Statutes of the Province of Canada, Part 1S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, Law Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, 1854 |
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Act passed Act to re-unite aforesaid amount apply appointed assembled by virtue Assented to 18th Bank Board of Trade British Ship By-laws Capital Stock Certificate Certificate of Registry Clergy Reserves Commissioners Company consent constituted and assembled Corporation Court Debentures Declaration deemed Directors Discharge Election entitled Fund Government of Canada Grand Trunk Railway herein-before hereinafter incur a Penalty Inspector intituled lands lawful Legislative Council liable Lighthouses Lower Canada manner Masters and Seamen meeting ment Merchant Shipping Montreal Mortgage Municipal Offence paid Parliament party payable Payment Penalty not exceeding Person Pilotage Place Port pounds currency Power Province of Canada Public Act purposes Quebec Queen's Most Excellent Railway re-unite the Provinces Receiver registered Registrar Registry repealed respect Salvage Schedule Seaman or Apprentice Section Seigniory Shareholders shares Shipping Master Stockholders subscribed therein thereof thousand pounds tion Trinity House Trustees United Kingdom Upper Canada vote Wages Wreck
Popular passages
Page 44 - By f 2, on the trial of any issue joined, or of any matter or question, or on any inquiry arising in any suit, action, or other proceeding in any court of justice, or before any person having by law, or by consent of parties, authority to hear, receive and examine evidence...
Page 67 - ... which such deductions are made, with the amounts of the respective deductions, as they occur, in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall, if required, produce such book at the time of the payment of wages, and also upon the hearing before any competent authority of any complaint or question relating to such payments.
Page 100 - For assaulting any master or mate he shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding twelve weeks, with or without hard labour : (70 For combining with any other or others of the crew to disobey lawful commands, or to neglect duty, or to impede the navigation of the ship or the progress of the voyage...
Page 234 - ... name, to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be -answered unto...
Page 104 - Kingdom shall be paid into the receipt of Her Majesty's exchequer in such manner as the treasury may direct, and shall be carried to and form part of the consolidated fund of the United Kingdom...
Page 100 - For continued wilful disobedience to lawful commands, or continued wilful neglect of duty, he shall be liable to imprisonment for any. period not exceeding twelve weeks, with or without hard labour, and also, at the discretion of the Court, to forfeit for every twenty-four hours' continuance of such disobedience or neglect either a sum not exceeding six days...
Page 23 - Book, or receivable by the Registrar ; and subject to any Rights and Powers appearing by the Register Book to be vested in any other Party, the registered Owner of any Ship or Share therein shall have power absolutely to dispose in manner hereinafter mentioned of such Ship or Share, and to give effectual Receipts for any Money paid or advanced by way of Consideration.
Page 204 - The stock of such company shall be deemed personal estate, and shall be transferable in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the company...
Page 101 - ... entry, or have the same read over distinctly and audibly to him, and may thereupon make such reply thereto as he thinks fit ; and a statement that a copy of the...
Page 66 - Any seaman who has signed an agreement and is afterward discharged before the commencement of the voyage or before one month's wages are earned, without fault on his part justifying such discharge, and without his consent, shall be entitled to receive from the master or owner, in addition to any wages he may have earned...