophy, a Study in the Origins of Western Speculation, 1912, 8vo 6/444 CORNISH (V.) The Great Capitals, an Historical Geography, with 2 maps, 1923, 8vo

9/.. 445 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS, ed. stereotypa, 3 vols, 1884-1912, roy. 8vo, binder's cloth, not uniform

Vol. I.

Institutiones rec. P. Krueger, Digesta rec.
T. Mommsen.

Vol. II. Codex Iustianianus rec. Krueger.
Vol. III.



Novellae rec. R. Schoell, opus Schoellii morte interceptum absolvit G. Kroll. POETARUM LATINORUM a aliisque denuo recog. et brevi lect. var. instr. ed. J. P. Postgate, 2 vols, Londini, 18941905, 4to, binder's cloth


£2 SCRIPTORUM HISTORIAE BYZANTINAE, editio emend. et copiosior. consilio G. B. Niebuhrii, instituta, auct. Acad. litterarum regiae Borussicae continiuata, 8vo:—

1. Agathiae Myrinaei hist. c. vers. lat. et annot. B. Vulcanii, B. G. Niebuhrii, gr. rec., acc. Agathiae epigramm., 1828, (M.30) †half calf, 21/

4 and 3. Chronicon Paschale ad exemp. Vatic. rec.

26. Ioannis Cinnami epitome rerum at Ioanne et Alexio Comnenis gestarum, rec. A. Meineke; Nicephori Bryennii comment. rec. A. Meineke, 1836, bound in 2 vols, green cloth, (M.44), 21/28. Ioannis Malalae chronographia ex rec. L. Dindorfii, acc. Chilmeadi Hodiiques annot. et Ric. Bentlei epist. adto. Millium, 1831, (M.55), annotad in indelible pencil, half calf, rubbed, 30/29, 30 and 31. Ioannis Zonarae annales ex rec. M. Pinderi, 3 vols, 1841-44, two vols in half calf, rubbed, vol. iii., in binders cloth (M.141), £3/10'33. Leonis Grammatici chronographia, ex rec. I. Bekkeri, acc. Eusthathii de capta Thessalonica, 1842, quarter calf, (M.35), 21/

34. Leonis Diaconi Cal, hist. et liber de velitatione bellica Nicephori Augusti e rec. C. B. Hasii, addita ejusd.vers. atque annot. ab ipso rec., acc. Theodosii Acroases de Creta capta erec. F. Jacobsii et Luitprandi legatio c. aliis libellis, etc., 1828, boards, (M.42), 27

36. Michaelis Attaliotae hist., opus a W. Bruneto de Presle inventum descript. correctum ex. rec. I. Bekkeri, 1853, cloth, (M.22), 15/

37. Michaelis Glycae annales rec. I. Bekkerus, 1836, half cloth, (M.42), 21/

38, 39 and 40. Nicephori Gregorae Byzantine hist., gr. et lat., c. annot. Hier. Wolfii, etc., cura L. Schopeni, 3 vols, 1829-55, binder's cloth, a nice copy, (M.130), £3/10/

41. Nicetae Chroniatae hist. ex rec. I. Bekkeri, 1835, binders cloth, (M.63), 25/

42. Pauli Silentiarii descriptio templi St. Sophiae, Georgii Pisidae exped. Persica, Bellum Avaricum, Heraclias, S. Nicephori patr. Cp. brev. rerum post Mauricium gestarum, rec. I. Bekkerus, 1837, cloth, (M.37), 25/

43, 44 and 45. Procopius ex rec. G. Dindorfii, 3 vols, orig. wrappers, (M.115), £3/3/48. Theophanes Continuatus, Ioannes Cameniata, Symeon Magister, Georg. Monachus, ex rec. 1. Bekker, 1838, half roan, (M.60), 35/49. Theophylacti Simocattae hist. rec. I. Bekkerus -Genesius, rec. C. Lachmonnus, 1834; Theophylacti Sim. Quaestiones physicas et epist. rec. vers. Kimedonciana et notis insta. J. F. Boissonade, 1835; 2 vols in 1. cloth, (M.36) 21/448 CORPUSCULUM poesis epicae gr. Ludibundae, ed. P. Brandt et C. Wachsmuth, 2 vols, Teub., 1885-88, cr. 8vo, cloth 6/1. Parodia et Archestratus. II. Sillographi graeci.

L. Dindorfius, 2 vols, 1832, wrappers repaired, 449 CORVINUS (Matthias), Konig. v. Un

(M.83), £2/5/

†6. Constantini Manassis breviarium hist. metricum;

Ioelis chronographia compendiaria; Georgii
Acropolitae annales; rec. I. Bekker, 1837, half
calf, rubbed, (M.43), 20/-

†7, 8 and 9. Constantinus Porphyrogenitus imper

ator, De ceremoniis aulae byzant., gr. et lat., e
rec. J. J. Reiskii c. ejusd. comm. integ., De
thematibus et de admin. imp., acc. Hieroclis
Synecdemus, c. Bandurii et Wesselingii comm.
rec. 1. Bekkerus, 3 vols, 1829-40, half calf, rubbed,
(M.153), £3/10/-

10. Dexippi Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi,

Menandri hist. rec. 1. Bekkeri and B. G. Nie-
buhrii, acc. Photii eclog., etc., etc., 1829, (M.45),
half calf, 30/-

11. Ducae, Mich. Ducae Nepotis, hist. byzant., rec.

garn, 1458-90, auf Grund archiv. Forsch. bearb. v. W. Fraknoi, m.e. Titelbild in Farbendruck, 48 Illusts. u. 8 Facsimiles, 1891, roy. 8vo


450 COSMAS, an Egyptian Monk. The Christian Topography of, transl. and ed., with Notes and Introd., by J. W. McCrindle, with folding plates, Hakluyt Society, 1897, 8vo, scarce


451 COSMOS INDICOPLEUSTES. Christian Topography, ed., with geographical Notes, by E. D. Winstedt, 14 plates, Camb., 1909, 8vo 10/6

et interp. Italo addito supp. 1. Bekkerus, 1834, 452 COSSA (Baldassare) In the Days of the

(M.43), bound in cloth, 27

13 and 14. Georgius Cedrenus Ioannis Seylitzae ope
ab. 1. Bekkero suppl. et emend., 2 vols, 1828-29,
quarter bound, vol. i. rubbed, (M.115), £3/3/-
15. [Georgii] Codini Curopalatae de officialibus Palatii
Cpolitani et de off. magnae eccles., ex rec. I.
Bekkeri, 1839, half cloth, (M.28), 15/-

19. Georgius Phrantzes, loannes Cananus, Io. Anag-
nostes ex rec. 1. Bekkeri, 1838, half calf, (M.36)
20 and 21. Georgius Syncellus et Nicephorus Cp. ex
rec. G. Dindorfii, 2 vols, 1829, (M.88), half
bound, £2/15/-

23, 24 and 25. Ioannis Contacuzeni, ex imperatoris hist., gr. et lat, cura L. Schopeni, 3 vols, 1828-32, (M.118), binder's cloth, £4

Councils, a Sketch of the Life and Times of Cossa [afterwards Pope John XXIII.), by E. J. Kitts, illusts., 1908, 8vo Presentation Copy" embossed on title.

[ocr errors]

7/6 453 COUAT (A.) La poésie Alexandrine sous les trois premiers Ptolémées, 324-222 av. J.C., 1882, 8vo, resewn

7/6 454 COULANGES (F. de) Hist. des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France, Partie I., L'empire romain, les germains, la royauté mérov., 1875, 8vo, resewn


455 COUNCILS. Acta conciliorum et epistolae decretales ac constit. summorum pontificum, Tomus V., ab 847 ad 871, Paris, 1714, folio, contemporary calf 106

471 CYPRIANUS S. Epic Cars: Martyrs Opera oma rec et i sai ac labore S Baluri, ed. 2 Venea, z ic index in notas et in vitam, Thew 15 folio, rellum

Contains: Responsa Nicola. Papar ad consulta bulgarorum; Aeter Pans, prologus adversus objeta E472 Vita S. Ignat. CP. auctore Niceta, cognom Davide. Paphlagone; etc., etc.

CYPRUS. Excerpta Cypria Mazeno for a History of Cyprus trans, and ter cribed by C. D. Cobham, with an Appenor on the Bibliography of Cyprus Cane 1908, 4to, beda

[ocr errors]

456 COWLEY (Abraham) Select Works, with a Preface and Notes by R. Hurd, 2 vols, Dublin, 1772, 12mo, sound contemporary calf DAHL L The Roman Camp and the 457 COWPER (B. H.) The Principles of Inth Saint at Burgh Castle, with Loa History, 50 ads, 1913, Svo

10 6:473

Syriac Grammar, transl. and abridged from the Work of Hoffmann, 1858, 8vo 3.6 458 COXE (W.) Hist. of the House of Austria. from Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the Death. of Leopold II., 1218-1792, with large folding map in colours, 3 vols, 1807, 4to, caif. rubbed 76 459 CREASY (Sir E.) The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution, 17th Edn., revd., 1907, cr. 8vo, out of print

474 DAHLMANN F. C Geschichte v Dannemark, 3 vols, Hambwz, 184-6 8vo, orig cloth, backs & line ind 475 DAHN F. Der Känge der Germ Vols. III-VI., 4 vols, 1866 1883 863 126 Bd 3-Verfas & stp thesher Reto = Liant 4-Erte & Kos Then & ཞིང་། Recht im goth Reche 5-2 Westgothen 6-Vertas & Westpha Res. Surven Spaces 5-1 476 DANDOLO (Andreas), u. seine Geschinta werke, v. H. Simonsfeld. Man-ker, 1876 8vo

460 CRETE. Kretas Volkslieder nebst Distichen u. Sprichwörtern in d. Ursprache mit Glossar, hrsg. v. A. Jeannaraki, 1876, 8vo, reseæn


477 D'ANNUNZIO G. Il futon. Hizm 1907, cr. 8vo

478- La Nave, tragedia Milano 1986

sin. 4to

461 CRISPI (Francesco) Memoirs of, transl. by M. Prichard-Agnetti, from Documents collected and ed. by T. Palamenghi-Crispi, 479 — Forse che si forse che ar, romans 3 vols, 1912-14, 8vo (publ. at 48 ) 18- 1910, 8vo The Thousand, the Triple Alhance and International | 480 DARWIN C.) The Formation of V table Mould through the Action of Warms, illusts., 1881, cr. 8vo


462 CROISET (A. et M.) Hist. de la littéra-
ture grecque, 3me éd., rev. et augm., Vols. 481

1 and 2, 1910-14 8vo


[blocks in formation]
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Descent of Man and Sects i

Relation to Sex, with illust., 1906, cr. 9v04 © 482 DASENT (Sir G. W.) The Story of Burnt Njal, from the Icelandic of the Nais Saga 1900, cr. 8vo


483 DAVIS (H. W. C.) England under the Normans and Angevins, 1066-1272, 2 maps, 1905, 8vo


DECIMUS BRUTUS, a Historical Study, by B. C. Bondurant, Dissertation, Chicago iv., 1907, 8vo, 113 pp.

465 CRONACHE VENEZIANE antichissime | 484
pubb. a cura di G. Monticolo, Vol. I,
ed. di cinquecento esemplari, Roma, 1890,
roy. 8vo, green cloth

ANTIQ. and Archaeol. Soc., New Series,
Vol. XXII., with plates, 1922, 8vo, cloth 7 6
Contents: Purpose and Date of the Vallum and its
Crossings, Notes on Brocavum. Bewcastle, Raven-
glass, etc.



485 DECRETALES PSEUDO-ISIDORIANAE et capitula Angilramni. rec. fontes mac comment. de collect. pseudo-Isidon praem P. Hinschius, 1863, roy. Svo


486 DEECKE (W.) Etruskische Forschungen, 10 parts, Stuttg., 1875-84, 8vo


[blocks in formation]

467 CUMONT (F.) Comment la Belgique fut romanisée, essai hist., 2me ed., avec 68 figures, Bruxelles, 1919, la. 8vo 468 CUNNINGHAM (W.) Essay on Western Civilisation in its Economic Aspects, Mediaeval and Modern Times, Camb., 1900, cr. 8vo 469 The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times, 2 vols, 489 DELVAILLE (J.) Essai sur l'hist de Camb., 1903, Svo


DELBRÜCK (H.) Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte, 2 vols, 1920, 8vo, orig. Af brakaz


l'idée de progrès jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIsiècle, 1910, 8vo, cloth 76


The Mercantile System-Laisser Faire. 470 CURTIUS (E.) Griechische Geschichte, 5te. verb. Aufl., 3 vols in 2, 1878-80, Svo, binder's cloth 10,6

490 DEMETRIUS CYDONIUS. De contem nenda morte oratio, ed. H. Deckelmann Teb., 1901, cr. 8vo, kf, moralco, t2.g. 26


mosaiques de St.-Sophie de Salonique, plates (2 in colour) and illusts. in text, 1908, folio, 24 pp. 3/6

514 DIETERICH (A.) Nekyia. Beiträge zur Erklärung der neuentdeckten Petrusapokalypse. 1893, 8vo, out of print 5(K.) Hellenism in Asia Minor, transl. by C. N. Brown, American-Hellenic Soc., 1918, la. 8vo, sewed

491 DEMETRIUS (Czar of Russia). PANTE- | 513 DIEHL (C.) et TOURNEAU (M. le) Les NIUS (T. H.) Der falsche Demetrius, mit 91 Abbild., 1904, roy. 8vo 31492 DEMOSTHENIS orationes, ex rec. G. † Dindorfii, ed. 3, 3. vols. in 2, Teub., 1881, cr. 8vo, cloth 5DE CORONA, ex rec. I. Bekkerit passim mutata, explic. L. Dissenius, 1837,515 Svo, cloth, torn at joint 2/6 494 DE SANCTIS (G.) Storia dei Romani, Vol. 3, L'eta della guerre puniche, in 2 vols, 1916-17, roy. 8vo, binder's neat cloth 12/6 495 DESCARTES. BOUILLIER (F.) Histoirę de la philosophie cartésienne, 2 vols, 1854, Svo, binder's cloth 10.6 496 DETHIER (P. A.) Der Bosphor Constantinopel, 2te Ausg., Wien, 1876,



16 DIGBY (K. E.) Introd. to the History of the Law of Real Property, 3rd Edn., Oxf., 1884, Svo, top of back torn, out of print 10/517 DIGÉNIS ACRITAS (Basile) Les exploits de, épopée byzantine, publ. d'après le MS. de Grotta-Ferrata par E. Legrand, 1892, roy. 8vo, cloth


Edition limited to 100 numbered copies. 518 DIMSDALE (M. S.) A History of Latin Literature, 1915, cr. 8vo 4/6 519 DIO CASSIUS. Historia romana, ed. primam cur. L. Dindorf, rec. J. Melber, Vols. I and II. (all published), Teub.. 1890-4, cr. Svo

Svo 2,497 DEUBNER (L.) De incubatione capita quattuor, 1900, 8vo, resewn 3498 Διάκονος (Κ. Β.) Η Χερσόνησος του Αγίου Όρους ̓Αθω και αι εν αύτη, μοναι και οι μοναχοι παλαι τε και νυν, 1903, 8νο 3,6 499 DICEY (A. V.) Introd. to the Study of 520 the Law of the Constitution, 7th Edn., † 1908, Svo




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Ed. Tauchnitii, Vols. 3-4 in 1 vol, 1890, 16mo, cloth 3/Contains books L.-LXXX.-Caesar Octavian Trium. to Alex. Sev. XXV. 521 DIOCLETIAN. Spalato, le palais de Dioclétien, relevés et restaurations par E. Hébrard, texte par J. Zeiller, préface de C. Diehl, appendice de G. Jéquier, with the large folding plan, double and fullpage plates and numerous illusts. in text, Paris, 1912, atlas folio, orig. hf. cloth £2/10,


[blocks in formation]

philos. vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus, rec. C. G. Cobet, acc. Olympiodori, Ammonii, Iamblichi, Porphyrii et aliorum, A. Westermanno et Marini vita Procli J. F. Boissonadio edent., gr. et lat., Didot, 1878, roy. 8vo, cloth 14/De vitis philosophorum, c. indice 15-† rerum, ed. Tauchnitii, nova impressio, 2 vols in 1, 1877, 16mo, cloth

L'Afrique byzantine, histoire de la domination byzantine en Afrique, 533709, with folding maps, plates and illusts. in text, 1896, 8vo, hf. calf, out of print 30/Études byzantines, avec 58 figures dans le texte, 1905, roy. 8vo, resewn, out of print



Figures byzantines, 2me ser., 2 vols, 1908, cr. 8vo


5Manuel d'art byzantin, profusely illustrated, 1910, 8vo, quarter levant morocco, out of print 21/Dans l'Orient byzantin, 1917, cr. 3,6 Histoire de l'empire byzantin, with plates and maps, 1919, cr. 8vo 3/6 512 Byzance, grandeur et décadence, 1919, cr. 8vo 3,6





346 527 DIONIS CHRYSOSTOMI orationes, rec. et praef. est L. Dindorfius, 2 vols in 1, Teub., 1857, cr. 8vo, binder's cloth, out of print and scarce


528 DIONYSIUS HALICARN. Antiquitatum
romanarum quae supersunt, ed. C. Jacoby
4 vols; Opuscula, ed. H. Usener et L.
Radermacher, 2 vols; together 6 vols,
Teub., 1885-1904, cr. 8vo, five vols, in orig.
cloth, last vol, sewn

menti raccolti negli archivi Italiani, I.,
1925, roy. 8vo



546 DOZY (R.) Histoire des mustine d'Espagne jusqu'a la conquête de l'Ano ousie par les Almoravides. 711-1110 + vols in 2, Leyde, 1861. cr. 8vo bezen cloth, scarce


DRERUP (E. [*Howdor II [h's τειας. Ein politisches Pamphet Athen 404 vor. Chr., Paderborn, 1908 AU

MONYPENNY (W. F.) The Life of Benj. Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, with portraits and illusts., 6 vols, 1910-20,547 8vo 531 DJEM-SULTAN, fils de Mohammed II., frère de Bavezid II., 1459-95, étude sur la question d'Orient à la fin du XVe siècle, par L. Thuasne, 1892, roy. 8vo 532 DJEVAD BEY (A.) État militaire otto† man, trad. du turc par G. Macrides, Tome I., livre I.. Les Janissaires, 1882, 8vo 5,Lacks the album of plates.


[blocks in formation]

538 DÖLLINGER (J. J. I. v.) Kirche und
Kirchen, Papstthum u. Kirchenstaat, Mün-
chen, 1861, cr. 8vo, boards
539] Der Papst und das Concil von
Janus, 1869, cr. 8vo, cloth
540 Hippolytus and Callistus, or the
Church of Rome in the First Half of the
Third Century, transl. with Introd., Notes,
etc., by A. Plummer, Edinb., 1876, 8vo 6-
U. REUSCH (F. H.) Gesch. der
Moralstreitigkeiten in der röm.-kathol.
Kirche seit der sechzehnten Jahrh., mit
Beiträgen z. Gesch. des Jesuitenordens,
2 vols in 1, Nördlingen, 1889, Svo, hf.

542 DOMASZEWSKI (A. v.) Geschichte der römischen Kaiser, mit Portrats auf Tafeln u. Kartenbeilagen, 2 vols, Leipz., 1909, buckram 10,6

A.L.S. inserted.

543 DORMAN (M. R. P.) History of the
British Empire in the 19th Century, with
10 photogravures, 2 vols, 1902, 8vo, backs
544 DÖRPFELD (W.) Troja, 1893, Bericht
über die im 1893 in Troja veranstalteten
Ausgrabungen, unter Mitwirkung v. A.
Brueckner, M. Weigel u. W. Wilberg, 2
Plänen u. 83 Abbild., 1894, 8vo, resewn 5|-
545 DOSTOEVSKY (T. M.) Works, in Russian,
St. Petersburg, 1888, all cr. 8vo, as below:-
(A) Biessy, 3 -- (B) Idiot, 3-; (c) Podrostok, 3-:
(D) Bratja Karamasowy, 3-; (1) Drewnik
telja, 1873-772... 76: ) Prestuplenie i Naka-
zanie, 3; (G Powiesti i razssazy, 2 vols. 5-


548 DREWS (A.) Die Christustnythe J
1910, 8vo, orig. quarter parchment
549 DROYSEN (J. G.) Gesch. der Epigr
mit e. Anhang ueber die helle
Städtegründungen, 2te Aufl. 2 to
Gotha, 1877, 8vo

550 DRYDEN (John) Poetical Works, w
Life and critical Dissertation, by 6 S
fillan, text ed. by C. C. Clarke 2 vz
Nichol's Library Edition of English Pot
1862, 8vo


551 DUBLIN TRANSLATIONS into Grees and Latin Verse, ed. by R. Y Tyre 1882, 8vo


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