ANGEL WHISPERS, OR THE ECHO OF SPIRIT VOICES. BY REV. D. C. EDDY. "The public have long felt the need of some specific book, which treats upon specific cases of affliction, to put into the hands of those whose friends have been taken from them by death. The present work is therefore gathered from a number of addresses made on funeral occasions, taking away the pulpit style, and interspersing them with appeals to the heart and conscience of the reader." 12mo. Price $1.00. DAYTON & WENTWORTH, Publishers, 27 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. THE OASIS, OR GOLDEN LEAVES OF FRIENDSHIP. By N. L. FERGUSON. This book commends itself to the consideration of those who do themselves the pleasure of falling in with the customs and usages of the times in exchanging presentations, felicitations, and congratulations. This work is well printed in large, bold, clear type, on first quality paper, and bound in rich muslin, full gilt, at the exceedingly low price of $1.00. DAYTON & WENTWORTH, Publishers, 27 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. THE CLOVEN FOOT. This is a book of 400 pages, designed to expose the Roman Catholic conspiracy against the government of the United States. By THE RECTOR OF OLDENWOLD. The talent and research displayed on every page of this work, together with the Startling Facts which it relates, will place it far in advance of the many hasty productions with which the press has teemed for the last six months. 1000 Native American Agents wanted, to sell this work. Price $1.25. Address DAYTON & WENTWORTH, Publishers, 27 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, BY DAYTON AND WENTWORTH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. A CONSTANT recurrence to the fundamental principles of government cannot be too much recommended to the citizens of a republic. It is in this manner only that a thorough and consistent knowledge of the duties which every man, as a good citizen, owes to the laws of his country, can be fostered. Believing this, we deem no apology necessary in presenting this volume to the public. We have embraced in this book that immortal document, the Declaration of Independence; and also the Constitution of the United States, which has formed the safeguard of our rights and the bulwark of our liberties, through many years of unparalleled peace and prosperity. Nothing can be more beneficial to every freeman than the perusal and study of these instruments; the general dearth of which, in family libraries, is sensibly felt by those who desire the information contained in such a manual as this. To these we have added those enactments which for the last few years have been the subject of so much discussion and general interest; such as the WOR 201UN 34 Fugitive Slave Bill of 1793, and the amendment to it of 1850, the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and the Bill to organize Kansas and Nebraska of 1854. It is somewhat surprising to note, that among persons who are constantly making these laws the topic of conversation and debate, so few who have ever perused the statutes themselves, but have depended upon the scandal and misrepresentations of newspapers for information in regard to their character. Perhaps this arises from the want of general circulation given by the government to the bills which pass Congress; but, nevertheless, that this ignorance exists, is too well known. To supply this want this volume has been carefully compiled; and the publishers have endeavored to present it in a form which will be acceptable for popular use. |