nation of military knowledge; a knowledge that promises to be so effectually secured by the warm and active part You have taken, in promoting the establishment of a Military School. Next to the KING-who is the uncontrouled head and director of the forces which are annually voted by Parliament for the benefit of the empire-You, Sir, are the executive source, and ultimate resort of military arrangements. You are responsible to HIS MAJESTY, and to the country at large, for the good or bad management of this complicated machine; under your immediate direction, the distribution of the army is made to correspond with the resources, and to answer the exigencies of the state; and by your wisdom and experience, the various branches of the service are rendered conducive to one system. To your praise be it said, no man, in your exalted situation of life, could have devoted his time and application to the ends of the great trust reposed in him, with more zeal, more eagerness to do justice to merit, or with more perseverance in official business, than You have done. This, Sir, is not the language of flattery; it is the tribute of conviction, and is offered by an individual who never but once asked a professional favour for himself; who has no pretensions to notice or consideration, although during the course of the late war, he frequently |