BUSINESS LAW FOR BUSINESS MEN STATE OF CALIFORNIA A Reference Book Showing the Laws of Cali- ELEVENTH EDITION Revised New Edition By A. J. BLEDSOE STANT CORD LIBRARY PREFACE TO ELEVENTH EDITION. The Eleventh Edition of my business law book is now offered to the public. The work is revised so as to include the latest amendments. In revising the book it was found necessary to omit some subjects, to add others, to leave some things out, to put some things in, with the purpose of making the new edition still more popular and useful. The success of the preceding ten editions of this work has been such that I may justly claim my "Business Law for Business Men" is now a standard work, and worthy of a prominent place in any library. There is every reason to believe that the new edition will meet with equal favor with those of the past, for which favorable reception by the public I wish to express, in advance, my continued and sincere appreciation. My experience and observation during a busy life in the practice of law have served to demonstrate to me that much vexatious and expensive controversy, arising from a lack of knowledge of the laws of the state on matters of every-day business, may be avoided, if business men have the means of ascertaining at the moment what their rights and liabilities will be. Men usually go to a lawyer after a controversy has occurred, and seek a lawyer's advice, not to keep out of trouble, but to be extricated from it. The plan of this work is, to so arrange and illustrate the laws of California pertaining to ordinary business affairs, and rights and obligations in many relations of life, that a busy man can turn immediately to the page and section and find the information he needs, before assuming a liability himself or attempting to enforce a right against others. A. J. BLEDSOE. A. J. BLEDSOE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW HERMAN W. HELLMAN BUILDING General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Special Attention to Organization of Common Law Companies in California. Legal Advice at Office. Written Opinions by Mail. REFERENCE: Judge F. M. Angellotti, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, in a letter written by him in 1919, made the following statement: "I have known Mr. Bledsoe personally for many years, and I can say that, as a lawyer and legislator, he has always had a good reputation in California, and in the trial of cases before this Court he has always conducted himself in a legitimate and honorable manner." HAVE SAID JUDGE F. M. ANGELOTTI. (Late Chief Justice) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT, CHAMBERS OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICE FRANK M. ANGELLOTTI. A. J. BLEDSOE, ESQ. San Francisco. I appreciate your courtesy in sending me a copy of your book, "Business Law for Business Men," and the limited examination I have been able to give it satisfies me that it is a very creditable work, containing much useful information. Yours very truly, F. M. ANGELLOTTI. JUDGE LUCIEN SHAW (Late Chief Justice) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT, MR. A. J. BLEDSOE. Dear Sir: San Francisco. I have examined your "Business Law for Business Men" with some care, and am very much pleased with it. It is concise, the style is clear, and the matter generally accurate and complete. It is the best work of the kind that I have seen. Yours very truly, LUCIEN SHAW. |