ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by AUTHOR AND PROPRIETOR, in the Clerk's Office, of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. TESTIMONIALS. MY DEAR SIR, I am, unexpectedly, compelled to be absent from the United States for a couple of months, which I the more regret, as it prevents me from taking an active part in the publication and circulation of your new book of practice under the present Code. Having examined it thoroughly, whilst it was in the progress of completion, I can speak understandingly of its merits. It is much needed at present, and will, I feel sanguine, answer all the purposes for which it was intended. I shall, most cheerfully, recommend it to all my personal friends at the Bar. Truly yours, NEW YORK, 4th May, 1852. TO HENRY WHITTAKER, Esq. N. DANE ELLINGWOOD. Having examined Mr. Whittaker's manuscript, I concur in Mr. Ellingwood's opinion of its merits, and cordially recommend it to the profession. ROBT. J. DILLON. I have examined 336 pages of Mr. Whittaker's new book of Practice under the Code, and I very cheerfully give to it my cordial approval, and strongly recommend it to members of the profession, throughout the State, as an excellent and thorough guide through the complexities of the new system. Mr. Whittaker had his office with me for some time, and I can speak knowingly of his excellent and extensive knowledge of the general principles of law, and of the accuracy and precision of his mind. I have not a doubt of the excellence and success of the work. NEW YORK, June 9th, 1852. J. W. GERARD. CONTENTS. OF THE COURTS OF JUSTICE WITHIN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CHAPTER I. Of Judicial and other Officers II. Of the different Courts of Justice within the State of New OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF AN ACTION, AND THE PRELIMINARIES CHAPTER I. Of the Preliminaries to the Commencement of an action OF PLEADING, GENERALLY CONSIDERED. CHAPTER I. Of the Essential Requisites of Pleading II. Of the Formal Requisites of Pleading III. Of the Correction of Pleadings by the Moving Party IV. Of the Correction of Pleadings, on Motion of the Adverse ON THE PLEADINGS IN AN ACTION, AND THE PROCEEDINGS IN CONNEC TION THEREWITH, DOWN TO THE JOINDER OF ISSUE. CHAPTER I. Of the Complaint, and the Proceedings collateral there- OF PROCEEDINGS BETWEEN ISSUE AND TRIAL CHAPTER I. Of Joinder of Issue, and its General Consequences II. Of Proceedings for the Purpose of bringing the cause to a |