The Dialect of the English Gypsies

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Asher, 1875 - 302 pages

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Page xvi - Tis sweet to hear, At midnight on the blue and moonlit deep, The song and oar of Adria's gondolier, By distance mellow'd, o'er the waters sweep ; 'Tis sweet to see the evening star appear ; 'Tis sweet to listen as the night-winds creep From leaf to leaf ; 'tis sweet to view on high The rainbow, based on ocean, span the sky.
Page xv - I loiter down by thorp and town; For any job I'm willing; Take here and there a dusty brown, And here and there a shilling. "I deal in every ware in turn, I've rings for buddin' Sally That sparkle like those eyes of her'n; I've liquor for the valet. "I steal from th...
Page viii - And roamed the world with that wild brotherhood, And came, as most men deemed, to little good, But came to Oxford and his friends no more.
Page 290 - Ther be many great wyldernes, in the which be many great wylde beastes. In the which wildernes liuid many holy fathers, as it apperyth in vitas patrum. The people of the country be swarte, and doth go disgisyd in theyr apparel, contrary to other nacyons: they be lyght fyngerd, and vse pyking; they haue litle maner, and euyl loggyng, and yet they be ples(a)unt daunsers. Ther be few or none of the Egipcions that doth dwel in Egipt, for Egipt is repleted now with infydele alyons.
Page 290 - Ibidem et vidimus gentem extra civitatem ritu Graecorum utentem, et de genere Chaym se esse asserentem, quae raro vel nunquam in loco aliquo moratur ultra XXX dies, sed semper, velut...
Page 1 - Uniform with the other small books on Language issued by HIH Prince Lucien Bonaparte. The value of this Vocabulary consists in the fact that the words were written down on occasions of ACTUAL CONVERSATIONS WITH GIPSIES, and that it was not compiled from...
Page 108 - ... life. ["Life is, to a Gypsy, an abstract idea or state, and death is a fact. It terminates life. The Gypsies have therefore taken the preceding state as part of the terminating fact, making death part of a man's life, and thus call life and death by the same name.
Page 289 - Mayfta ves barforas. Wyl you drynke some wine ? Mole pis lauena ? I wyl go wyth you. A vauatosa. Sit you downe, and dryncke.
Page 192 - ... the Rural Police, which, had it been established at the commencement instead of towards the middle of the present century, would have put down Gypsyism long ago. But, recent as its establishment has been, observe what it has produced. Walk from London to Carlisle, but neither by the road's side, nor on heath or common, will you see a single Gypsy tent.
Page xvi - ... and the rustle of the bushes, as some startled forest-creature plunges into deeper coverts; or perchance the faint sounds from a sequestered hamlet reach his ears, or the still more remote hum of a great city. Cradled from his infancy in such haunts as these, " places of nestling green for poets made...

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