COMPILED AND CONDENSED FROM THE JOURNALS OF CONGRESS AND OTHER OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND SHOWING THE VOTE BY YEAS AND NAYS ON THE MOST IMPORTANT DIVISIONS IN EITHER HOUSE. BY HORACE GREELEY. NEW YORK: DIX, EDWARDS & CO., 321 BROADWAY. 1856. ** FOR SALE BY DIX, EDWARDS & CO., 321 BROADWAY, N.Y. Any Book from this List sent, per Mail or Express, PAID, on receipt of price. BUTLER'S POETICAL WORKS; with Notes and Memoir. 12mo., cloth. Complete in three volumes. $2.00. BEN JONSON'S POEMS, with Biography. Complete it one vol., 75 cts. BROWN, JONES & ROBINSON; an Account of the Foreign Tour. 4to., cloth, gilt. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. $5.00. M. A. 75 cents. CHARTERS OF OLD ENGLISH COLONIES. Edited by S. LUCAS, COMPENDIOUS ANGLO-SAXON AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. BY THE REV. J. BOSWORTH, D. D. 8vo., cloth. $2.50. CHAUCER'S POETICAL WORKS; with Introduction, Notes, Memoir, and Glossary. Complete in eight volumes. $5.00. $2.50. COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. BY GILBERT A. BECKET. 2 vols., FISH TATTLE, ANCIENT AND MODERN. HISTORY OF THE JEWISH NATION. KINGSLEY, CHAS. 66 66 66 66 66 $1.50. BY C. D. BADHAM. Re First two vols., Library BY DR. EDERSHEIM. With A good Sunday School Book. SERMONS FOR THE TIMES. Foolscap, 8vo., cloth, $1.50. LIBRARY OF OLD ENGLISH AUTHORS, uniformly printed on fools cap, 8vo. JOHN MARSTON'S DRAMATIC AND POETICAL WORKS. Complete in 3 vols. $3.50. JOHN SELDEN'S TABLE TALK. 1 vol. $1.25. DRUMMOND OF HAWTHORNDEN'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 vol. $1.25. QUARLES ENCHIRIDION-INSTITUTIONS DIVINE, &c. 1 vol. $1.25. LEECH'S PICTURES OF LIFE, from the Portfolio of Mr. Punch. Folio, many Hundred Comical Illustrations. Half bound, $3.00. LEWIS, SIR G. CORNEWALL-EARLY ROMAN HISTORY. 2 vols. Svo., cloth, $7.00. NOTE BOOK OF A NATURALIST. By W. J. BRODERIP. cloth, $2.50. 8vo., OLDHAM'S POETICAL WORKS, with Notes. Complete in 1 vol. 621 cts. PHILOLOGICAL PROOFS OF THE ORIGINAL UNITY, and Recent Origin of the Human Race. By A. J. JOHNES. 8vo., cloth, $1.75. PINDAR, with Notes. By DR. DONALDSON. Fine 8vo. edition, cloth, $5.00. SANDFORD AND MERTON. Revised and Abridged, with many Wood STANLEY, BISHOP, HISTORY OF BIRDS. 12mo., cloth, $1. STIRLING, WILLIAM, VELASQUEZ AND HIS WORKS. 8vo., cloth, $1.50. CLOISTER LIFE OF CHARLES V. 8vo., cloth, $2.25. SONGS FROM THE DRAMATISTS, with Notes and Biographies. 12mo., cloth, 62 cents. SHAKSPEARE'S POEMS, collected, with Notes and References. cloth, 623 cents. 12mo., THACKERAY, W. M. MISCELLANIES, never before collected. 3 vols. 12mo., cloth. Per Volume, $1.50. WYATT'S POETICAL WORKS. Edited by ROBERT BELL. Notes, &c. 12mo., cloth, 623 cents. WALLER'S POETICAL WORKS, with Notes, &c. 12mo., cloth, 621⁄2 cts. From the Executive Committee of A HISTORY OF THE STRUGGLE · FOR SLAVERY EXTENSION OR RESTRICTION IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE TO THE PRESENT DAY. MAINLY COMPILED AND CONDENSED FROM THE JOURNALS OF CONGRESS AND YEAS AND NAYS ON THE MOST IMPORTANT DIVISIONS IN EITHER HOUSE. BY HORACE GREELEY. NEW YORK: DIX, EDWARDS & CO., 321 BROADWAY. 1856. HARVARD Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by DIX, EDWARDS & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. MILLER & HOLMAN, Printers and Stereotypers, N. Y. CONTENTS. Origin in 1620-Virginia the first Slave colony-Prohibited in Georgia-Adjudged illegal in Massachusetts-Slave Importation prohibited in Virginia and other colonies-Lord II. Slavery under the Confederation State cessions of Public Lands-Mr. Jefferson's Slavery Restriction in 1784-Defeated in Continental Congress by a minority vote-Mr. Dane's modified Restriction (1787)— Kentucky formed from Virginia-Tennessee from North Carolina-Alabama from Geor- gia-Congress forbidden by terms of cession to abolish or prohibit Slavery V. Early attempts to override the Ordinance of '87 Ohio-Indiana-John Randolph's Report-Cæsar Rodney's-Mr. Garnett's-Mr. Parke's VI. The First Missouri Struggle Purchase of Louisiana-Missouri Territory-Applies for Admission as a State-Gen. Tall- madge's Restriction on Slavery-Yeas and Nays thereon-Debate by Hon. Messrs. T. Fuller of Mass., James Tallmadge of N. Y., Scott of Mo., Cobb of Ga., and Livermore VII. The Second Missouri Struggle Missouri Question Revived-Memorial of Daniel Webster Resolves of the Legislatures of New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and |