NEW AND ENLARGED MILITARY DICTIONARY, OR, ALPHABETICAL EXPLANATION OF TECHNICAL TERMS: CONTAINING, AMONG OTHER MATTER, A SUCCINCT ACCOUNT OF THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF FORTIFICATION, TACTICS, &c. ALSO THE VARIOUS FRENCH PHRASES AND WORDS THAT HAVE AN IMMEDIATE, OR RELATIVE, CONNECTION OR MAY TEND TO GIVE GENERAL INFORMATION ON MILITARY SUBJECTS IN EITHER LANGUAGE. By CHARLES JAMES, AUTHOR OF THE REGIMENTAL COMPANION; COMPREHENSIVE VIEW, &c.; POEMS, DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. THE SECOND EDITION. Malheur aux apprentifs dont les sens égarés KING OF PRUSSIA'S ART OF WAR. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. EGERTON, AT THE MILITARY LIBRARY, 1805. TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS FREDERICK DUKE OF YORK, FIELD MARSHAL, COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES, SIR, HAD I not received permission to dedicate the annexed volume to your ROYAL HIGHNESS, your uniform attention to the real interests of the British army would naturally have pointed You out, as the fittest person to whom a work of this description ought to be inscribed. Your anxiety to encourage the most humble efforts, that individuals make for the benefit of any branch of the service, is at least equal to the importance of your station in it. On this account, You have a double claim to every production which has for its object the dissemi a2. nation |