Acts Passed by the General Assembly of Georgia

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J. Johnston, 1856

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Page 240 - Philadelphia, be, and shall be, for ever hereafter, persons able and capable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended...
Page 66 - States," and shall so continue until the third day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and by that name shall be, and are hereby, made able and capable, in law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy, and retain, to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, of...
Page 45 - ... shares above sixty and not exceeding one hundred, one vote ; and for every ten shares above one hundred, one vote ; but no person, copartnership, or body politic, shall be entitled to a greater number than thirty votes. And, after the first election, no share or shares shall confer a right of suffrage, which shall not have been holden three calendar months previous to the day of election.
Page 32 - ... following — that is to say: For one share, and not more than two shares, one vote; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every four...
Page 48 - ... to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all state courts having competent jurisdiction, and in any circuit court of the United States...
Page 57 - States : and also to make, have, and use, a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew, at their pleasure...
Page 49 - That, in case it should at any time happen that an election of directors should not be made upon any day when pursuant to this act it ought to have been made, the said corporation shall not, for that cause be deemed to be dissolved ; but it shall be lawful on any other day to hold and make an election of directors in such manner as shall have been regulated by the...
Page 22 - ... bona fide mortgaged to it by way of security, or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealings, or purchased at sales upon judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts.
Page 392 - ... or both, at the discretion of the court before which such conviction shall be had.
Page 214 - You do swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty-one years of age, that you have resided in this State...

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