| John Havett - 1703 - 380 pages
...you, what thank have you ? do not even the Publicans the fame ? And if ye falutf. your Brethren thre n only, what do ye more than others ? do not even the Publicans fo ? Again, as to their Difcourfe and Speech, he chargeth thofe that are his Difciples, to refrain... | |
| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...of Mind let each efteem other better than themfelves. a Honour all Men. If ye falute your Brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the Publicans fo ? b Ye younger , fubmit your felves unto the elder; yea, all of you, be (ubject one to another,... | |
| Grégoire Girard (originally Jean Baptiste Melchior Gaspard Balthazar) - 1747 - 314 pages
...love you, what reward have ye? do not even the Publicans the same? " And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others ? do not even the...Publicans so? " Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect*." How sublime is the object which He thus places before the eyes... | |
| Thomas Halyburton - 1751 - 552 pages
...our great Lord and Mafter, who is the beft judge, Matth. v. 47, 48.'' sindif ye falute your brethren only, -what do ye more than others ? do not even the publicans fa ? Be therefore per f eft, even as your father -which is in heaven is perfeft. The plain meaning... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - 498 pages
...reward have you ? do not 4f even the publicans the fame ? and if ye falute SER M. « your brethren only, what do ye more than others ? " do not even the publicans fo ?" And then concludes, that if we would attain that perfection which the chriftian religion defigns... | |
| Edward Goldney - 1760 - 192 pages
...(fays he) what reward have ye ? " Do not even the publicans the fame ; if ye falute your *' brethren only, what do ye more than others ? do " not even the publicans fo ?" Matt. v. 46, 47. As if the blefled Jefus had faid, Heathens by the light of nature are inclined... | |
| William Penn - 1782 - 506 pages
...exprefsly forbids it. But the meaning. of Chrift's faying, Matt. v. " And if you falute your '' brethren only, what do ye more than others ? Do '' not even the publicans fo ?" is this ; that in all acts of love, mercy, and gaodnefs, they were to exceed the practice of... | |
| Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge - 1785 - 618 pages
...our Lord? " If ye love them " who love you, what reward have ye ? And if " ye falute your brethren only, what do ye more " than others ? Do not even the publicans the '' fame." Not a few boait of their charity at the expence of almoft every other virtue ; be\ caufc... | |
| 1788 - 598 pages
...love you, what reward have ye ? do not even the publicans the fame ? 47 And if ye falute your brethren only, what do ye more than others ? do not even the publicans fo ? 48 Be ye therefore perfecl, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. CHAP. VI. i AKE... | |
| John Wesley, George Story - 1801 - 592 pages
...love you, what reward have ye ? do not even the publicans the fame ? And if ye falute your brethren only, what do ye more than others ? do not even the publicans fo ? Be ye therefore perfeft, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect. " — This certainly... | |
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