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him to receive the excess so paid at any station of the corporation in exchange for such certificate. A railroad corporation which violates any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars.


R. L. 111,

§ 3.

[SECTION 183. Every railroad corporation which has a ter- Commutation minus in Boston, except the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn 1900, 395. Railroad Company, shall sell a commutation ticket good for not $227. more than twenty-five trips between Boston and a station in the Repealed, suburban district, so-called, which is named therein, at the lowest rate for each trip which was charged between said points on the first day of July in the year nineteen hundred, except the rates charged for season tickets and for tickets on workingmen's trains.]

Acts of 1908, Chapter 649.

An Act relative to the Issuing of Mileage and Commutation Tickets by

Railroad Corporations.

tickets, de

SECTION 1. Every railroad corporation issuing mileage tickets shall, Mileage upon presentation of such a ticket by a passenger, detach therefrom tachment of one coupon and no more for each mile and fraction thereof actually coupons. travelled: provided, however, that for distances less than three miles Proviso. three coupons may so be detached. Distances to or from the station known as Back Bay on the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, and the stations known as Trinity Place and Huntington Avenue on the Boston and Albany railroad, shall be computed as if to or from the Boston terminal station.

SECTION 2. Every railroad corporation which has a terminus in Commutation Boston, except the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad Company, tickets. shall sell a commutation ticket good for not more than twelve rides between Boston and each station on its lines within fifteen miles of its terminal station in Boston, at a price not exceeding the average rate for each trip which was charged between said points for the twenty-fiveride commutation tickets in use on the first day of January in the year nineteen hundred and eight, excepting that the minimum fare shall be five cents. The said tickets, before issuance, shall be subject to approval by the board of railroad commissioners both as to the rate of fare and the conditions named therein. So far as is practicable, the rates of fare on all roads for like distances from their terminal stations shall be equal. In any city or town where the said twelve-ride ticket shall exceed in price the price now charged per trip for the twenty-fiveride ticket, then thereafter in the said city or town the said railroad companies shall continue to have for sale a twenty-five-ride ticket at the existing price.

Part II, § 183,

SECTION 3. Section one hundred and eighty-three of Part II, of 1906, 463, chapter four hundred and sixty-three of the acts of the year nineteen repealed. hundred and six is hereby repealed. [Approved June 13, 1908.

Acts of 1911, Chapter 508.

An Act relative to Season Tickets issued by Railroad Corporations.

SECTION 1. All railroads operating in the commonwealth of Massachu- Season tickets issued by railsetts and issuing season tickets between points within the commonwealth road corporashall, at the request and on the presentation of a season ticket by the tions may be holder thereof, place the same on deposit for not less than one week and reissue the ticket at the request of the owner, extending the period for



which the ticket was issued by a number of days equal to the number during which it remained on deposit: provided, however, that no ticket shall be deposited more frequently than at the rate of once in three months; and a holder shall have such further privileges as the railroad

commissioners shall approve.

Time of taking effect.

1906, 408, § 1, amended.

SECTION 2. All railroads operating in the commonwealth of Massachusetts and issuing season tickets between points within the commonwealth shall, at the request of a holder of a season ticket, reimburse said holder for the cost of the fare or fares paid by said holder between the stations named on the ticket whenever said holder fails to present the season ticket for fare. The holder of a season ticket in order to be entitled to reimbursement must, within one week, present to the proper officer of the railroad company the certificate given at the time of paying the fare together with the coupon from the season ticket.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage but shall not apply to any tickets heretofore issued.

(The foregoing was laid before the Governor on the twenty-fourth day of May, 1911, and after five days it had "the force of a law", as prescribed by the Constitution, as it was not returned by him with his objections thereto within that time.)

Acts of 1913, Chapter 179.

An Act relative to Bonds given by Certain Banks, Associations and Persons. Section one of chapter four hundred and eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six, as amended by section one of chapter three hundred and seventy-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven, is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "country", in the nineteenth line, the words: - and in the event of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the principal upon the payment of the full amount of such bond to the assignee, receiver or trustee of the principal, as the case may require, for the benefit of such persons as shall deliver money to said principal for safe keeping or for the purpose of transmitting the same to a foreign country, - so as to read as follows: - Section 1. All persons, partnerships, associations or corporations now or hereafter engaged in the selling of steamship or railroad tickets for transportation to or from foreign countries, or in the supplying of laborers, that, in conjunction with said business, carry on the business of receiving deposits of money for safe keeping, or for the purpose of transmitting the same, or equivalents thereof, to foreign countries, or for any other purpose, shall, before entering into or continuing in the said business, except as hereinafter provided, make, execute and deliver a bond to the treasurer and receiver general in such sum as the bank commissioner may deem necessary to cover money or deposits received for the aforesaid purposes by such persons, partnerships, associations or corporations, the bond to be conditioned upon the faithful holding and repayment of the money deposited as aforesaid, and upon the faithful holding and transmission of any money, or equivalent thereof, which shall be delivered to them for transmission to a foreign country, and in the event of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the principal upon the payment of the full amount of such bond to the assignee, receiver or trustee of the principal, as the case may require, for the benefit of such persons as shall deliver money to said principal for safe keeping or for the purpose of transmitting the same to a foreign country. If any person, partnership or member of a partnership, or any association or corporation engaged or financially interested in the selling of tickets or supplying of laborers as aforesaid is also engaged or financially interested in the business of receiving deposits of money as aforesaid, or if any person, partnership or member of a partnership, or any association or corporation engaged or financially interested in the business of receiving deposits of money as aforesaid is also engaged or financially interested in the selling of tickets or supplying of laborers as aforesaid, such person, partnership, member of a partnership, association or corporation, shall be held to be subject to the provisions of this section, under whatever name or by whatever persons the said business of selling tickets or supplying laborers or the said business of receiving deposits is carried on. [Approved February 26, 1913.*

Revised Laws, Chapter 209, § 2.

1898, 562,

1901, 371, § 3.

SECTION 2. Whoever forges or procures to be forged, or assists in Forgery of forging, the seal of the court of land registration, or, without lawful stamp or seal. authority, stamps or procures to be stamped, or assists in stamping, § 114. any document with such forged seal or with the genuine seal of said court, 188 Mass. 91. shall be punished as provided in the preceding section. Whoever forges or procures to be forged, or assists in forging, the stamp of any railroad company or of any railroad ticket agent, or stamps or procures to be stamped, or assists in stamping, any railroad ticket or railroad mileage book with such forged stamp, or with a genuine stamp of any railroad company or railroad ticket agent without being duly authorized thereto shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than three years or in jail for not more than two years, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars.

Transportation of Passengers.

passengers at

1871, 143.

P. S. 112, §181.

SECTION 184. A railroad corporation may make contracts Conveyance of for the conveyance of passengers upon designated trains for a reduced rates. specific distance at fixed times, at such reduced rates of fare 1874, 372, as the parties may agree upon. Tickets may be issued for such $135 passengers, upon which shall be plainly printed the terms upon 111. which they may be used. Such tickets shall not be transferable 228. without the consent of the corporation, nor shall they entitle the holder to ride upon a train which is not therein designated.

See 1911, 508.


R. L. 111,

SECTION 185. A railroad corporation which owns or oper- Bicycles as ates a railroad of standard gauge in this commonwealth shall 1900, 318. check and transport between stations within the limits of this $229. commonwealth, as baggage, and subject to the same charges, terms and liabilities as other baggage, one bicycle for each passenger who pays by a mileage book, by a ticket other than a season ticket, or in cash, the established fare, if it is not less than ten cents, exclusive of rebate. The weight of the bicycle shall be included in determining the total weight of the baggage to be transported for such passenger. Such corporation shall not require such bicycle to be crated, covered or otherwise protected.

SECTION 186. Every railroad corporation shall, upon re- Baggage quest, give checks to passengers for their baggage when de- 1854, 23. livered for transportation, and shall re-deliver the baggage to 1874, 372, the passengers upon the surrender of such checks. A corpora- $136112, $ tion which violates the provisions of this section shall forfeit R. L. 111, § 230. ten dollars for each offence.


G.S. 63, § 111.

• For further provisions with reference to this subject, see 1907, 377, §§ 2-7.


15 Gray, 447. 7 Allen, 329.

Injury, etc., to baggage by hackman, etc. 1869, 307. P. S. 203, §112.

Storage of baggage, charges. Amended, 1908, 504.

1907, 287, § 1, amended.

Charge for storage of baggage.

Publication of unclaimed effects of passengers. 1851, 147, § 1. G. S. 80, § 1. P. S. 96, § 1. 6 Allen, 253.

Sale of
1851, 147, § 2.
G. S. 80. § 2.
P. S. 96, § 2.

Proceeds to be paid to commonwealth. 1851, 147, § 3. G. S. 80, § 3. P. S. 96, § 3.

Revised Laws, Chapter 208, § 126.

SECTION 126. A baggage master, express agent, stage driver, hackman or other person, whose duty it is to handle, remove or take care of the baggage of passengers, who wilfully or recklessly destroys or injures a trunk, valise, box, package or parcel, while loading, transporting, unloading, delivering or storing the same, shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars.

Acts of 1907, Chapter 287.

An Act relative to Charges for Storage of Baggage by Railroad Corporations. SECTION 1. No charge shall be made by railroad corporations for the care or storage of baggage left at or arriving in railroad stations upon Friday, for the period of time between Friday and twelve o'clock noon of the following Monday.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved April 11, 1907.

Acts of 1908, Chapter 504.

An Act relative to the Charges for Storage of Baggage by Railroad Cor


SECTION 1. Section one of chapter two hundred and eighty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven is hereby amended by striking out the words "the forenoon", in the fourth line, and inserting in place thereof the words: - twelve o'clock noon, - so as to read as follows: - Section 1. No charge shall be made by railroad corporations for the care or storage of baggage left at or arriving in railroad stations upon Friday, for the period of time between Friday and twelve o'clock noon of the following Monday.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved May 7, 1908.

Revised Laws, Chapter 95, §§ 1-4.

SECTION 1. Railroad corporations and the proprietors of steamboats engaged in the transportation of passengers shall semi-annually, on the first Monday of January and July, publish, in one newspaper at least in every county of this commonwealth in which such corporations or proprietors have a passenger station or office, a descriptive list of all trunks, bags, valises, parcels and passengers' effects which have been left and then remain unclaimed at any passenger station or office, or in the possession of such corporations or proprietors or their agents, and the list shall indicate all such specific marks as may serve to identify the same.

SECTION 2. If at the expiration of six months after such advertisement any of the articles so advertised remain unclaimed, said corporations or proprietors having possession thereof shall give notice to the mayor and aldermen of the city or selectmen of the town in which the articles may be, who shall cause them to be examined, and may order them to be sold by public auction upon publication of notice of the time and place of sale as aforesaid, or may order them to be again advertised and to remain another six months before being sold.

SECTION 3. The proceeds of all articles thus sold, after deducting costs of storage, advertising and other expenses due to such corporations or proprietors, and the costs of said examination and sale, shall be paid over to the treasurer and receiver general for the use of the commonwealth.

neglect to ad

SECTION 4. If such corporations or proprietors neglect or omit so to Penalty for advertise and cause any such effects to be examined, they shall be liable vertise, etc. for all damages caused thereby, and shall also forfeit one hundred dollars 1851, 147, § 4. for each case of neglect or omission.

80, § 4. P. S. 96, § 4.

ing and eve1872, 348.

SECTION 187. Every railroad corporation which has a ter- Cheap mornminus in Boston shall, upon the application of two hundred or ning trains. more persons therefor, furnish on each week day a morning P. S. 112, train in and an evening train out for distances not exceeding R L. 111, fifteen miles, or suitable cars attached to other trains, and $231. reaching and leaving Boston at about six o'clock in the forenoon and afternoon, or at such hours as may be fixed by the board of railroad commissioners; and for such trains, shall furnish season tickets good once a day each way for six days in the week, at a rate not exceeding, for yearly tickets, three dollars a mile and for quarterly tickets, one dollar a mile.

men's trains.


SECTION 188. Every railroad corporation which has a ter- Workingminus in Boston shall furnish such number of workingmen's 1900, 298. trains, not less than two each way, as the board of railroad 222.111. commissioners, upon a petition for such trains filed with it, shall in each case order. Such trains shall arrive at Boston between six and half past seven o'clock in the morning and leave Boston between the same hours in the evening and special cars may be provided therefor. Season tickets, good once a day each way for six days in the week, shall be furnished for such trains at a rate not exceeding, for yearly tickets, three dollars a mile, and for quarterly tickets, one dollar a mile. Trip tickets now issued shall be good on the two trains authorized by this section, and shall not be withdrawn nor the rate therefor be increased without the consent of the board of railroad commissioners.

for express

1894, 469,

SECTION 189. Every railroad corporation shall sell to an Season tickets express messenger or to a person who conducts a local express messengers. business, as provided in section one hundred and ninety-seven, §§ 2.5. in its trains or cars within this commonwealth, a season ticket R1 111, for his personal transportation, at a price not exceeding that at See R. L. 70, which similar tickets are sold to passengers, upon receiving from 201 Mass. 579. him a release of all right, to whomsoever accruing, to damages

or compensation for death or for any personal injury received by him while riding on such ticket. The supreme judicial court or the superior court shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this section by injunction, mandamus or other suitable process.

§ 233.

§ 8.

state officers

1892, 59,

R. L. 111,

SECTION 190. Any person who, being governor, lieutenant Free passes to governor, member of the council, member or member-elect of forbidden. the general court, justice of the supreme judicial court, justice §§ 1-3. of the superior court, judge of probate, justice of a police, dis- $ 234. trict or municipal court or a county commissioner, who requests, for himself or another, accepts or uses any free pass upon a railroad, or any ticket which entitles him to transportation upon a railroad, for which he has paid a less price than is demanded of the public generally, and an officer, agent or em

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