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dell, his will fatisfyed, he performed neither the one nor the other: for to keepe his authoritye, unspotted with favour, and to prevent Caffandrae's clamors, he commaunded the gayler fecretly, to prefent Caffandra with her brother's head. The gayler, with the outcryes of Andrugeo (abhorryng Promos lewdenes) by the providence of God, provided thus for his fafety. He prefented Caffandra with a felon's head newlie executed, who (being mangled, knew it not from her brother's, by the gayler, who was fet at libertie) was fo agreeved at this trecherye, that at the point to kyl her felf the fpared that ftroke, to be avenged of Promos. And devyfing a way, she concluded, to make ber fortunes knowne unto the kinge. She (executing this refolution) was fo highly favoured of the king, that forthwith he hafted to do juftice on Promos: whofe judgement was, to marrye Caffandra, to repair her crafed honour which donne, for his hainous offence he fhould lofe his head. This marryage folempnized, Caf Jandra tyed in the greatest bondes of affection to her husband, became an earneft futer for his life: the kinge (tendringe the general benefit of the comon weale, before her special eafe, although he favoured her much) would not graunt her fute. Andrugio (disguised amonge the company) forrowing the griefe of his fifter, bewrayde his safety, and craved pardon. The kinge, to renowne the vertues of Casandra, pardoned both him and Promos. The circumstances of this rare historye, in action livelye foloweth.”

Whetstone, however, has not afforded a very correc analysis of this play, which contains a mixture of comic fcenes, between a Bawd, a Pimp, Felons, &c. together with fome ferious fituations which are not defcribed. STEEVENS.



VINCENTIO, Duke of Vienna.

ANGELO, Lord Deputy in the Duke's abfence. ESCALUS, an ancient Lord, joined with Angelo in th deputation.

CLAUDIO, a young


LUCIO, a Fantastick.

Two other like Gentlemen.

VARRIUS, a Gentleman, Servant to the Duke.

[blocks in formation]

ISABELLA, Sifter to Claudio.

MARIANA, betrothed to Angelo.
JULIET, beloved of Claudio.


Miftrefs OVER DONE, a Bawd.

Guards, Officers, and other Attendants.

SCENE, Vienna.


SCENE 1. The Duke's Palace.

Enter Duke, ESCALUS, and Lords.


Efcal. My lord,

Duke. Of government the properties to unfold, Would feem in me to affect speech and discourse; Since I am put to know, that your own science, Exceeds, in that, the lifts of all advice

My ftrength can give you: Then no more remains,
But that your fufficiency, as your worth is able,
And let them work. The nature of our people,
Our city's inftitutions, and the terms

For common juftice, you are as pregnant in,
As art and practice hath enriched any


That we remember: There is our commiffion, From which we would not have you warp.--Call [fay, bid come before us think you he will bear? For you must know, we have with special soul Elected him our absence to supply;

What figure of

Lent him our terror, dreft him with our love:
And given his deputation all the organs
Of our own power: What think you of it?
Efcal. If any in Vienna be of worth

To undergo fuch ample grace and honour,

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