DISTRIBUTIONS PURSUANT TO ORDERS -4.5. Congress. Senate. HEARINGS 4- JUL 17 BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. EIGHTY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 200 A BILL TO AMEND THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1954 MAY 26 AND 27, 1959 Printed for the use of the Committee on Finance 5961673 41866 UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1959 Amendment intended to be proposed by Senator Frear to the bill (S. 200) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 so as to provide for non- recognition of gain or loss upon certain distributions of stock made Page STATEMENTS Association of the Bar of the City of New York.. 393 Bicks, Hon. Robert A., Acting Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust 308 Dallstream, Andrew J., Chicago, Ill 375 Dane, John, Jr., representing the Chamber of Commerce of the United 367 Frear, Hon. J. Allen, Jr., U.S. Senator from the State of Delaware_ 8 303 388 355 Lindsay, Hon. David A., assistant to the Secretary, U.S. Treasury Depart- ment; accompanied by Jay W. Glassman, assistant general counsel, and McComb, J. R., Camden, S.C. Collier, Mrs. William A., Fairfax, Va., to Hon. J. Allen Frear, Jr. Jensen, Wallace M., general chairman, Committee on Federal Taxation, 307 392 397 396 Lindsay, Hon. David A., assistant Secretary of the Treasury, to chairman_ Mueller, Herbert V., Denver, Colo., to chairman _ Payte, Henry L., Jersey City, N.J., to Hon. Clifford Case Power, James T., Wilmington, Del., to Hon. J. Allen Frear, Jr. Rostow, Eugene V., Yale Anniversity Law School, to chairman Steele, Dean C., Wilmington, Del., to chairman - 297 398 392 Tracy, H. J., Salt Lake City, Utah, to Hon. J. Allen Frear, Jr. 391 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Comments of the Justice Department on Senator Frear's proposal to pro- vide tax treatment for individual Du Pont shareholders roughly under Decisions of the Supreme Court... History of Du Pont-General Motors litigation__ Justice Department comments on Treasury Department proposal. |