CLEARANCE CATALOGUE OF Antiquarian & Modern Second-hand Books in all Departments of Literature. Parcels from this Catalogue amounting to £2 will be sent carriage paid to any part of Great Britain. Books not in Stock sought and advertised for free of charge. Libraries and smaller collections of Books bought for Cash. Telegrams: "BOOKS, OXFORD." Telephone: 2217 OXFORD. NOTE. All books are in original covers as issued unless otherwise described. 1 ABELE (M.) Metamorphosis telae 3 AFRICA. Armistead (W.) A Tribute for 4 5 6 7 8 Hattersley (C. W.) The Baganda at Home with One Hundred Pictures of Life and Work in Uganda, 1908, 8vo 5s. Johnston (Sir H. H.) British Central Africa, an Attempt to give some Account of a Portion of the Territories under British Influence North of the Zambezi, 6 maps and 220 illusts., 1897, roy. 8vo 10s. Leyden (J.) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, enlarged and completed to the present Time, by H. Murray, maps spotted, 2 vols., Edin., 1817, 8vo, calf 6s. 15 16 17 5s. Coolidge (W. A. B.) Alpine Studies, 16 illusts., 1912, 8vo, (publ. at 7/6), as new 4s. 6d. D'Arve (S.) Les fastes du MontBlanc, Ascensions célèbres et catastrophes depuis M. de Saussure jusqu'au nos jours, Genève, 1876, 8vo 3s. Forbes (C. S.) Iceland, its Volcanoes, Geysers and Glaciers, illusts., 1860, cr. 8vo, loose in case and very faded, a poor copy 2s. 6d. (J. D.) Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers, with a prefatory Note on the recent Progress and present Aspect of the Theory, coloured frontis. and plates, Edin., 1859, 8vo, back dull and a little torn at joint, scarce 12s. 6d. It is impossible for the mind to conceive of a mad Shakespeare.—Chas. Lamb. 18 ALPINE. Law (W. J.) The Alps of Hannibal map, 2 vols. in 1, 1866, 8vo, prize calf gilt, rubbed at joints 19 20 21 5s. Malleson (G. B.) Capt. Musafir's Rambles in Alpine Lands, with illusts., by G. S. Handcock, 1885, roy. 8vo 2s. 6d. 19 written on "Nelly Waterfield from Musafir title. Rawnsley (H. D.) Flower-Time in the Oberland, illusts. by E. Rawnsley, Glasg., 1904, cr. 8vo 3s. White (W.) To Mont Blanc and back again, 1854, 12mo, half calf gilt 2s. 6d. 22 AMERICANA. Allan (W.) Stonewall Jackson's Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Nov. 1861-June, 1862, with maps, 1912, 8vo 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 330 31 3s. 6d. American Garland (An), being in a Collection of Ballads relating to America, 1563/1759, ed. by C. H. Firth, Oxf., 1915, 8vo 3s. [Coleridge (Henry Nelson)] Six Months in the West Indies in 1825, London, 1826, 8vo, half calf 10s. 6d. [Fergus]. The United States, 2 vols., Cabinet Encyclopaedia, 1830/32, 12mo, hf. calf 3s. 6d. Mahan (A. T.) The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future, 1897, 8vo, nicely bound in tree calf gilt 7s. 6d. Marmontel (M.) The Incas, or, the Destruction of the Empire of Peru, 2 vols., 1777, 12mo, old calf 10s. 6d. Nutting (W.) Vermont Beautiful, illustrated by the Author, with 304 photographs, covering all the Counties in Vermont, Framingham, 1922, roy. 8vo 15s. [Poe (Edgar Allan)] The Narrative of Arthur G. Pym, of Nantucket, North America, comprising Details of a Mutiny, Famine, etc., FIRST LONDON EDITION, 1838, 8vo, scarce 25s. Ex libris E. Gordon Duff, with the note:-" Of all the First Editions of the 19th Century those of E. A. Poe are by far the rarest." Robinson (John, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers) A Study of his Life and Times, by W. H. Burgess, 1920, 8vo (publ. at 12/6), as new 4s. 6d. Schwatha (F.) Along Alaska's Great River; a Popular Account of the Travels of the Alaska Exploring Expedition of 1883, along the Great Yukon River, with map and illusts., New York, 1885, 8vo, scarce 15s. 32 AMERICANA. Year Book of American Etching for 1914, Introd. by Forbes Watson, with 100 reproductions, 1914, roy. 8vo 33 6s. AMICIS (E. de) Holland and its People, transl. by C. Tilton, numerous illusts., 1890, 8vo 3s. 6d. 34 AMOS (S.) The Science of Politics, 1883, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. 35 ANAS. The French Anas, 3 vols., 1805, 12mo, half calf, slightly rubbed 12s. 6d. 36 ANDRES. Cartas familiares del Abate D. Juan Andres a su Hermano D. Carlos Andres, 2 vols., Madrid, 1786, 12mo, vellum, a portion torn from backs, otherwise a nice copy 10s. 6d. 37 ANDREWES (Lancelot, D.D., Bp. of Winchester) The Life and Death of, by his Friend and Amanuensis, Henry Isaacson, ed. by S. Isaacson, portrait, 1829, 8vo, half calf 5s. 38 ANECDOTA OXONIENSIA. Palestinian Version of Holy Scriptures, Five more Fragments, ed. G. H. Gwilliam, 1893; Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature, 1896; 2 vols. in 1, with facsimiles, sm. 4to, hf. calf, library stamp in gilt on back 10s. 6d. 39 ANGLESEY (Rt. Hon. Arthur, Earl of, Lord Privy Seal) Memoirs of, intermixt with Moral, Political and Historical Observations, published by Sir P. Pett, 1693, sm. 8vo, hf. calf, newly rebacked 7s. 6d. 40 ANSELM. Rigg (J. M.) St. Anselm of Canterbury, a Chapter in the History of Religion, 1896, 8vo 4s. 6d. 41 APOLLONIUS OF TYANA. The Life of, translated from the Greek of Philostratus, with Notes and Illusts., by E. Berwick, 1809, 8vo, half calf, full gill back, a nice copy 10s. 6d. 42 ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Alif Laila, or, Book of the Thousand Nights and one Night, now, for the first time, published complete in the original Arabic, ed. by W. H. Macnaghten, 4 vols., Calcutta, 1839, roy. 8vo, orig. cloth, damp-spotted. £3 15s. Od. scarce Vol. I. very much embrowned. 43 ARAGO (F.) Biographies of distinguished Scientific Men, 1857, 8vo. half calf, scarce 12s. 6d. 44 ARAMAIC Incantation Texts from Nippur, by J. A. Montgomery, with 41 plates, Univ. of Pennsylvania publ, 1913, 4to, orig, wrappers I love a fool.-Chas. Lamb. 18s. 45 ARCHITECTURE. Builder's Jewel, or, the Youth's Instructor and Workman's Remembrancer, explaining easy Rules for Drawing and Working, etc., by B. and T. Langley, with 100 plates, 1746, sq. 12mo, calf 46 47 One plate loose and fore-edge worn. 5s. Coney (J.) Beauties of Continental Architecture, in a Series of Views of Ancient Cathedrals and other remarkable Buildings, in France, the Netherlands, and Germany, 28 plates and 56 vignettes, 1843, folio, half morocco gilt 12s. 6d. Hamlin (T. F.) The Enjoyment of Architecture, illusts., New York, 1916, 3s. 6d. Marks (P. L.) The Principles of Architectural Design, with 165 full-page and other text illusts., 1907, roy. 8vo 7s. 6d. 8vo 48 49 The Principles of Planning, an analytical Treatise for the use of Architects and others, illust. by 150 plans, 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged, 1905, 8vo 50 51 52 33 53 5s. Sparrow (W. Shaw) The English House, how to judge its Periods and Styles, numerous illusts., 1908, 8vo 8s. 6d. Stephens (F. G.) Normandy, its Gothic Architecture and History, as illustrated by 25 photographs, 1865, 8vo 3s. 6d. Turner (T. H.) and Parker (J. H.) Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England from the Conquest to the End of the 15th Century, illustrated, 4 vols., Oxford and London, 1859/82, 8vo, scarce £2 15s. Od. Willis (R.) Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, especially of Italy, Camb., 1835, 8vo 3s. 54 ARCTIC. Lyon (Capt. G. F.) Private Journal of, during the recent Voyages of Discovery under Capt. Parry, with map and plates, 1824, 8vo, nice calf 6s. 55 ARIOSTO, the King of Court Poets, a Study of his Life and Times by E. G. Gardner, 1906, 8vo 5s. 58 ART. Female Figures. Flowers of Loveliness. Thirty-Six Groups of Female Figures emblematic of Flowers, designed by the first Artists, with Poetical Illustrations by L. E. Landon, the Countess of Blessington and Thos. Haynes Bayley, N.D., (circa 1840], folio 59 60 61 62 63 5s. Howell-Baker (G.) Penholm, 25 full-page drawings in black and white, N.D., 4to 3s. 6d. Mediaeval Art. Grüneisen (W. de) Sainte-Marie Antique, le caractère et le style des peintures du VIe au XIIIe siècle, illusts., Rome, 1911, 4to, half cloth 7s. 6d. Retzsch (M.) Sechzehn Umrisse zu Schiller's Kampf m. d. Drachen, 1837; Acht Umrisse z. Schiller's Fridolin, 1824; Umrisse z. Goethe's Faust Theil II., 1836, with The Chess Players, and other Sketches, bound in 1 vol., oblong folio, half calf 3s. 6d. Royal Gems from the Galleries of Europe; engraved after Pictures of the Great Masters, with Notices biographical, historical, and descriptive, by S. C. Hall, 60 finely engraved plates, Virtue, N.D., large 4to, morocco gilt, a little rubbed 7s. 6d. 64 ASHDOWN (C. H.) Armour and Weapons in the Middle Ages, with many figures and illusts., 1925, cr. 8vo 3s. 65 ATHENAEUS, ex rec. G. Dindorfii, 3 vols., Lipsiae, 1827, 8vo, hf. russia, 12s. 6d. 66 ATTWOOD (Thomas) Life of, by C. M. Wakefield, 1885, roy. 8vo 10s. 6d. 67 worn "Very few thoughtful men of the nation can now doubt that the storm would have burst upon the country with all the desolation of civil war, if Thomas Attwood and the men of Birmingham had not drawn the lightning out of the impending tempest by the rod of moral force, which was grasped and wielded by his steady hand." Elihu Burrill. AUSTEN. Two Chapters of Persuasion, reprinted from Jane Austen's Autograph, Oxf., 1926, cr. 8vo 3s. 6d. 68 AUSTRALIA. Jukes (J. B.) Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia, so far as it is at present known, 1850, thin 8vo 3s. 6d. 69 AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE PRESS. A Lay of the Clan Kenneth, Fleur de lys edition, Printed at Author's Private Press, Melbourne, Australia, N.D., 8vo, orig. wrappers What a place to be in is an old library.-Chas. Lamb. 5s. 70 AYLES (H. H.) Destination, Date, and Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews, 1899, cr. 8vo 71 72 2s. 6d. BACON (Francis) Complete Works, collected and ed. by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis and D. D. Heath, portraits, 7 vols., 1858/79, 8vo, calf, gilt arms on side of 5 vols., a trifle rubbed £4 10s. Od. 4s. 6d. BALFOUR (Arthur James [Lord Balfour]) As Philosopher and Thinker. A Collection of the more important and interesting Passages in his non-political Writings, Speeches, etc., 1879/1912, selected and arranged by W. M. Short, 1912, 8vo 73 BALL (Sir Robert, Astronomer) Reminiscences and Letters of, edited by W. V. Ball, portrait and plates, 1915, large 8vo 6s. BALZAC (H. de) Les contes drolatiques, N.D., 8vo 4s. 6d. BARCLAY (Jo.) Argenis, ed. nov. c. clave hoc est, nominum propriorum elucid. hac, tenus nondum edita, Amstelodami, 1664, 24mo, calf 74 75 5s. 86 BERTRAND (A.) Traité du somnambulisme, 1823, sm. 8vo, cloth, faded 2s. 6d. 87 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Beloe (Rev. W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vols., 1807/12, 8vo, hf. calf, a little rubbed 25s. orum Catalogus librorum tam impressquam manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Publicae Universitatis LugdunoBatavae, engraved title, Lugd. Bat., 1716, folio, orig. sheep 6s. 89 BIBLIOTHEQUE DE CARABAS, v.d., each limited to 550 copies, cr. 8vo, orig. parchment wrappers : 1. Fables of Aesop, as first printed by Caxton in 1484, etc., ed. by J. Jacobs, I. History of the Aesopic Fable, 1889, covers dust-soiled, 8/6. 2. Herodotus. Euterpe, englished by B. R. 1584, ed. A. Lang, 1888, 10/-. 3, Plutarch. Romane Questions, transl. by P. Holland, 1603, ed. by F. B. Jevons, 1892, 10/-. 4. Tyson's Pymies of the Ancients, 1699, ed. etc., by B. C. A. Windle, 1894, 5/-. 93 BIRMINGHAM (G. A.) The Red Hand of Ulster, 1912, cr. 8vo 2s. 6d. of) The 8vo, half 3s. 6d. 95 BOÈS (Karl) Les opales. Prologue musical par Vincent D'Indy, 1893, 16mo, orig. wrappers, in cloth case, with ties 7s. 6d. Carries an autograph inscription "A Monsieur York Powell, Hommage, en souvenir des trop courtes heures de Christ Church College, KarlBoès. Paris, 28 November 95." 96 BOLINGBROKE (Henry St. John, Lord Visc.) Letters on the Study and Use of History, New Edn., corrected, 1792, 8vo, contemporary tree calf 6s. BORASTON (J. M.) Nature-Tones and Undertones, being Sketches of Life in the Open, illustrated by photographs from Nature, 1905, 8vo 97 4s. 6d. 98 [BOURGEANT (P.)] Voyage merveilleux de Prince Fan-Férédin, dans la romancie, etc., Amsterdam, 1735, 18mo, contemporary calf 5s. 99 BOYLE (Robert) Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God, pathetically discoursed of, 5th Edn., 1670, 12mo, old calf 3s. 6d. 100 BRANTOME. Oeuvres complètes, publiées d'après les MSS. avec variantes et fragments inédits par L. Lalanne, 11 vols., 1864/82, 8vo, sewing broken of several volumes, also edges and wrappers dust-soiled I must have books, pictures, etc.—Chas. Lamb. 25s. |