sherifs, or other collectors, immediately after the said Distress for. tenth day of April, to distrain the goods and chattels of the person or persons so neglecting and refusing, and to sell and dispose thereof, for tobacco, in the same manner as is directed by law, for goods taken in execution; and the overplus (if any be) after paying the said levies, quit-rents, and fees, and the charge of distress, which is hereby declared to be the same as for serving an execution, shall be returned to the debtor. able. XXIX. Provided always, That where any goods Distress for or chattels shall be distrained for non-paiment of quit quit-rents rents, the same shall not be redeemed, but by the pai- how redeemment of sterling money, or bills of exchange, for so much as the said quit-rents amount to: And if not redeemed, the sheriff shall sell the same for sterling money, or bills of exchange, accordingly. when to ac XXX. And the sherifs, or other collectors of the Sheriffs and said levies and fees, shall before the last day of April, collectors yearly, pay and deliver to each creditor, according to count. their respective debts or claims, all the inspectors notes he or they have received, in satisfaction thereof. And if any sheriff, or other collector, shall refuse or delay to make paiment accordingly, if required, he or they so refusing or delaying, shall forfeit and pay the party grieved, double the value of the tobacco, so refused or delaied to be paid: To be recovered, with costs in any court of record within this dominion, if the debt due exceeds two hundred pounds of tobacco, and before any justice of the peace, if the debt be two hundred pounds of tobacco, or under. burnt or XXXI. And be it further enacted, That when any Refused totobacco shall be brought to any of the public warehous-bacco to be es, and refused by the inspectors there officiating, the picked. same shall be immediately burnt by them, unless the owner or person bringing such tobacco, desires to sort and separate the same, and to pick out such as is bad; in which case the inspectors shall permit the same to be done at the warehouse, to which the said tobacco shall be brought, without fee or reward: But shall not, on any pretence, suffer the said tobacco to be removed or carried from the said warehouse. And the said inspectors shall allow one month for separating and picking such tobacco; after which time, if the same be not done, it shall be lawful for them to burn the whole, except where the tobacco is in a sweat, or where : the circumstances or accidents of weather may have prevented the handling of it; in which case the inspectors shall allow such further time as they shall think reasonable. And where any tobacco shall be separated and picked, as aforesaid, the trash and bad tobacco shall be burnt by the inspectors, on the same day it is picked out, under the penalty of forfeiting five shillings for every failure, to the informer. Liability of overseers. XXXII. And if any tobacco packed in cask by an overseer, or the hands under his care, shall be burnt by the said inspectors, by reason of it's being bad, unsound, or not in a good condition, the overseer who had the care of making and packing the same, shall bear the loss of the tobacco so burnt, and make satisfaction for the same, out of his share of the crop or otherwise. And the inspectors shall be obliged to keep an account of all tobacco so burnt. And to the intent the just quantity of tobacco exported, may be more exactly known, and all evil practices to defraud his majesty of his customs prevented; XXXIII. Be it enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That all inspectors shall carefully enter in a book to be, provided and kept for that purpose, the marks, numed in a book. bers, gross, nett weight, and tare of all tobacco viewed and stamped by them, as aforesaid, and in what ships or vessels the sameshall beladen, or put on board: And shall also, with every sloop-load or boat-load of tobacco, send a list of the marks, numbers, gross, nett weight, and tare of every hogshead of tobacco then delivered, to be given to the master of the ship or vessel in which the same shall be put on board. And if the tobacco delivered to the same sloop or boat, is intended to be put on board several ships or vessels; then they shall deliver so many distinct and several lists, as aforesaid, of the hogsheads to be put on board such ship or vessel, respectively: Which lists, every master of a ship or vessel is required to produce to, and lodge with, the naval officer of the district where the ship or vessel, whereof he is master, shall ride, or by whom he shall be cleared, some time before her clearance. But whereas it may happen, that the ship in which such tobacco was intended to be put, may be so shuiven the full, as not to be able to stow all the tobacco contained in such list; in such case, it shall and may be lawful to ship the said tobacco, or any part thereof, on Weights of all tobacco to be enter Manifests. Proviso where the cannot tobacco. board any other ship or ships, where the owner thereof shall think fit, the masters of such ships indorsing on the said lists, the marks and numbers of the respective hogsheads by them taken on board, and giving notice to the inspectors of the warehouse from whence the same was brought: Or if there be no ship to receive the said tobacco, then it shall and may be lawful for the master of the first mentioned ship or vessel to put the said tobacco into the nearest warehouse to the place where such ship shall ride, giving immediate notice thereof to the inspectors who stamped the same. And the inspectors of that warehouse where such tobacco shall be delivered, shall give a receipt for the same, and shall cause the said tobacco to be safely lodged, and delivered to the order of the owner thereof, whenever he or she shall think fit to ship it off; and that without fee or reward. XXXIV. And be it further enacted, That every Duty of masmaster of a ship or vessel wherein tobacco shall be la- ters of vesden, shall, at the time of clearing, deliver to the naval sels and naval officers, officer, two fair manifests of all the tobacco on board in relation to his ship or vessel, expressing the marks and numbers manifests. of every hogshead, and the tare and nett weight stamped thereon, the person by whom shipped, and from what warehouse, and shall make oath thereto; and that the same is a just and true account of the marks, numbers, tare and nett weight, of each respective hogshead, as the same was taken down by the person or persons appointed by him to take the same, before the said tobacco was stowed away. And no ship or vessel shall be cleared by the naval officer, before he shall have received such lists and manifests; one of which said manifests shall, by the said naval officer, be annexed to such master's certificate or clearance, to the end the same may be delivered to the chief officer of the customs, in such port or place where the said ship shali unlade, and the other of the said manifests shall, by the said naval officer, be transmitted to the said chief officer of the customs, by the next convenient opportunity. established. XXXV. And be it further enacted, by the authority Warehouses aforesaid, That public warehouses for the inspection of tobacco, pursuant to this act, shall be kept at the several places herein after mentioned; that is to say, in the county of Accomack, at Pitt's landing, upon Poko J In the moke, and at Guilford's, where the warehouses are now kept, under one inspection. At Pungoteague. in the same county, and Nasswaddox, in Northampton county, where the warehouses are now kept, under another inspection. In the county of Caroline, at Conway's and Roy's. In the county of Charles City, at Swinherd's; and upon the land of Mr. Richard Kennon, where the warehouses are now kept. county of Elizabeth City, at Hampton, upon Mr. Miles's lot. In the county of Essex, at Bowler's; and on Piscataway creek, where the warehouses now are, under one inspection. At Hobb's Hole, at Layton's, and on Occupalia Creek, on the land of James Garnet, where Robert Jones formerly dwelt, under one inspection.In the county of Gloucester, at Gloucester Town; at Eastermost River; at Deacon's Neck; and at Poropotank, where the warehouses are now kept. In the county of Hanover, at Crutchfield's, upon Mr. Page's land; and at Meriwether's. In the county of Henrico, at Warwick, and at Shockoe's, where the warehouses are now kept. And at Bermuda Hundred, and Turkey Island, where the warehouses are now kept, under one inspection. In the county of Isle of Wight, at Wainwright's; and on Smith's land, on the east side of Pagan Creek, under one inspection; and at Warwicksqueak Bay. In the county of King and Queen, at Shepherd's, and Thomas Turner's, under one inspection; at Mantapike, and Walker Town, on the lot of Mr. John Walker, under another inspection; and at Todd's. In the county of King William, at Aylett's, Quarles's, and Williams's. In the county of King George, at Bray's Church, Falmouth; and upon Jonathan Gibson's land, where the warehouses are now kept; and on Mr. George Morton's land. In the county of Lancaster, at Davis's, and Shelton's, under one inspection; at Dimer's, upon Hadway's Creek, in the same county; and Indian Creek in the county of Northumberland, under another inspection; and at Deep Creek. In the county of Middlesex, at Kemp's. and Urbanna, where the warehouses are now kept. In the county of Norfolk, at Norfolk Town, upon the Fort land; at the great Bridge, on Mr. Samuel Boush's; and at Kemp's Landing, in the county of Princess Anne, under one inspection. In the county of Nansemond, at Sleepy Hole, Lawrence's, and Constance's, In the county of Northampton, at Cherrystone's and Hungar's, XXXVI. And there shall be paid to the several in- Inspectors spectors appointed to attend, and attending the said se salaries. veral warchouses, the salaries herein after mentioned; that is to say, to each of the inspectors, |