OF THE PROVINCE OF CANADA PASSED IN THE 1441 NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH YEARS OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA AND IN THE SECOND SESSION OF THE FIFTH PARLIAMENT Begun and holden at Toronto on the Fifteenth of February, in the year of HIS EXCELLENCY SIR EDMUND WALKER HEAD, BARONET, GOVERNOR GENERAL. TORONTO: PRINTED BY STEWART DERBISHIRE & GEORGE DESBARATS, Anno Domini, 1856. ANNO DECIMO-NONO VICTORIE REGINE. CAP. I. An Act to provide for the holding of an additional [Assented to 21st April, 1856.] WHEREAS it has been found inconsistent with the other Preamble. duties of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench for Lower Canada, that sittings of the Appeal Side of the said Court should be regularly held and the business before the Court proceeded with, in the March Term of the present year, and it is therefore expedient that another Term should be held for the despatch of such business: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows: and at what I. A Term of the Appeal Side of the said Court of Queen's An additional Bench shall be held in the City of Montreal from the seventh Term to be to the twenty-fourth day, both inclusive, of the month of May in held in 1856, the present year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, to time. which Term all the provisions of the Act constituting the said Court and all other provisions of law shall apply as they do to the Terms mentioned in the said Act: Provided always, that Proviso: as to any thing which ought to have been done in the March Term things which of the Appeal Side of the said Court, but could not be done by been done at reason of the non-sitting or the want of a quorum of the Court the March on any day in the said March Term, shall and may be done Term. with the same legal effect on any day in the Term to be held under this Act which the said Court shall appoint for the purpose, so that no legal right of any party shall be lost or impaired by the non-sitting of the said Court in the March Term, or by the lapse of time between it and the Term to be held under this Act. САР. should have |