483 SOCIAL ENGLAND, a Record of the Progress of the People, in Religion, Laws, Learning, Arts, Industry, Commerce, etc., ed. by H. D. Traill and J. S. Mann, ILLUSTRATED EDITION, 6 vols., 1902/04, roy. 8vo, quarter calf gilt, t.e.g., a nice copy £8 10s. Od. 484 SOMERSETS HIRE. Nightingale (Rev. J.) Topographical and Historical Description of Somersetshire, engravings and also EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by several additional plates by Greig, Alken and others and a coloured map by Roper, several plates damp-stained, 1810, large 8vo, newly and nicely bound in half green calf, gilt back and gilt edges with 30s. 485 SOPHOCLES. Dramas, rendered into English Verse, Dramatic and Lyric, by Sir G. Young, Camb., 1888, 8vo 4s. 486 SPANISH CHRONICLES. Cronicas de los reyes de Castilla, Don Pedro, Don Enrique II., Don Juan I., Don Enrique III., por D. Pedro Lopez de Ayala, con las enmiendas el secretario Geron. Zurita, y las correcciones y notas añadidas por D. Eugenio de Llaguno Amirola, 2 vols., Madrid, 1779/80, library-stamps on titles and elsewhere, 4to, contemporary Spanish calf £2 2s. 487 488 Cronica de D. Alvaro de Luna, Condestable de los reynos de Castilla y de Leon, etc. La publica con varios apendices D. Josef Miguel de Flores, Madrid, 1784, library-stamp on title and elsewhere, 4to, contemporary Spanish calf 25s. 25s. Cronica de Don Pedro Niño, Conde de Buelna, por Gutierre Diez de Games su Alferez. La publica D. Eugenio de Llaguno Amirola, Madrid, 1782, small library-stamp on title and elsewhere, 4to, contemporary Spanish calf 489 SPECTATOR (The), with Biographical Notices of the Contributors, frontis., N.D., Toy. 8vo 3s. 6d. 490 STATESMEN SERIES, Biographical Studies of Great Political Men, cr. 8vo: 1s. each. 1. BEACONSFIELD, by T. E. Kebbel. 3. BOLINGBROKE, by A. Hassall. 4. PRINCE CONSORT, by C. M. Yonge. 6. DERBY, by T. E. Kebbel. 8. GLADSTONE, by H. W. Lucy. 491 SPENSER. Warton (T.) Observations on the Fairy Queen of Spenser, 2 vols., 1807, 8vo, half calf 8s. 6d. 492 STARKE (M.) Information and Directions for Travellers on the Continent of Europe, more particularly in Italy, 1832, post 8vo, half calf 3s. 6d. 493 STEPHEN (Sir James) Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, 2 vols., Silver 5s. Library, 1907, cr. 8vo 494 STERNE (L.) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent., with a Life of the Author by Himself, portrait, 1893, 8vo 5s. 499 cr. 8vo 3s. From Saranac to the Marquesas and Beyond, being Letters written by Mrs. M. I. Stevenson during 1887/88, etc., 1903, cr. 8vo, out of print 7s. 6d. 500 STEWART (B.) and TAIT (P. G.) The Unseen Universe; or, Physical Speculations on a Future State, 1876, cr. 8vo 2s. 501 STORY (W. W.) Roba di Roma, 6th edn., with Additions, portrait, a little spotted, 1871, large cr. 8vo, cloth, dull 3s. 6d. 502 STUBBS (C. W., Dean of Ely) Historical Memorials of Ely Cathedral, 32 illusts., 1897, sm. 4to 503 STUDENT'S HEBREW GRAMMAR. Roediger's Gesenius, transl. by B. Davies, with Reading Book and Exercises, 1869, Svo 2s. 6d. 3s. 504 STUDIO EXTRAS, good copies in orig. wrappers : LONDONERS then and now, as pictured by their MASTERS of Water-Colour Painting, with Introd. 505 SUFFOLK WORDS and Phrases; an Jokes came in with candles.-Chas. Lamb. sm. 506 SUSSEX. Register of S. Nicholas College, Lancing, 1848-1900, [with Preface by C. W. Whitaker], 1900, 8vo 3s. 6d. 507 Willis (R.) Architectural History of Chichester Cathedral; Petit (J. L.) Boxgrove Priory, with some Historical Remarks, etc., by W. Turner; Sharpe (E.) St. Mary's Church, New Shoreham, and, Supplementary Sketch of the collective Architectural History of Chichester Cathedral, Boxgrove Priory, and St. Mary's, New Shoreham, plates and illusts., 4 items in 1, Chichester, 1861, roy. 4to, half morocco, a little rubbed 15s. 508 [SWIFT (J.)] Tale of a Tub, to which is added, an Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library, Fifth Edition, with the Author's Apology, and Notes by W. Wotton and others, 8 engravings, some leaves a little stained and discoloured, a few pencil marks in red, 1710, 8vo, old calf, rubbed and joints cracked 10s. 6d. 509 SWINBURNE (A. C.) Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards, a Tragedy, FIRST EDITION, 1899, cr. 8vo, a used сору 3s. 6d. 510 SYBEL (H. v.) History and Literature of the Crusades, [trans.], ed. by Lady Duff Gordon, 1861, cr. 8vo, back faded 4s. 6d. 511 SYDNEY (W. C.) England and the English in the Eighteenth Century: Chapters in the Social History of the Times, 2 vols., 1892, 8vo 513 15s. 512 SYNGE (J. M.) Playboy of the Western World, Dublin, 1912, fcap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. quarter parchment Tinker's Wedding, Riders to the Sea, and Shadow of the Glen, 1911, fcap. 8vo, quarter parchment 2s. 6d. 514 SYRIAC. Wright (W.) A Short History of Syriac Literature, 1894, cr. 8vo 7s. 6d. 515 TAGORE (Rabindranath) Chitra, a Play in one Act, one of an edition of 500 copies printed for the India Society, of which only 250 were for sale, 1913, 8vo 7s. 6d. Fruit-Gathering, FIRST EDITION, 1916, cr. 8vo, with dust-jacket 4s. 6d. Stray Birds, with frontis. by W. Pogany, FIRST EDITION, 1917, cr. 8vo 516 517 5s. 525 THOMPSON (A. H.) History of English Literature, and of the chief English Writers, founded upon the Manual of T. B. Shaw, ink splash on foreedges, 1906, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. 526 TIMBS (J.) English Eccentrics and Eccentricities, coloured frontis. and illusts., inscription on reverse of frontis., 1877, cr. 8vo 7s. 6d. 527 TIMES (The). Palmer's Index to The Times," 1914, complete, 4 vols., 1914/15, sm. 4to " 15s. 528 TOLLET (Mrs. Eliz.) Poems on several Occasions, with Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII., an Epistle, 1755, sm. 8vo, old calf 7s. 6d. 529 TOMLINSON (J. T.) Collected Tracts on Ritual, edited or written by J. T. Tomlinson, 2 vols., N.D., 8vo 3s. 6d. The Prayer Book Articles and Homilies: Some Forgotten Facts in their History which may decide their Interpretation, 1897, 8vo 3s. 6d. 530 531 TOWER OF LONDON. Younghusband (Sir G.) The Tower from Within, 42 illusts. and 3 diagrams, 1918, 8vo 6s. 6d. Here are Books, and we have brains to read them.-T. Carlyle, 532 TOWNSEND (W. J.) The Great Schoolmen of the Middle Ages, 1881, cr. 8vo, a trifle loose 3s. 533 TOZER (H. F.) Lectures on the Geography of Greece, map, 1873, cr. 8vo 534 535 5s. Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, with Notes on the Ballads, Tales, and Classical Superstitions of the Modern Greeks, map and illusts., 2 vols., 1869, cr. 8vo 7s. 6d. Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor, map and illusts., 1881, 8vo 7s. 6d. 536 TRENT (W. P.) A History of American Literature, 1903, cr. 8vo 5s. 537 TREVES (Sir Frederick) The Land that is Desolate, an Account of a Tour in Palestine, with 43 illusts., 1913, 8vo 6s. 538 TRIAL. The Trial of Joseph Gerrald, delegate from the London Corresponding Society to the British Convention, for Sedition, Edinb., (1794), 8vo, half calf 6s. 539 TUER (A. W.) Old London Street Cries, and the Cries of To-day, coloured frontis. and numerous quaint cuts, 1885, 16mo, orig. boards, a little worn 3s. 6d. 540 TURKEY. Hubbard (G. E.) The Day of the Crescent, Glimpses of Old Turkey, Camb., 1920, 8vo (publ. at 15/-), as new 7s. 6d. 541 TURNER (S.) History of the Manners, Landed Property, Government, Laws, Poetry, Literature, Religion, and Language of the Anglo-Saxons, 1805, 8vo, boards, linen back 4s. 6d. 542 TWAIN (Mark) The Prince and Pauper, a Tale for Young People of all Ages, with coloured plates by W. Hatherall, 1923, 4to, (publ. at 12/6), a nice copy 7s. 6d. 554 Idem, portrait of I. Walton, carries a few pencil marks, 1895, cr. 8vo, sides faded 6s. The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation; being a Fac-simile Reprint of the First Edition, 1653, N.D., sm. 8vo 12s. 6d. 555 [WARD (Edward)] Vulgus Britannicus, or, the British Hudibras, the five Parts compleat in one vol., containing the Secret History of the late London Mob, etc., 2nd Edn., with cuts, 1710, 8vo, old calf, scarce 10s. 6d. 556 WEEVER (John) Epigrammes in the Oldest Cut and Newest Fashion, 1599, Reprinted from the Original Ed., with Notes by R. B. McKerrow, Stratford-upon-Avon, 1922, sm. 4to 7s. 6d. 557 WELLS (H. G.) The Country of the Blind and other Stories, FIRST EDITION, [1911], cr. 8vo 558 WEYMAN (Stanley J.) Shrewsbury, a Romance, with 24 illusts. by Claude A. Shepperton, 1898, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. 559 5s. The House of the Wolf, Silver Library, 1920, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. In Heaven's name, then, let Poetry be preserved.-T. Carlyle. 561 10s. 6d. 560 WHARTON (E. Ross) The Whartons of Wharton Hall, portrait and 2 illusts., Oxf., 1898, fcap 8vo, half parchment 3s. 6d. WHEELER (W. A.) Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction, 1876, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. 562 WHITE (J. T.) and RIDDLE (J. E.) A Latin-English Dictionary, 2 vols., 1869, stout roy. 8vo, buckram, backs faded and rubbed 563 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, and the Rule of the Normans, by F. M. Stenton, Heroes of the Nations, 1908, cr. 8vo 4s. 6d. 564 WITHOFF (Jo. Hildebrand) Encaenia critica, sive Lucanus, Avianus et Maximianus, triga scriptorum vet., primaevae integ. restituti, Vesaliae, 1741, sm. 8vo, vellum, very scarce 30s. Carries the inscription, "Robinson Ellis from I. Bywater, 1890." 565 WOLSEY. Taunton (E. L.) Thomas Wolsey, Legate and Reformer, 21 illusts., 1902, 8vo, back faded 5s. 566 WOOD (J. G.) Insects Abroad; being a popular Account of Foreign Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations, 600 illusts., 1883, 8vo 2s. 6d. 570 (Chr., Bp. of Lincoln) Conjectural Emendations of Passages in Ancient Authors, with other Papers, 1883, 8vo 2s. 6d. 571 WORLD'S GREAT EXPLORERS and Exploration Series, 1890, etc., cr. 8vo: 3/- each. (a) SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, by A. H. Markham. (b) MUNGO PARK, by J. Thomson. (c) JOHN DAVIS, by C. R. Markham. (d) LIVINGSTON, by H. H. Johnston. (e) PALESTINE, by C. R. Conder. (f) COLUMBUS, by C. R. Markham. (g) FERDINAND MAGELLAN, by F. H. H. Guillemard. 572 WRIGHT (J. E.) Round about Jerusalem, Letters from the Holy Land, illustrated, N.D., [recent], cr. 8vo (publ. at 7/6) 3s. 573 YOUNG (E. M.) Apis Matina: Verses, Translated and Original, Camb., 1900, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. 574 ZIMMERN (H.) Vergl. Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen, Elemente d. Laute-u. Formenlehre, 1898, cr. 8vo, cloth 2s. 6d. ADDENDA. Talboy's nicely printed edition, some pages embrowned a little. 576 AESCHYLUS. Orestie, mit erkl. Anmerk. v. N. Wecklein, 1888, 8vo, hf. calf 5s. 577 AHRENS (H. L.) De Graecae linguae dialectis, 2 vols. in 1, Gottingae, 1839-43, 8vo, cloth 4s. 6d. 578 AMERICANA. Elliott (L. E.) Chile, To-day and To-morrow, with numerous illusts., N. Y., 1922, blind stamp on title, cr. 8vo (publ. at 24/-) 8s. 6d. 581 ANSTED (D. T.) Geology, Introductory, Descriptive and Practical, 2 vols., 1845, 8vo, bound in half green morocco, t.e.g. 6s. 582 ARISTOTELIS de arte Poetica, rec. et adnot. crit. auxit J. Vahlen, 1885, 8vo, hf. calf, a little rubbed 4s. 583 AUBREY (John) Miscellanies upon various Subjects, with Hydriotaphia, or, Urn Burial by Sir Thos. Browne, 1890, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. 584 AUSTEN (Jane), and her Times, by G. E. Mitton, with 21 illusts., 1905, 8vo 3s. 6d. Thought without reverence is barren.-T. Carlyle, 3s. 587 588 589 BACON. Lord Bacon not the Author of "The Christian Paradoxes :" being a Reprint of Memorials of Godliness and Christianity" by Herbert Palmer, with Introd., Memoir, and Notes, by A. B. Grosart, printed for private circulation, 1865, 8vo, roxburghe style, a little rubbed 7s. 6d. Fischer (Kuno) Francis Bacon of Verulam, Realistic Philosophy and its Age, trans. by J. Oxenford, 1857, post 8vo 5s. 6d. Steeves (G. W.) Francis Bacon: A Sketch of his Life, Works, and Literary Friends; chiefly from the Bibliographical Point of View, with 43 illusts., 1910, cr. 8vo 5s. 590 BALLADS. Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpublished, with Notes by Peter Buchan, 1828, reprinted, Edinb., 1875, 2 vols., cr. 8vo 8s. 6d. BARING (Maurice) Landmarks in Russian Literature, 1910, cr. 8vo 4s. 592 BARRY (William, D.D.) Heralds of Revolt, Studies in Modern Literature and Dogma, 1904, large 8vo 591 6s. Studies on G. Eliot, John Inglesant, Carlyle, Amiel, Heine, etc. 593 BAYNE (P.) Essays, Biographical, Critical and Miscellaneous, annotated in ink, 1859, post 8vo 3s. Essays on Napoleon, Tennyson, Principles of Criticism, etc. 594 BAZIN (M. A.) Hist. de France sous Louis XIII., 4 vols., 1846, cr. 8vo, cloth 595 596 5s. BEALE (Dorothea) Literary Studies of Poems, New and Old, 1902, 8vo 3s. Dante, King Lear, Paradise Lost, etc. BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. [Best Plays of], ed. with Introd. and Notes by J. St. Loe Strachey, Mermaid Series, Unexpurgated edition, 2 vols., 1887, cr. 8vo 10s. 6d. 597 BEDDOES (Thos. Lovell) Letters of, ed. with Notes, by Edmund Gosse, 1894, 12mo 10s. 6d. 604 BORROW (George) The Life of, compiled from unpublished Official Documents, His Works, Correspondence, etc., by H. Jenkins, illusts., 1912, blind stamp on title, 8vo 6s. 605 BOSWELL (James) Letters of, to the Rev. W. J. Temple, with an Introd. by Thomas Seccombe, 1908, 8vo 5s. 606 BOUTERWEK (F.) History of Spanish Literature, Bohn, 1847, cr. 8vo 2s. 607 BOWLES (W. Lisle) Poetical Works, with Memoir, Notes, etc., by G. Gilfillan, 2 vols., Edin., 1855, 8vo 4s. 6d. 608 BRANDES (G.) Main Currents in 19th Century Literature, 8vo 609 Vol. I. The Emigrant Literature, 1901, 5s. BREVIARIO GRIMANI (Facsimile delle miniature contenute nel), conservato nella Bibl. di S. Marco, eseguito in fotografia da A. Perini, con illustrazioni di F. Zanotto [in Italian and French], Venezia, 1862, thk. 4to. crimson morocco gilt, a little rubbed, g.e. 25s. 610 BREVIARIUM BOTHANUM, sive portif. secundum usum eccles. cujusdam in Scotia, printed from a MS. of 15th Century in possession of John, Marq. of Bute, [edited by W. D. Macray], 1900, 4to, hf. calf, slightly rubbed 17s. 6d. 611 612 613 BRONTE. Charlotte Brontë, 18161916, a Centenary Memorial prepared by the Brontë Society, edited by Butler Wood, illusts., 1918, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. The Brontës in Ireland, or, Facts stranger than Fiction, 1893, cr. 8vo, back dull 2s. 6d. Shorter (Clement K.) Charlotte Brontë and her Sisters, 1906, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. 614 BROWNING (Eliz. Barrett) Aurora Leigh, portrait, 1885, cr. 8vo, a fresh сору 3s. 6d. - Last Poems, Chapman and Hall, 1862, 8vo, orig. cloth, back dull 615 616 5s. He had a stock of wealth in his mind.-Chas. Lamb. 55. (Robert) Ferishtah's Fancies, 2nd Edn., 1885, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. |