| Great Britain - 1765 - 592 pages
...promiffory note for payment of ^ money, Indorfement or alignment of any bill of exchange or promiffory note for payment of money, acquittance or receipt,...for money or goods, with Intention to defraud any perfon, knowing the fame to be falfe, forged, or counterfeited; then every fuch per f on, being thereof... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 608 pages
...promiffory note for payment of money, indorfement or affignment of any bill of exchange or promiffory note for payment of money, acquittance or receipt,...either for money or goods, with intention to defraud F 3 any Penalty for Jill (111 y Mill To fleal orders, tallies, Sec. felony. any perfon, knowing the... | |
 | Great Britain - 1766 - 586 pages
...promiflory note for payment of money, indorfement, or affigment of any bill of exchange, or promiflory note for payment of money, acquittance or receipt...for money or goods, with intention to defraud any corporation^ knowing the fame to be falle, forged, or counterfeited ; then way fuch perfon, being thereof... | |
 | New York (State) - 1792 - 552 pages
...promiflory note for payment of. money, endorfement or affignment of any bill of exchange, or promiirory note for payment of money, .acquittance or receipt, either for money or goods, or any acceptance of any bill of exchange, or the number, or priacipal.ium ef any accountable receipt,... | |
 | Charles Viner - 1801 - 484 pages
...note for payment of •' money, mdorfement, or aifignment of any bill of exchange, or " promiflbry note for payment of money, acquittance, or receipt...for money or goods, with intention to defraud any cor. " poraííon, knowing the fame to be falfe, forged, or counterfeited j " then every fuch perfon... | |
 | Thomas Eddy - 1801 - 120 pages
...any goods, wares or merchandizes, indorfement or aflignment of any bill of exchange, or promiffory note for payment of " money, acquittance or receipt either for money or goods, or any acceptance of any bill of exchange, or the number or principal fum of any accountable receipt... | |
 | Virginia - 1803 - 1022 pages
...tcflament, bond, writing obligatory, bill of exchange, promiflbry note for the payment of money, or any acquittance or receipt, either for money or goods, with intention to defraud any perfon whatfoever, or !hall utter, or publiih as true, any falfe, forged, or counterfeited deed, will,... | |
 | 1805 - 672 pages
...any Person whatsoever, or shall utter or publish as true, any false, forged, or counterfeited Deed, Will, Testament, Bond, ^Writing Obligatory, Bill of...Promissory Note for Payment of Money, Indorsement or or Assignment of any Bill of Exchange, or Promissory Note for Payment of Money, Acquittance, or Receipt,... | |
 | Thomas Walter Williams - 1808 - 906 pages
...or procure to be falsely made,&c. or •willingly act or assist in the false making, &c. any deed, will, testament, bond, writing obligatory, bill of...or assignment of any bill of exchange or promissory unie tor the paymentofmoney,«c<rpl</n<"* of any Bill of Exchange, or any acquittance, o; receipt for... | |
 | South Carolina - 1808 - 602 pages
...incorporated or unincorporated bank or company within this state or any of the United States, pr any indorsement or assignment of any bill of exchange or promissory note, for payment of money, or of any bank note for payment of money of any incorpo rated or unincorporated bank or company -within... | |
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