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1714 WIEGAND (T.) Zur Geschichte der
Ausgrabungen von Olympia, 1926, 4to
(Preuss. Akad., 1926, 6)
v.) Reden und Vorträge, Band I. u. II.,
4. umgearb. Aufl., 2 vols, Berlin, 1925,
1716 WILHELM (Ad.) Attische Urkunden,
Teil III., Wien, 1925 (Sitzungsber. Akad.
202, 5)

1717 ZILSEL (E.) Die Entstehung d. Genie-
begriffes, ein Beitr. z. Ideengesch. d. Antike
u. d. Frühkapitalismus, Tübingen, 1926,
1718 ZIMMERMAN (A.) Kurze lateinische
Laut-u. Formenlehre v. sprachvergl. Stand-
punkt aus Hauptsächl. f. Kollegen u.
Studenten d. klass. Philol., München,
1925, la. 8vo

1719 ZITELMANN (E.) Digestenexegese, 20 2/6 Fälle aus d. römischen Recht, 1925, 8vo 3/


1720 ARABIA (Die Provincia), beschrieben v. R. E. Brunnow u. A. v. Domaszewski, Bd. III., D. westl. Hauran v. Bosra b. Es-suhba u. d. Gegend um d. damaskener Wiesenseen b. Ed-Dumer, etc., numerous plates and plans, Strassb., 1909, imp. 8vo, hf. vellum, as new, out of print £2/2/

1721 ARISTOTELES.-Supplementum Aristotelicum, 3 vols. in 6, Berolini, 1885-1903, roy. 8vo, 2 vols., hf. cloth (not uniform), rest sewed, sewing of 1 vol. broken £2/12/6 1722 BÉRARD (V.) Les Phéniciens et l'Odyssée, with numerous illusts. and maps, 2 vols., Paris, 1902-03, roy. 8vo, a fine copy, quarter morocco, gilt extra and t.e.g. £5/5/1723 BURTON (William) The Loves of Clitophon and Leucippe, transl. from the Greek of Achilles Tatius, by William Burton, reprinted for the first time from a copy now unique, ed. by S. Gaselee and H. F. B. Brett-Smith, 1923, finely printed on Batchelor's Kelmscott hand-made paper and limited to 500 copies, sm. folio, Kelmscott quarter linen, nice copy £2/15/Written by William Burton, brother to the author of the ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY, who dedicated it to Shakespeare's patron, the Earl of Southampton. It is probable that this book was publicly burnt by archiepiscopal order, for it survives only in a single copy.

1724 CLARKE (E. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, 4th Edition, with engraved portrait after J. Opie, woodcuts and folding maps, 11 vols., 1816-24, 8vo, calf gilt, sound but backs dull £2/15/

1725 DAREMBERG (C.) et SAGLIO (E.) Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines d'après les textes et les monuments, contenant l'explication des termes qui se rapportent aux moeurs, aux institutions, à la religion, aux arts, aux sciences, etc., et en général à la vie publique et privée des anciens, avec suppl., 9 vols., 1877-1919, 4to, publisher's half morocco, very nice set £12/12/1726 DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, dealing with its Language, Literature and Contents, including the Biblical Theology, ed. by J. Hastings, with the Assistance of J. A. Selbie, and others, 5 vols., 1898, roy. 8vo, hf. morocco £6/6/1727 DIONIS CASSII Historiae romanae quae supersunt, gr. et lat., cum annot. H. Valesii et J. A. Fabricii, var. lect. notas, etc., H. S. Reimarus, 2 vols., Hamburgi, 1750, folio, hf. crimson roan, rubbed 25/1728 DRUMANN (W.) Geschichte Roms in s. Übergange v. d. republikan. zur monarchischen Verfassung, od. Pompeius, Caesar, Cicero u. ihre Zeitgen. nach Geschlechtern u. m. genealog. Tab. 2te Aufl., hsrg. v. P. Groebe, Vols. I.-V. (all publ.), Berlin, 1902-12, 8vo, vols. i. and ii. bound together in cloth, rest sewed, uncut £5/10/25/

1729 FACCIOLATI (J.) et FORCELLINI (A.) Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, ed. J. Bailey, 2 vols., 1828, 4to, hf. morocco

1730 FREEMAN (E. A.) History of Sicily, from the Earliest Times, with maps, 4 vols., Oxf., 1891-94, 8vo, orig. cloth £3/10/1731 FURTWANGLER (A.) u. REICHHOLD (K.) Griechische Vasenmalerei, eine Ausw. hervorrag. Vasenbilder aus d. gleichnam, grossen Werke. Für d. Schulgebr. hrsg., ausgew. v. K. Reichhold m. erl. Texten v. A. Huber, 20 plates (3 coloured), size 2ft. 5ins. by 1ft. 9ins., in portfolio with text, München, 1924, atlas folio, half buckram £4 1732 HOMER.-Lexicon Homericum, comp. Albracht, Capelle, etc., ed. H. Ebeling, 3 vols. in 2, Lips., 1880-85, la. 8vo, hf. calf £2/10/1733 INDOGERMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN. Zeitschrift f. indogerm. Sprach- u. Altertumskunde hrsg. v. R. Brugmann u. W. Streitberg. Mit Beiblatt: Anzeiger f. d. idg. Sprach- u. Altertumskunde, Band I.-XXVI. in 30 vols., Strassburg, 1891-1910, hf. calf, title-page and index of Vol. I. are missing, otherwise a nice set £12/10/1734 JERVIS (G.) I Testori sotterranei dell' Italia, repertorio d'informazioni utili etc., with plates, 4 vols. in 2, 1873-89, roy. 8vo, buckram, sides of first vol. damp-stained £2/10/1735 LEMAIRE'S LATIN CLASSICS. A nicely printed Series of the Latin Classics, with variorum Notes and complete Indices, 143 vols., Paris, 1819, 8vo, quarter calf gilt, slightly rubbed £10/10/

Stamp on reverse of some titles, otherwise a nice clean set.

1736 MAIGNE D'ARNIS (W. H.) Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis, publié par Abbé Migne, 1866, la. 8vo, half calf, a little rubbed 251

1737 MURATORI (L. A.) Annali d'Italia dal principio dell' era volgare sino all' anno MDCCXLIX., with portrait by Boggis, 18 vols., Milano, 1818, 8vo, hf. russia, rubbed £2/21738 MIDDLETON (J. H.) Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Mediaeval Times, their Art and their Technique, with 56 illusts., Camb., 1892, roy. 8vo, orig. buckram, back


301739 MIND. A Quarterly Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, New Series, Vols XXXXII. (Nos. 37-128), 1901-23, 8vo, in parts, as issued, many numbers scored and annotated with black and blue pencil, some rather badly


1740 NAVILLE (E.) The Temple of Deir el Bahari, with 174 plates, some coloured, 6 vol... Publication of the Egyptian Exploration Society (1895)-1908, folio, orig. binding £5 1741 NUMISMATIC CHRONICLE and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, New Series, Vol. XVIII., to Fourth Series, Vol. XV., 1879-1915, 38 vols., 8vo, half calf, 3 vols. in parts £12/12/ 1742 PAUSANIAE Graeciae descriptio, Ed., Graeca emend., app. criticum adj. H. Hitzig, Comm. cum tab. topogr. et numismat. add. H. Hitzig et H. Bluemner, 3 vols., Beral.. 1896-1910, la. 8vo, buckram £5 1743 PLATONIS Dialogi, graece et latine, ex rec. I. Bekkeri, 9 vols., Berl., 1816, 8vo. nicely bound in full vellum, arms in gilt on sides, red edges 30/

1744 RANDALL-MACIVER (D.) Villanovans and early Etruscans, a Study of the early Irm Age in Italy as it is seen near Bologna, in Etruria and in Latium, with numerous plate and illusts., Oxf., 1924, 4to, cloth £3/311745 RAWLINSON (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World-Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia, 2nd Edition, with maps and illusts., 3 vols., 1871. 8vo 30/1746 The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, or, the Geography, History and Antiquities of Parthia, with maps and illusts., 1873, 8vo, orig. cloth, back dull and becoming loose in case, very scarce £2151747 RAYET (O.) Monuments de l'art antique (Sculpture grecque, sculpture romaine, terres cultes), 2 vols., with plates in heliogravure, Paris, 1884, folio, hf. red morocco, t.e.g., slightly rubbed £2/15/1748 ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (The), Philosophical Transactions of, a Complete Run from 1840 to 1870 inclusive, 31 vols., 1840-70, 4to, uniformly bound in half morocco gill good sound condition


1749 STEVENSON (S. W.) Dictionary of Roman Coins, Republican and Imperial, revised, in part, by C. R. Smith and completed by F. W. Madden, 1889, thick 8vo, scarce £3/3) 1750 STOBAEI Florilegium emend. et suppl. Th. Gaisford, 4 vols., Oxon., 1822, la. 8vo, calf. joints weak

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1751 THEODOSIANI Libri XVI. cum constitut. Sirmondianis et leges novellae ad Theodo sianum pert. ed. Th. Mommsen et P. M. Meyer, acc. tab. VI., 2 vols. in 3 and portioli, Berlin, 1905, roy. 8vo, sewed, uncut £2/10/ 1752 THESAURUS LINGUAE LATINAE, ed. auctor. et consilio Acad. V. German. Vols I.-IV., V. fasc. 1-7, VI. fasc. 1-7, Index, Suppl. Onom. II., III. fasc. 1 and 2 (all publ. to date), Lipsiae, 1900-24, 4to, in parts as issued £30 1753 THESAURUS SYRIACUS, collegerunt S. M. Quatremere, G. H. Bernstein, G. W. Lore bach, A. J. Arnoldi, C. M. Agrell, F. Field and A. Roediger, auxit digessit exposuit ed, R Payne Smith, 2 vols. in 1, Oxonii, 1879-1901, roy. 4to, newly and soundly bound in ho pigskin, raised bands and t.e.g., a fine copy

£12/12 1754 THOMSON (A.) and RANDALL-MACIVER (D.) The Ancient Races of the Thebaid. being an Anthropometrical Study of the Inhabitants of Upper Egypt from the Earliest Prehistoric Times to the Mohammedan Conquest, based upon the Examination of ove 1,500 Crania, with 15 plates and folding charts in pocket, Oxf., 1905, imp. 4to 1755 VOCABOLARIO universale italiano compilato a cura della Societa Tipographica Ira mater e Ci., 7 vols, complete, Napoli, 1829-40, folio, a nice crisp set bound in vellum, wils a specially-made fine oak case on casters



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CATALOGUE OF GERMAN PHILOSOPHICAL BOOKS, issued for the United Germa Publishers of Philosophical Literature. 263 pages, with Index. Gratis on Application

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No. 206.


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Frenssen (G.) Peter Moor's
Journey to Southwest Africa; a Nar-
rative of the German Campaign, trans.
by M. M. Ward, 1908, cr. 8vo 3s.

Galton (F.) Narrative of an Ex-
plorer in Tropical South Africa; being
an Account of a Visit to Damaraland in
1851; also Vacation Tours in 1860-1,
by Sir G. Grove, F. Galton and W. G.
Clark, map and illusts., pencil marked,
1889, cr. 8vo
3s. 6d.
Hobson (J. A.) The War in South
Africa; its Causes and Effects, 1900,
8vo, back faded
3s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

Union of S. Africa: Report of the Select Committee on Rebellion, Cape Town, 1915, roy. 8vo, sewn 3s. 6d. Wagner (P. A.) The Diamond Fields of Southern Africa, maps and illusts., Johannesburg, 1914, 4to 7s. 6d. Whiteside (J.) History of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, illusts., a few blue pencil marks, 1906, cr. 8vo, back faded 2s. 6d.

15 AINSLIE (A. D.) Glances over Past and Present, [Lectures, Speeches, Articles, etc.], Edinb., 1913, cr. 8vo


16 ALLINSON (A.) The Days of the Directoire, with a Note on the Costume of the Period by J. C. Abbott, 49 illusts., 1910, 8vo 6s.

17 AMERICA. Aldrich (T. B.) Flower and Thorn: Later Poems, N.D., fcap. 8vo




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