House, conferences must always be asked for by House having the papers-- ... 129 House rule XXVIII, form of statement to accompany a conference report required by.. 187 Instructions to conferees.. 147 Law and practice in regard to conferences and conference reports, the___ 127 Practice in regard to conferees and conference reports, the law The law and practice in regard to conference and confer The request for a conference must always be asked by the House GENERAL AND PERMANENT LAWS RELATING TO THE UNITED STATES SENATE [Extracts from the United States Code] SECTIONS INCLUDED TITLE 1.-GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER 2.-ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS; FORMALITIES OF U.S. Code Section 112. Statutes at large; contents; admissibility in evi- Senate Manual Section 201 CHAPTER 3.-CODE OF LAWS OF UNITED STATES AND SUPPLEMENTS; DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS 211. 212. Copies of (Codes of law) to Members of Congress. 202 42a. 43. Air mail and special-delivery postage allowances_ 231 43c. 46a. 46a-1. Restriction on payment of travel expenses------ 235 236 46c. 46d. Revolving fund for stationery allowances; avail- 238 239 46d-1. 46e. Long-distance telephone calls for Vice President 240 241 [Additional communication allowance]. 242 47. Mode of payment_‒‒‒‒‒ 243 48. 52. Certification of salary and mileage accounts---- 244 245 53. Payment of official office expenses of Senators in- 246 CHAPTER 4.-OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 60a. 60c-1. Positions and rates of compensation__-- 249 ployees of Senate__ 250 U.S. Code Employees' salaries changeable by Senators and committee chairmen___. 60f. 60j. Longevity compensation.... 60j-1. 61. Same; Capitol Police--- Senate Manual Section 251 251.1 251.2 Limit on rate of compensation of officers and em- Compensation of Secretary of Senate_--------- 253 255 256 257 61g. Compensation of Secretaries for the Senate 258 61h. Compensation of Assistant Secretaries for Senate Limitation on compensation of Sergeant at Arms 64a. Death, resignation, or disability of Secretary of Senate; Financial Clerk deemed successor as Insurance of office funds of Secretary of the Sen- 266 60 66. Fiscal year for adjustment of accounts of Secre- Same; per diem and subsistence expenses___ 272 273 274 72a-1a. Limitation on compensation of committee staff employees-- 277 72a-2. Basic compensation of employees of House and 278 72a-4. Computation of salaries and wages paid out of 279 88b. Same; other minors who are congressional em- 282 88c. Basic pay of Congressional pages-- 283 92e. Pay of clerical assistants as affected by death of 284 101. Subletting duties of employees of Senate or 285 102. Statements of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of 286 102a. Withdrawal of unexpended balances of appropri ations___ 287 |