| Joseph Chitty - 1812 - 708 pages
...the space of three calendar months, unless the money forfeited shall be sooner paid, or until such offender, thinking him or herself aggrieved by such...the next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be held for the county or place wherein the cause of complaint shall arise, and shall enter into recognizance... | |
 | Joseph Gabbett - 1812 - 712 pages
...forfeited shall be sooner paid, or unless or until such offender shall give notice to the informer thnt he intends to appeal to the justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions to be holden for the county, &c. wherein the offence shall be committed, and shall enter into recognizance... | |
 | William Thomas Roe - 1812 - 660 pages
...same rected.Vraifershall be delivered, shall neglect to deliver the tog the' same, same to such clerk of the peace, at the next general quarter sessions of the peace as aforesaid, or shall wilfully -alter or deface any such duplicate ; every such assessor and chief... | |
 | William Paley - 1814 - 450 pages
...person shall find himself aggrieved by the Judgment of any Justice, lie may upon giving security, &c. appeal to the Justices of the Peace at the next General Quarter Sessions for the county, Sec. who are finally to hear and determine.' The Conviction was the 23d of June; the... | |
 | 1815 - 442 pages
...the Peace for the said county, in order to his being called upon for his security for his appearance at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be holden for the said county, then and there to answer the allegations, and aleo the being of good behaviour in the... | |
 | Richard Vaughan Barnewall - 1816 - 644 pages
...recognizance before us the said justices with two sufficient sureties for his personal appearance at the then next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden for the said county of Middlesex, then and there to prosecute his appeal with effect to the said conviction,... | |
 | Edward Christian - 1817 - 374 pages
...shall and may, upon giving security to the amount of double the said penalty or , penalties, penalties, appeal to the justices of the peace at the next General Quarter Sessions for the county, riding, or division, or to the justice, clerk, or other officer of the Court of Justiciary... | |
 | William Toone - 1817 - 932 pages
...county of , who shall 'forthwith reimburse the same to the said treasurer of the county of , and apply to the justices of the peace, at the next general quarter sessions for the county of , for the allowance of the said account, and for their order to the overseers of... | |
 | Joseph Chitty - 1818 - 892 pages
...of three calendar month?, unless the money forfeited shall be sooner paid, or unless or until such offender thinking him or herself aggrieved by such...of the peace at the next general quarter sessions ut the peace to be holden for the county, riding, or place wherein the offence shall be committed,... | |
 | 1819 - 1216 pages
...such distress and sale being first deducted) : nevertheless it shall be lawful for any party aggrieved to appeal to the justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions to be holden for the county, or place, where the said offence shall have been committed, giving six... | |
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