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23 AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Rerum gestarum qui de xxxi. sup., libri xviii., emend. ab F. Lindenbrogio et H. H. Valesiis, cum obs., etc., item excerpta vet. de gestis Constantini et regum Italiae, omnia nunc recog. ab J. Gronovio, eng'd title, portraits and plates, Lugd. Bat., 1693, 4to, vellum 7s. 6d. 24 ANDERSON (Marg. Steele) The Flame in the Wind, Louisville, Ky., 1913, 8vo, boards 3s. Autograph of the Authoress at foot of first poem. 25 ANDREWS (Wm., Editor) Ecclesiastical Curiosities, illusts., 1899, 8vo 3s. 6d. 26 ANSTEY (Chris.) Poetical Works, with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son, J. Anstey, First Collected Edition, 2 portraits, and engravings, a little spotted, 1808, 4to, calf, back repaired 18s. 27] The New Bath Guide; or,

Memoirs of the B-r-d Family, in a Series of Poetical Epistles, 3rd edn., 1766, 8vo, boards, sheep back (broken)

3s. 6d.

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The Infinity of Geometric Design exemplified, 40 plates, one foxed, Edinb., 1849, 4to, calf, slightly rubbed 7s. 6d.

Illustrations of Geometric Tracery, from the Paneling belonging to Carlisle Cathedral, 22 plates, 1842; Geometric Tracery of Brancepeth Church, Co. Durham, 20 plates, 1845, 2 vols. in 1, 4to, calf gilt, a little rubbed 7s. 6d. 32 ARNOLD (M.) St. Paul and Protestantism, First Edition, 1870, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d.

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3s. 6d. Conway (Sir W. M.) Early Tuscan Art from the 12th to the 15th Centuries, coloured frontis. and 19 illusts., 1902, 8vo


Crowe (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle (G. B.) Life and Times of Titian, with some Account of his Family, portrait 185. and illusts., 2 vols., 1881, 8vo

Dürer (Albrecht) Drawings of, by Hans. W. Singer, 46 plates, Newnes, N.D., folio, boards, linen back 4s. 6d. Gogh (V. van) Letters of a PostImpressionist; being the Familiar Correspondence of Vincent van Gogh. trans. by A. M. Ludovici, portrait and illusts., 1912, 8vo

4s. 6d.

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Redford (G.) Manual of Ancient Sculpture: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, 2nd edn., enlarged, 150 illusts., with inscription by the Author on half title, 1886, 8vo 6s.

Ruskin (J.) Aratra Pentelici: Seven Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture, 21 plates, 1890, cr. 8vo 4s. 6d. Turner (J. M. W.) The Genius of, [by R. de la Sizeranne, W. Shaw Sparrow, C. F. Bell], ed. by C. Holme, 16 coloured and 18 other plates, and 124 illusts., Studio Off., 1903, folio, wrappers, back a little torn 7s 6d.

45 ASHBY-STERRY (J.) Boudoir Ballads, 1876, cr. 8vo


46 ASQUITH (Rt. Hon. H. H.) Occasional Addresses, 1893-1916, 1918, 8vo 3s. 6d. 47 AUSTIN (Alfred) Rome or Death!, 1873, fcap. 4to, binding slightly soiled 3s. 48 [] Haunts of Ancient Peace, 10 illusts. by E. H. New, 1902, lge. cr. 8vo


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BARBELLION (W. N. P.) The Journal of a Disappointed Man, with an Introduction by H. G. Wells, 1919, cr. 8vo 3s. 58 BARHAM (Francis, the Alist') The Alist or Divine; a Message to our Times, 3 parts, [1840]; A; an Odd Medley of Literary Curiosities, [1845]; Socrates, a Tragedy, 1852; The Adamus Exul of Grotius; or, the Prototype of Paradise Lost, now first trans. from the Latin, 1839; The Foster Barham Genealogy, 1844; Lecture on the Advancement of Literature, Science, etc., 1847, and 2 other pamphlets, in 1 vol., 8vo, cloth, roan back, rubbed, scarce 10s. 6d. 59 BARNES (Wm.) Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, First and Second Collections, 2 vols., 1862-3, fcap. 8vo 7s. 6d.

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BELLOC (H.) Avril; being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance, First Edition, frontis., 1904, sq. 8vo 10s. 6d.

BELOE (Wm.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vols., 1807-12, 8vo, half calf, good copy £2 5s. 66 [BERTRAM (C. J.)] The Description of Britain, translated from Richard of Cirencester; with the original Treatise 'De Situ Britanniae', [a forgery by Bertram], and a Commentary on the Itinerary, two folding maps and facsimile, 1809, 8vo, new quarter cloth 8s. 6d.


67 [BEVERLANDUS (H.)] Histoire de l'etat de l'homme dans le peché originel, etc., Imprime dans le monde en 1731, 32mo, calf gilt, l.p. missing, g.e. 7s. 6d. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Christie (R. Copley) Selected Essays and Papers, ed., with a Memoir, by W. A. Shaw, portrait and 4 illusts., 1902, 8vo 7s. 6d. BICKLEY (F.) Where Dorset meets Devon, coloured frontis. and 94 illusts. by J. W. King, 1911, 8vo









BIRCH (W. de G.) Historical Charters and Constitutional Documents of the City of London, revised edition, with an Introduction, Appendix, and copious Index, 1887, 4to, binding slightly worn

7s. 6d.

BITHELL (J.) The Minnesingers, Vol. I., Translations, (all published), 1909, roy. 8vo, back dull and slightly 6s. damp-stained

BLACK PRINCE, Life of the, by the Herald of Sir John Chandos, ed., with Linguistic and Historical Introductions, Translation, Notes, Glossary, etc., by M. K. Pope and E. C. Lodge, Oxford, 1910, 4to, orig. boards, linen back 12s. 6d.

BLAKE (Martin, Vicar of Barnstaple and Prebendary of Exeter, (1593-1673)), Life and Times of, with some Account of his Conflicts with the Puritan Lecturers, and Persecutions, by J. F. Chanter, 5 illusts., 1910, 8vo 5s.

BRINK (B. Ten) Early English Literature (to Wiclif), trans. by H. M. Kennedy, Bohn, 1887, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d.

BROME (J., Rector of Cheriton in Kent) Travels over England, Scotland, and Wales, giving a True and Exact Description of the chiefest Cities, Towns, and Corporations, together with the Antiquities, etc., 2nd edn., with large Additions, 1707, sm. 8vo, panelled calf, rebacked, scarce


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(J. A.) Palaeolithic Man in N.W. Middlesex, 10 plates, 1887, 8vo 5s. 79 - (T. E.)] Fo'c's'le Yarns, including Betsy Lee, and other Poems, First Edition, 1881, cr. 8vo



5s. Collected Poems, [ed. by H. F. Brown, H. G. Dakyns and W. E. Henley], portrait, 1900, cr. 8vo 5s. (Wm. Haig, of Charterhouse); a short Biographical Memoir, written by some of his Pupils, ed. by his Son, H. E. H. Brown, portrait, 1908, 8vo 3s. 6d. 82 BROWNELL (Atherton) The Unseen Empire; a Peace Play in Four Acts, First Edition, New York, 1914, 8vo 3s. 83 BROUGHAM (Hy., Lord) Lives of Men of Letters of the Time of George III., 1855, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d.

Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Johnson, Robertson, Gibbon.

84 BRYAN (G. H.) Thermodynamics; an Introductory Treatise, Leipzig, 1907, lge. 8vo





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(W. M.) Dictionary of Science and Technical Terms used in Philosophy, Literature, Professions, Commerce, Arts, and Trades, with Supplement, ed. by J. A. Smith, woodcuts, 1884, cr. 8vo, half green morocco 88 BÜCHNER (Prof. L.) Last Words on Materialism and kindred Subjects, trans. by J. McCabe, portrait, 1901, cr. 8vo 3s. 89 BUNYAN (John) Entire Works of, ed., with Introductions, Notes, and Memoir of the Author, by H. Stebbing, portrait, steel and wood engravings, 4 vols., 1862, imp. 8vo

7s. 6d.

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92 [BUTLER (S.)] Hudibras, the Third and last Part, First Edition (the earliest state, with errata leaf at end), 1678, 8vo, old sheep, rubbed, back defective 15s. 93 BYRON (Lord) Works of, Early Collected Edition, portrait and 3 engravings, 4 vols., 1829, 12mo, black straightgrained morocco gilt, g.e. 7s. 6d. 94 CALVERLEY (C. S.) Literary Remains, with a Memoir by Sir W. J. Sendall, portrait and one plate, 1896, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. Theocritus, translated into English Verse, 1896, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. Translations into English and Latin, 1896, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. Verses and Fly Leaves, 1896, cr. 3s. 6d. 98 CAMBRIDGE. Clark (J. W.) Cambridge Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes, 34 illusts., 1890, cr. 8vo, prize calf, school arms on front cover 4s. 6d.









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Le Keux (J.) Memorials of Cambridge; a Series of Views of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts, by T. Wright and H. L. Jones, 76 steel and 76 wood engravings, a few slightly foxed, 2 vols., 1847, 8vo, backs faded 10s. 6d.

Willis (R.) Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, and of the Colleges of Cambridge and Eton, ed., with large Additions, by J. W. Clark, 352 illusts., and 29 double-page plans, 4 vols., Camb., 1886, imp. 8vo, (£6/6/-) £3 15s. Od.

103 CAMDEN. Guilielmi Camdeni BRITANNIA, sive Florentissimorum Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et Insularum adjacentium ex intima antiquitate descriptio, ex epitomen contracta à R. V. Zirizaeo, maps of the Counties, some of which have been neatly coloured, title slightly soiled, Amst., 1617, stout sm. 8vo, old calf. newly rebacked 12s. 6d.

104 CAMERON (M. Lovett) Old Etruria and Modern Tuscany, 32 illusts., 1909, cr. 8vo


105 CANADA. Baedeker's Dominion of Canada, with Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska, 10 maps and 7 plans, 1900, 16mo 2s. 6d.








Footner (H.) New Rivers of the North; the Yarn of Two Amateur Explorers of the Head-waters of the Fraser, the Peace and Hay Rivers, Alexandra Falls, numerous illusts., 5s. Toronto, 1912, 8vo

Miller (Joaquin) Songs of the Sun-Lands, First Edition, publ. blind stamp on title, 1873, 8vo, slight stain on front cover 12s. 6d.

Tupper (Sir Chas.) Political Reminiscences, transcribed and ed. by W. A. Harkin, with a Biographical Sketch and an Appendix, 7 illusts., 1914, 8vo 4s. 6d.

[Warburton (Geo.)] Hochelaga ; or, England in the New World, ed. by E. Warburton, frontis., 2 vols., 1847, post 8vo, vol. II. a trifle loose in sewing

Deals with Canada and the United States.


CARLYLE (Dr. Alex., of Inveresk) Autobiography of, containing Memorials of the Men and Events of his Time, portrait, foxed, Edinb., 1860, 8vo, calf gilt, back worn

4s. 6d. (Thos.) Reminiscences, edited by J. A. Froude, frontis., 2 vols., 1881, cr. 8vo


CARROLL (Lewis) Sylvie and Bruno, First Edition, 46 illusts. by H. Furniss, title, half title, and frontis. stained (pink) from damp, also very slightly on a few margins, 1889, cr. 8vo, new binder's cloth 7s. 6d.

113 CARTERET (John, Lord, Earl Granville); a Political Biography, 16901763, by A. Ballantyne, 1887, 8vo 6s.

114 CASAUBON. Pattison (Mark) Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614, blind stamp on title, 1875, 8vo 7s. 6d. 115 CASE (T.) Correction, Instruction; or, a Treatise of Afflictions, first conceived by way of Private Meditations, afterward digested into certain Sermons, a few pencil marks, foxed in places, 1671, 12mo, old black morocco 4s.

116 CASTLEREAGH (Viscount, Second Marquess of Londonderry) Memoirs and Correspondence of, ed. by his Brother, portrait (foxed), some pencil marks, 4 vols., 1848-9, 8vo, cloth, worn, somewhat loose in cases 10s. 6d.

117 CATHEDRALS. Billings (R. W.) Architectural Illustrations, History, and Description of Carlisle Cathedral, 44 plates (should be 45) and woodcuts, slightly foxed, 1840, 4to, calf gilt, a little rubbed 10s. 6d.










Bound in at front of above is :-BILLING'S Attempt to define the Geometric Proportions of Gothic Architecture as illus. by the Cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester, 5 plates, 1840.

Architectural Illustrations and Description of the Cathedral Church at Durham, Large Paper, 75 plates, 3 or 4 spotted, 1843, imp. 4to, calf gilt, slightly 12s. 6d.


Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Bristol, 12 plates and 2 woodcuts, 1830, 4to, calf gilt, a little rubbed 7s. 6d. History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Lichfield, 16 plates, slightly foxed, 1836, 4to, calf gilt, a little rubbed 7s. 6d. History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich, 25 plates, 1816, 4to, calf gilt 10s. 6d. History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Peterborough, 16 plates, foxed, 1836, 4to, calf gilt 7s. 6d. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, 31 plates and 3 woodcuts, top margins a trifle stained, 1836, 4to, calf gilt, slightly 10s. 6d. History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Winchester, 30 plates, some slightly foxed, 1817, 4to, calf gilt 10s. 6d.


History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, Large Paper, 16 plates and woodcut on title, 1835, imp. 4to, calf gilt, a trifle rubbed 10s. 6d.

History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of York, Large Paper, 34 plates, some a trifle spotted, 1819, imp. 4to, calf gilt, slightly rubbed 10s. 6d.

127 CATULLUS, Poems of, trans. into English Verse with an Introduction and Notes, by T. Martin, Edinb., 1875, cr. 8vo 7s. 6d. 128 CERVANTES (M. de) The History of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, trans. by P. A. Motteux, [with a Life of Cervantes], portrait and 36 etchings by A. Lalauze, 4 vols., Edinb., 1902, roy. 8vo, newly bound, art linen backs, cloth sides £2 2s. Od.

129 CHALMERS (P. R.) Green Days and Blue Days: Poems, First Edition, Dublin, N.D., sm. post 8vo 3s. 6d. 130 CHANNING (Wm. Ellery) Complete Works of, including The Perfect Life, [with] General Index and Table of Scripture References, 1884, 4to 3s. 6d. 131 CHARLEMONT (James Caulfield, Earl of) Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of, by F. Hardy, portrait, top of titles pieced, 2 vols., 1812, 8vo, morocco gilt, g.e.

10s. 6d.


132 CHARLES II. Pollock (J.) The Popish Plot; a Study in the History of the Reign of Charles II., 1903, sup. roy. 8vo 133 CHATFIELD (A. W.) Songs and Hymns of Earliest Greek Christian Poets, Bishops and others, trans. into English Verse, 1876, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. 134 CHATHAM (Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt, Earl of) Anecdotes of the Life of, and of the principal Events of his Time, with his Speeches in Parliament, 1736-78, 3 vols., 1810, 8vo, half calf, joints weak

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139 Bingham (C.) The Manufacture of Carbide of Calcium, illusts., 1916, 8vo 3s. 6d. 140 Blas (C.) Traité de chimie analytique, tome III., Analyse quantitative générale, avec 224 gravures dans le text, Louvain, 1902, roy. 8vo, binder's cloth 4s. 6d. 141 Blount (B.) Practical Electro-Chemistry, 47 illusts., 1903, 8vo 3s. 6d. 142 Classen (Prof. A.) Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis, trans. from the 4th German edn., revised and enlarged by B. B. Boltwood, illusts., New York, 1903, 8vo 3s. 6d.

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Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation and some of its Applications, New York, 1900, cr. 8vo 3s. 148 Mendeléeff (D.) Principles of Chemistry, trans. from the Russian (5th edn.) by G. Kamensky, ed. by A. J. Greenaway, illusts., 2 vols., 1891, 8vo, binding slightly dull 11s. 6d. 149 Moissan (H.) Le Flour et ses composés, portrait, Paris, 1900, roy. 8vo, binder's cloth, back dull


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153 Thorpe (T. E.) Essays in Historical Chemistry, 1894, 8vo 7s. 6d. 154 Whetham (W. C. D.) Treatise on the Theory of Solution, including the Phenomena of Electrolysis, Camb. 1902, 8vo 4s. 6d. 155 CHESHIRE. Ormerod (G.) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester. incorporated with a republication of King's Vale Royal, and Leycester's Cheshire Antiquities, 2nd edn., revised and enlarged, by T. Helsby, portrait, map, and numerous engravings (a few slightly spotted), and woodcuts, 3 vols. in 6, 1882, roy. folio, half dark green morocco gilt, gilt tops, a nice copy £5 10s. 156 CHESTERFIELD (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of) Letters by, to his Son, Philip Stanhope, together with several other Pieces on various Subjects. portrait, 4 vols., 1804, 12mo, old calf, newly rebacked 21s.

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