person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the senate shall choose the vice president: a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of senators, a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president, shall be eligible to that of vice president of the United States. Census, see Enumeration. to make all laws which 114 86 is restricted from laying 346 from passing any law to against U. States, means, consequences deduced 220 222 ib. cases in which it ib. when appellate 226 circuit, 227 district 231 territorial ib. their jurisdiction ib. 262 liable to punishment by law of nature 268 against people of U. States 262 their concurrent jurisdic- tion with those of states 202.205 the command of the the qualified power of appointing to executive and 158 162 tary of state 165 of the 132 treasury ib. 128 of the navy ib. 199 of war ib. 277 Officers, their commissions 166 134 delivery not essential to the validity of a commission - ib. 203 duration of commissions - ib. Jeopardy of life or limb, no one to be twice put in for the same offence Judicial districts power offices, tenure of Jury, trial by Jurisdiction in suits by or against states admiralty and mari- time Jurisdiction, concurrent, between U. States and state courts-see courts. appellate of supreme court of United States, in what not grantable on convic- tions by impeachments, and why 293 cases 241 Patents for useful inventions 105 congress upon receiving a mes- - 172 171 on the principle of the repre- composed of re- its power as to its duty and pow- tutes a quorum a but 41 ib. 46 47 48 49 75 bers 195 cannot adjourn ib. journal of its pro- ceedings ib. Restrictions 115.282 71 his duty as to carry- neutrality maintained by him - his power as to ac- knowledging the new establish- his duty in case of war breaking out between two or more external nations in re- spect to preserving neutrality 197 Revenue defined may require the opi- nions of the principal executive ment of Presidential electors, appoint- Private property, when it may be taken for public use Provincial governments Punishments 268 Search warrants 127 |