Select Works of the British Poets: From Chaucer to Jonson, with Biographical Sketches

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Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1831 - 1016 pages

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Page 305 - How oft do they their silver bowers leave, To come to succour us, that succour want? How oft do they with golden pinions cleave The flitting skies, like flying pursuivant, Against foul fiends to aid us militant?
Page 305 - How oft do they with golden pinions cleave The flitting skies like flying pursuivant, Against foul fiends to aid us militant! They for us fight, they watch and duly ward, And their bright squadrons round about us plant; And all for love, and nothing for reward: O why should Heavenly God to men have such regard ? LONDON: APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS.
Page 242 - The lyon would not leave her desolate, But with her went along, as a strong gard Of her chast person, and a faythfull mate Of her sad troubles and misfortunes hard : Still...
Page 327 - Such as attonce might not on living ground, Save in this Paradise, be heard elsewhere : Right hard it was for wight which did it heare, To read what manner musicke that mote bee ; For all that pleasing is to living eare Was there consorted in one harmonee ; Birdes, voices, instruments, windes, waters, all agree ; The joyous birdes, shrouded in chearefull shade, Their notes unto the voice attempred sweet ; Th...
Page 234 - That greatest Gloriana to him gave, (That greatest Glorious Queene of Faery lond) To winne him worshippe, and her grace to have, Which of all earthly thinges he most did crave : And ever as he rode his hart did earne...
Page 234 - Behind her farre away a Dwarfe did lag, That lasie seemd, in being ever last, Or wearied with bearing of her bag Of needments at his backe.
Page 429 - Or weigh the thought that from mans mind doth flow : But if the weight of these thou canst not show, Weigh but one word which from thy lips doth fall : For how canst thou those greater secrets know, That doest not know the least thing of them all ? Ill can he rule the great that cannot reach the small.
Page 318 - Deare countrey ! O! how dearely deare Ought thy remembraunce and perpetuall band Be to thy foster Childe, that from thy hand Did commun breath and nouriture receave. How brutish is it not to understand How much to her we owe, that all us gave ; That gave unto us all what ever good we have.
Page 236 - Then choosing out few words most horrible, (Let none them read) thereof did verses frame ; With which, and other spelles like terrible, He bad awake blacke Plutoes griesly Dame ; And cursed heven ; and spake reprochful shame Of highest God, the Lord of life and light : A bold bad man, that dar'd to call by name Great Gorgon, prince of darknes and dead night ; At which Cocytus quakes, and Styx is put to flight.
Page 495 - doe men The heavens of their fortunes fault accuse, Sith they know best what is the best for them; For they to each such fortune doe diffuse, As they doe know each can most aptly use: For not that which men covet most is best, Nor that thing worst which men do most refuse ; But fittest is, that all contented rest With that they hold : each hath his fortune in his brest.

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