Arkansas. June 15, 1836 52, 240 1,786, 272 1,933,000 53, 104 58,216 Texas. Dec. 29, 1845 *250,000 58,560 9,579, 677 10, 397, 000 267, 339 56, 290 56, 154 California.. Sept. 9, 1850 107,000 15,717, 204 18, 084, 000 158, 693 Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the Formed from territory ceded to the United States by Formed from territory ceded to the United States by Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the 82,276 Formed from territory ceded to the United States by Formed from a portion of the territory of the State of Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the 1 By Public Law 204 of the 83d Cong., approved Aug. 7, 1953 (67 Stat. 407), Congress corrected an oversight of one and a half centuries and formally admitted the State of Ohio to the Union, setting Mar. 1, 1803, as the effective date of admission. • Estimated. Formation STATES ADMITTED INTO THE UNION SINCE THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION-Continued Area in at time of admission in 1960 population, July 1, 1964 square Mar. 1, 1867 *60,000 1,411, 330 1, 480,000 Aug. 1, 1876 *150,000 1,753, 947 1,966, 000 104, 247 77, 227 Formed from a petition of the territory ceded to the Formed from portions of the territory ceded to the 77,047 Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the United States by France by treaty of Apr. 30, 1803. Do. 70, 665 83, 557 97,914 84, 916 Formed from territory ceded to the United States by Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the Formed by the union of Oklahoma Territory and In- Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the 147, 138 68, 192 69, 919 121, 666 Arizona. Feb. 14, 1912 *216, 639 1,302, 161 1,581,000 | 113, 909 | Formed from territory ceded to the United States by Formed from territory ceded to the United States Formed from the territory of the Republic of Hawaii, Alaska.. Hawaii Jan. 3, 1959 Aug. 21, 1959 *211,000 *595,000 226, 167 632, 772 250,000 586, 400 701,000 6, 435 District of Columbia. 763, 956 808,000 69 Formation Established under Art. I, sec. 8, clause 17 of Constitution. Territory originally ceded by Maryland (legislative act of Dec. 23 1788) and Virginia (legislative act of Dec. 3, 1789). Cessions accepted by Congress by act of July 16, 1790; lines and bounds established by proclamation of President Washington, Mar. 30, 1791. Virginia's cession retroceded by act of Congress July 9, 1846. Governed by board of three commissioners appointed by President. (Act of June 20, 1874.) [973] COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO, THE INSULAR POSSESSIONS, AND TRUST Commonwealth of Puerto July 25, 1952 2, 349, 544 2,577, 000 3, 435 553 Acquisition Ceded to United States by Spain by Treaty of Paris, Dec. 10, Under the terms of the Isthmian Canal Convention of Nov. Guam. Aug. 1, 1950 67,044 68, 800 225 1 Administered under jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, 133 By purchase from Denmark, Mar. 3, 1917, for $25,000,000. The 687 Occupied during World War II. Placed under the United Administered under jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior except for the Saipan District, which is under Navy. Total. 65 106 142 186 213 242 232 237 243 293 332 357 391 435 435 435 437 435 Indicates representation of new States admitted after the respective decennial census appor tionments. NOTE: The original apportionment of Representatives was established in 1787 by the Constitution. Subsequent apportionments based on the 1st Census through the 6th Census were as follows (number of census, date of act, and ratio of persons per Representative): 1st, Apr. 14, 1792, 33,000; 2d, Jan. 14, 1802, 33,000; 3d, Dec. 21, 1811, 35,000; 4th, Mar. 7, 1822, 40,000; 5th, May 22, 1832, 47,700; 6th, June 25, 1842, 70,680. Apportionment based on the 7th Census (1850) through the 12th Census (1900) was determined by the Vinton method, and for the 13th Census (1910) and 15th Census (1930) the method of major fractions was employed, there being no reapportionment in 1920. Apportionment based on the 16th Census (1940), the 17th Census (1950), and the 18th Census (1960), was determined by the method of equal proportions, a description of which may be found in S. Doc. 304, 76th Cong., 3d sess. |