BY WM. MAXWELL, (LATE ALEXANDER MAXWELL AND SON,) 32, BELL YARD, LINCOLN'S INN. SOLD BY SHERWOOD AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW; ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH; AND HODGES AND SMITH, DUBLIN. 1854. LIBRARY OF THE LELAND STANFORD, JR., UNIVERSITY LAN DEPARTMENT. 59,529 LONDON: PRINTED BY G. J. PALMER, SAVOY STREET, STRAND. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLVII. RECENT DECISIONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURTS, REPORTED IN ALL THE COURTS: See each Number and Table of Titles and List of Cases. House of Lords Appeals, 206, 486 Notes on Recent Statutes, 9, 50, 51, 86, 102, 129, Points in Equity Practice, 30, 88, 140, 176, 177, Costs, 361, 381, 397, 462, 478 Attorneys and Solicitors, 9, 62, 99, 159, 175, 259, 277, 396, 441, 463, 478, 495 County Court Cases, 16, 261, 315, 442 NEW STATUTES EFFECTING ALTERA- Assessed Taxes' Act Amendment, 331 Proceedings in, relating to the Law, 464 Return-Court of Chancery, 421, 453 Transfer of Land-Suggestions, 21 Divorce, proposed alterations in Law of, 2 Consolidation of the Stats., 25, 152, 173, 234, 336 Reforming Law and Practice of India, 89 Deposit in lieu of bail-Service of capias, 9 Time for plaintiff to apply for costs, 9 County Court Extension Act, 13 & 14 Vict. c. 61: Right of appeal where no jury s. 14, 194 Succession Duty Act: Exception in, s. 9 Receipts on bonds, policies, &c., 102, 129 Law of Evidence Amendment Act, 1851: Inspection of documents-Particulars of lien, 313 Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849: 51, 86 Common Law Procedure Act: 50, 51, 357, 420 Appointment of Public Prosecutors, 314 Common Law Procedure, 331, 369, 391, 417 Testamentary Jurisdiction, 351, 375 Registration of Bills of Sale, 354, 439 County Court Extension Act Explanation, 355 Dishonoured Bills of Exchange, 432, 437 Arbitration Law Amendment, 451, 471 LAW REFORM AND SUGGESTED IM- Progress of Law Reform, 1, 97, 229, 280 Fusion of Law and Equity, 10, 107, 142 Representation of t the Legal Profession, 117, 137, Letters of Administration-Insolvency-Stamp Ecclesiastical Courts, 292, 329, 382 South Sea Bill, 409. 411, 431, 456, 464, 498 Petition of Incorporated Law Society, 472 New Law Courts, 12, 172, 210, 251, 269, 282, 290, 317, 518, 333, 382, 421, 423, 441 Decisions relating to, 16, 261, 315, 442 How far are they to be extended? 349 |