Arsenals during the year 1854, report of the operations of the..... Arts, manufactures, and inventions during the year 1854, report of the Commissioner of Patents upon the condition and progress of the mechanical
Assay office, New York, report of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the progress of the building for the..
Astoria, Oregon, report of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the necessity of erecting a building for the custom-house at.. Auditor of the Treasury for the year 1854, annual report of the
for the year 1854, annual report of the Second..
for the year 1854, annual report of the Third.
for the year 1854, annual report of the Fourth..
for the year 1854, annual report of the Fifth
for the Post Office Department, annual report of the....
for the Post Office Department upon the financial condition of the Post Office Department during the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the........ transmitting a statement of the accounts remaining unsettled upon the books of his office more than three years prior to July 1, 1854, report of the Second..... 5
transmitting a statement of the accounts remaining unsettled upon the books of his office more than three years prior to July 1, 1854, report of the Third...... transmitting a statement of the accounts remaining ur settled upon the books of his office more than three years prior to July 1, 1854, report of the Fourth.... transmitting a statement of the accounts of disbursements made for the benefit of the Indians during the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Second......
Balances of appropriations for the service of the Navy Department for the year ending June 30, 1854, statement of the Second Comptroller of the...
Balances remaining upon the books of the Treasury, report of the First Comptroller upon the condition of the old..... Balances remaining upon the books of the Treasury, report of the Second Comptroller upon the condition of the old......
Balances of appropriations for the year ending June 30, 1854, for the service of the War Department, report of the Secretary of War transmitting a statement of the......
Balances due from the officers of the customs for more than three years prior to June 30, 1854, report of the Commissioner of Cus- toms transmitting a statement of the..
Bangor, Maine, report of the progress and condition of the building being constructed for the use of the custom-house at....... Banks throughout the Union, annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the condition of the State....
Bath, Maine, report of the progress and condition of the building
being constructed for the use of the custom-house at......
Beams and girders for buildings, report of the results of experiments
made to test the strength of wrought iron..
Boston, Massachusetts, proposals for the sale of a site for the build-
ing for the use of a court-house and post office in the city of...... 5 ....
Boundary line between the Chickasaw and Choctaw nation of In- dians, estimate for an appropriation for the expense of running and marking the..
Boundary line between the State of Texas and the Territories, esti- mate for an appropriation for the expense of running and marking | the....
Bounty-land law, a message from the President of the United States, transmitting an estimate for an appropriation for carrying out the | late...
Breadstuffs exported from 1821 to 1854 inclusive, statement of the amount of....
Brotherton tribe of Indians, report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs upon the claims preferred against the United States by
Buildings under the direction of the Treasury Department, report of the engineer in charge of the construction of public........ Burlington, Vermont, for the custom-house and post office, report upon the selection of a site at......
California, report of the commissioners to settle the private land
annual report of the surveyor general of public lands in the State of..
California claims contracted by Lieutenant Colonel Frémont in the years 1846 and 1847, report of the Secrtary of War, transmitting the report of the Board of Examiners of the....
California Indians, to the reservations allotted them, a message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents relative to the remo- val of the...
to the reservations allotted them, message from the President of the United States, transmit- ing an estimate for an appropriation for the expenses of the removal of the...
Capitol extension, report of the Superintendent of the progress made in the erection of the..
Carmick, (See Ramsey and Carmick).
Census, annual report of the Superintendent of the Seventh.
report of the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting con- densed statements of mortality as reported by the Seventh. 13 ....! 98
Central America, remarks of the President of the United States upon our diplomatic relations with the government of, and the pur- chase of the right of way across the isthmus of....
Charleston, South Carolina, report upon the condition and progress in erecting the building for the custom-house at Cherokee Indians, estimate for an appropriation for interest money due the....
Chicago, Illinois, report upon the purchase of a site for the custom- house at...
Chickasaw trust funds, statements shewing the amounts credited and paid during the year 1854, on account of the...
Chickasaw Indians, estimate for an appropriation for the expenses of running and marking the boundary line between the Choctaw
Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior, estimates for an appropriation for carrying into effect the treaty with the...
Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, estimate for an appropriation for the expenses of running and marking the boundary line between.. Cinncinnati, Ohio, report upon the condition and progress in erect- ing the building for the custom-house at.....
Civil and diplomatic expenses of the government for the year end- ing June 30, 1856, estimates for appropriations for the....... Clerks and other persons employed in the State Department during the year 1854, statement of the names and compensation of the... Clerks and other persons employed in the Navy Department during the year 1854, statement of the names and compensation of the..
Clerks and other persons employed in the Treasury Department during the year 1854, statement of the names and compensation
Clerks and other persons employed in the War Department during
the year 1854, statement of the names and compensation of the.., 8 Clerks and other persons employed in the Post Office Department during the year ending June 30, 1854, statement of the names and compensation of the...
Coast fisheries and reciprocal trade with the British North American provinces, remarks of the President of the United States upon the condition of the...
Coast Survey during the year ending June 30, 1854, report of the Superintendent of the names and compensation of the persons em- ployed upon the
Coast Survey during the year ending November 1, 1854, report of the Superintendent shewing the progress of the.
Coin and bullion imported and exported annually from 1821 to 1854 inclusive, statement of the amount of.
Coin and bullion in the U. States, statement of the estimated amount of Coinage for the year 1854, report of the Director of the Mint of the United States relative to the profits on the
Coins, report of the Director of the Mint of the United States, rela- tive to the fineness and value of certain foreign gold and silver... Commerce with foreign nations, condition of our... Commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1854, statement of the...
Commissary General of Subsistence of the Army, annual report of the....
Comptroller of the Treasury for the year 1854, annual report of the
transmitting a statement of the old bal- ances remaining upon the books of the treasury prior to June 30, 1854, a report of the First....
transmitting statements of the Second, Third, and Fourth Auditors of the Treasury of the balances on their books remaining unsettled for more than three years prior to July 1, 1854, a report of the First.
for the year 1854, annual report of the Second...
transmitting a statement of the old bal- ances remaining upon the books of the treasury prior to June 30, 1854, a report of the Second ....
Construction, Equipment, and Repair, for the year 1854, annual re- port of the Chief of the Bureau of.. Construction, Equipment, and Repair, for the year ending June 30, 1856, estimates for appropriations for the service of the Bureau of. (3 Contingent expenses of the Department of State for the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement of the....... 3 of foreign intercourse for the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Secretary of State transmitting a statement of the...
of the Treasury Department for the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a statement of the.. 5
of the military establishment during the year 1854, a report of the Secretary of War trans- mitting a statement of the...
of the War Department during the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the... of the Navy Department for the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Secretary of the Navy transmitting a statement of the .... 8
Contingent expenses of the Post Office Department for the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Postmaster General trans- mitting a statement of the
Contracts made by the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography du-
ring the year ending June 30, 1854, a statement of the.. 1 2 made under the authority of the War Department during the year 1854, a report of the Secretary of War trans- mitting a statement of the....
for the transportation of the mail made during the year ending June 30, 1854, a report of the Postmaster Gen- eral transmitting a statement of the...
Cotton exported annually from 1821 to 1854 inclusive, and the price per pound, a statement shewing the amount of... Court-houses and post offices in the cities of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, a report of the Secretary of the Interior and Postmaster General in relation to the sites for the buildings for the use of the.
Creek Indians since their removal west of the Mississippi river, cor- respondence respecting the difficulties between the Seminoles and. 4 Cuba, a report of the conference of the American ministers at Os- tend relative to the purchase of the island of.... Custom-houses, annual report of the engineer in charge of the con- struction of the buildings for...
report of the engineer in relation to the selection of sites for....
Custom-house at Milwaukie, Wisconsin, a report of the Secretary
of the Treasury relative to the insufficiency of the building authorized to be erected for a...
at New Orleans, Louisiana, a report of the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting tabular statements of the subsidence of the walls of the......
Customs, annual report of the Commissioner of....
transmitting a statement of the old balances upon the books of his office against the officers of the customs, a report of the Commissioner of....
transmitting a statement of the balances due from officers of the customs for more than three years prior to June 30, 1854, a report of the Commissioner of.
a statement of the number of persons employed in the several districts for the collection of the......
Darien, between Caledonia bay, on the Carribean sea, and the gulf of San Miguel, on the Pacific, report of Lieutenant J. G. Strain of the exploration of the isthmus of...
Deaths in the navy during the year 1854, a statement of the... Debt on the 1st of July, 1853, a statement of the amount of the public Debt on the 1st of July, 1854, a statement of the amount of the public Debt on the 20th of November, 1854, a statement of the amount of the public....
Deductions from the pay of contractors for carrying the mails during the year 1854, a statement of the fines and.. Delaware Indians, a report of the Secretary of the Interior, trans- mitting the correspondence in relation to carrying out the treaty stipulations with the.
Depositories of the public moneys, report of the examination of the
Depositories, a statement showing the amounts to the credit of dis- bursing agents at the several public..
Disbursements for the Post Office Department for the year ending June 30, 1854, a letter of the Treasurer of the United States, trans-
mitting a statement of the receipts and.
Dismissions from the navy during the year 1854, a statement of the. 1 District of Columbia, remarks of the Secretary of the Interior, re-
commending the completion of the bridge across the Potomac river at the Little Falls in the...
District of Columbia, for the year 1854, report of the warden of the penitentiary, in the....
District of Columbia, report of the superintendent of the National Insane hospital, in the....
District of Columbia, report of the Secretary of the Interior relative to the organization of the asylum for the insane of the army and navy and of the..
Duties on articles imported, now made free by the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, statement of the amount and rates of.. Duties on articles under the present tariff recommended by the Sec- retary of the Treasury for free admission, a statement of the...... 2
Egypt, message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence relative to the expulsion of the Greeks from. Engineer of the army of the operations of his office in relation to the fortifications and other defences of the country during the year 1854, report of the Chief.
Engineers of the operations of his office, and improvement of the har- bors on the lakes and the western rivers, during the year 1854, re- port of the Colonel of Topographical...
Engineer in relation to the river and harbor defences and the Wash- ington aqueduct, report of the Chief.
Estimates for appropriations for the support of the Military Acade- my for the year ending June 30, 1856........
Engineers in relation to the improvement of lake harbors and western rivers since their last annual report, reports of the Board of.
letter of the superintendent explanatory of the.... for an appropriation for the continuation of the Wash (3 ington aqueduct..
for appropriations for the expenses of the survey of the northern and northwestern lakes
for appropriations for the improvement of the harbors of Burlington, Vermont, Oswego, Sodus bay, Cayuga county, Sodus bay, Wayne county, Genessee river Oak Orchard creek, Buffalo, Dunkirk, and Erie, for the year ending June 30, 1856....
for at propriations for the harbors of Conneaut, Ash- tabula, Grand river, Cleveland, Black river, Vermil- lion, Huron, Sandusky, and Monroe..
for appropriations for the improvement of the Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, and Ohio rivers....... for an appropriation for building piers at the North cut, at Milwaukie, Wisconsin..
for an appropriation for the support of the office of the Secretary of the Navy for the year ending June 30,1 1856...
for an appropriation for the expenses of the southwest executive building for the year ending June 30, 1856.. (3 for an appropriation for the pay of the commission and warrant officers of the navy, including the engineer corps not on duty and officers on duty, not included in the estimates of the bureaus, for the year ending June 30, 1856.....
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