FARM CREDIT ACT OF 1933 FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1933 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The committee met at 10 a.m., in room 1324, new House Office Building, Hon. Marvin Jones (chairman) presiding. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will please come to order. We have met this morning for the purpose of considering H.R. 5790, which is for the purpose of implementing and carrying out the provisions of the Executive order which consolidated the various agencies engaged in loaning money for agricultural purposes. (The bill referred to is as follows:) [H.R. 5790] A BILL To provide for organizations within the Farm Credit Administration to make loans for the production and marketing of agricultural products, to amend the Federal Farm Loan Act, to amend the Agricultural Marketing Act, to provide a market for obligations of the United States, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I SECTION 1. This act shall be known as the "Farm Credit Act of 1933." ESTABLISHMENT OF PRODUCTION CREDIT CORPORATIONS AND BANKS FOR COOPERATIVES 66 SEC. 2. The Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "governor ", is authorized and directed to organize and charter twelve corporations to be known as Production Credit Corporations and twelve banks to be known as Banks for Cooperatives." One such corporation and one such bank shall be established in each city in which there is located a Federal land bank. The directors of the several Federal land banks shall be ex officio the directors of the respective Production Credit Corporations and Banks for Cooperatives. Such directors shall have power to employ and fix the compensation of such officers and employees of such corporations and banks as may be necessary to carry out the powers and duties conferred upon such corporations and banks under this Act. CHARTERS AND BYLAWS SEC. 3. The charters of the Production Credit Corporations and the Banks for Cooperatives shall be granted by the governor upon application of the directors of the Federal land bank of the proper district, and applications and charters shall be in such form as the governor shall prescribe. The directors shall have power, subject to the approval of the governor, to adopt such bylaws as may be necessary for the conduct of the business of the corporation and banks. SEC. 4. The capital stock of each Production Credit Corporation shall be in such amount as the governor determines is required for the purpose of meeting 1 the credit needs of the district to be served by such corporation, and such amount may be increased or decreased from time to time by the governor in accordance with such credit needs. Such capital stock shall be divided into shares of $100 each. The initial capital stock of each such corporation shall be $7,500,000, which shall be subscribed for by the governor and held by him on behalf of the United States. Payments on subscriptions to stock by the governor shall be subject to call in whole or in part by the board of directors of the corporation with the approval of the governor. The governor shall make such payments out of the revolving fund created in section 5. The stock ownership of the United States in such corporation shall be evidenced by such means as the governor shall determine. REVOLVING FUND AND APPROPRIATION SEC. 5. (a) There is hereby created a revolving fund of not to exceed $120,000,000 which shall be made up as follows: (1) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized and directed to make available to the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration all unobligated balances of the following funds and all sums heretofore returned or released to the corporation from such funds: (A) Any balances of funds for, and all collections on loans by, the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to section 2 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act as amended; (B) All collections on loans made or to be made pursuant to the Act of February 4, 1933 (Public, Numbered 327, Seventy-second Congress); (C) All balances of funds authorized and directed to be made available to the Secretary of Agriculture by such Act and not used for loans pursuant thereto; and (D) Any balances of the funds originally directed to be allocated and made available to the Secretary of Agriculture by such Acts except as expended pursuant to subsection (e) of section 201 of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932. (2) There are hereby made available to the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration all unobligated balances of appropriations and funds available thereunder to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make advances or loans under the following Acts and resolutions, and all repayments of such advances and loans: March 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1347), March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 467). April 26, 1924 (43 Stat. 110), February 28, 1927 (44 Stat. 1251), February 25, 1929 (45 Stat. 1306), as amended May 17, 1929 (46 Stat. 3), March 3, 1930 (46 Stat. 78, 79), December 20, 1930 (46 Stat. 1032). as amended February 14, 1931 (46 Stat. 1160), and February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1276), and Public Resolution Numbered 11, Seventy-second Congress, approved March 3, 1932. (3) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $40,000,000 out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. (b) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $2,000,000, which shall remain available until expended, for all necessary administrative expenses in connection with the establishment and supervision of the Production Credit Corporations and the Production Credit Associations. (c) The authority of the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration to allocate and expend out of the funds covered by subsection (a) of this section such amounts as he shall deem necessary for salaries, expenses, and all other administrative expenditures during the fiscal year 1934 in the execution of the functions for which such funds have hitherto been available shall not be deemed to be restricted by this section. (d) The authority to make loans during the calendar year 1933 pursuant to the Act of February 4, 1933 (Public Numbered 327, Seventy-second Congress), out of funds made available by that Act shall not be deemed to be restricted by this section. STOCK OWNERSHIP OF PRODUCTION CREDIT CORPORATIONS IN PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS SEC. 6. (a) Each Production Credit Corporation shall have power to invest its funds in stock of production credit associations as provided in this section. Such corporation is authorized to subscribe and pay for class A stock in each Production Credit Association located in the district served by such corpora tion in amounts sufficient to maintain the amount of class A stock held by it and other holders of class A stock equal, as nearly as may be, to 20 per centum of the volume of loans made or to be made by such association, as estimated by the corporation, but at no time shall the amount of class A stock outstanding be less than $5,000 except with the consent of the association. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, (1) the governor. under rules and regulations prescribed by him, may permit a Production Credit Corporation to maintain the class A holdings of stock by the corporation and other investors at such amount, in excess of 20 per centum of such loans, as may be necessary, and (2) the corporation may at any time require the association to retire and cancel stock held by the corporation in such association, if, in the judgment of the corporation, the association has resources available therefor. (b) Under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the governor and subject to such restrictions and limitations as he may prescribe, each Production Credit Corporation is authorized to subscribe and pay for stock in production credit associations not organized under this Act if such associations are controlled by cooperative associations as defined in section 55. Only stock which is preferred as to assets on liquidation and is entitled to participate in dividend distributions without discrimination may be subscribed for. The amount of the stock subscribed for by any Production Credit Corporation in any such association shall not at any one time exceed 75 per centum of the total paid-in capital of such association. (c) The amount of the excess of earnings on stock held by the corporation above amounts necessary to pay operating expenses and restore losses and impairment of capital, if any, of the corporation shall be devoted to the creation and maintenance of a surplus equal to at least 25 per centum of the paid-in capital of the corporation. The amount of the surplus shall be invested as the governor shall prescribe in direct obligations of the United States or in class A stock of Production Credit Associations, or both. (d) The amount of such excess of earnings not required in order to comply with the provisions of subsection (c) shall be paid into the revolving fund heretofore authorized. Stock held by the governor in the Production Credit Corporation shall be retired upon such payment in an amount equal to the amount of such payment. TITLE II-PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS ESTABLISHMENT OF PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS SECTION 20. The governor is authorized and directed to provide for the establishment of corporations to be known as "Production Credit Associations." Such associations may be organized by ten or more farmers desiring to borrow money under the provisions of this title. Such individuals shall enter into articles of incorporation which shall specify in general terms the objects for which the association is formed and the powers to be exercised by it in carrying out the functions conferred upon it by this Act. Such articles shall be signed by the individuals uniting to form the association and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Production Credit Corporation of the district, and such copy shall be filed and preserved in its office. The governor may, for good cause shown, deny a charter to such individuals. Upon the approval of such articles by the governor, the association shall become as of the date of such approval a body corporate. The governor shall have power, under rules and regulations prescribed by him, or by prescribing the terms of the charter of the association, or both, to provide for the organization, management, and conduct of the business of the association; and the power of the governor shall extend to prescribing the amount of the stock of such association; fixing the territory within which its operations may be carried on; fixing the method of election and appointment of, and the amount and payment of the compensation of, directors, officers, and employees; fixing the maximum amount of individual loans which may be made; prescribing the conditions under which the stock may be retired; and providing for the consolidation of two or more such associations. The governor may, at any time, direct such changes in the charter of any such association as he finds necessary in accomplishing the purposes of this title. Bylaws of any such association may be adopted by the directors but shall not be valid unless approved by the governor. STOCK OF PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS SEC. 21. The stock of such associations shall be divided into shares of $5 each; and there shall be two classes of such stock: (1) Class A stock which is to be held by Production Credit Corporation, and which may be purchased and held by investors, and (2) class B stock which may be purchased only by farmer borrowers from the association and individuals eligible to become borrowers. Class B stock only shall be entitled to voting rights but each holder of such stock shall be entitled to no more than one vote. No class B stock, or any interest therein or right to receive dividends thereon, shall be transferred by act of parties or operation of law except to another farmer borrower or an individual eligible to become a borrower, and then only with the approval of the directors of the association. Each holder of class B stock, within two years after he has ceased to be a borrower, shall exchange such class B stock at the fair book value (not to exceed par) thereof, as determined by the association, for class A stock. All stock shall share in dividend distributions without preference, but the directors of the association may, in their discretion, apply the amount of any dividend payable to a holder of class B stock to any indebtedness of such holder to the association. Class A stock shall be preferred as to assets of the association upon liquidation. During such time as any Production Credit Corporation is a holder of any stock of any such association, the appointment or election of directors, the secretary-treasurer, and the loan committee of such association shall be subject to the approval of the president of the Production Credit Corporation and during such time any such director, secretary-treasurer, or other officer may, at any time, be removed by the president of the Production Credit Corporation. EARNINGS OF PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS SEC. 22. Each Production Credit Association shall, at the end of its fiscal year, apply the amount of its earnings in excess of operating expenses during such fiscal year, first, to making up any losses in excess of its reserve for bad and doubtful debts; second, to the restoration of the amount of the impairment, if any, of capital; third, to the creation and mainenance of a reserve account for bad and doubtful debts, the amount of which account shall be prescribed by the Production Credit Corporation; and fourth, to the creation and maintenance of a guaranty fund equal to at least 25 per centum of the paid-in capital of the association. Any sums remaining may, with the approval of the Production Credit Corporation, be devoted to the payment of dividends but no rate of dividend in excess of 7 per centum per annum shall be paid. Sums in the guaranty fund herein provided for shall be invested subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Production Credit Corporation. SEC. 23. Each Production Credit Association shall, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Production Credit Corporation of the district with the approval of the governor, invest its funds and make loans to farmers for general agricultural purposes, but such part of its funds as is represented by the guaranty fund provided for in section 22 shall not be devoted to making loans to farmers. Such loans shall be made on such terms and conditions, at such rates of interest, and with such security as may be prescribed by the Production Credit Corporation. No loan shall be made for a less amount than $50, nor shall any one borrower be indebted to the association at any one time in an amount in excess of 20 per centum of the capital and guaranty fund of the association or, if the loan is secured by collateral approved by the Corporation, in an amount in excess of 50 per centum of the capital and guaranty fund, but loans may be made to any bororwer in an amount in excess of 50 per centum of the capital and guaranty fund if the loan is approved by the Production Credit Commissioner of the Farm Credit Administration. Borrowers shall be required to own, at the time the loan is made, class B stock in an amount equal in fair book value (not to exceed par), as determined by the association, to $5 per $100 or fraction thereof of the amount of the loan. Such stock shall be canceled or retired upon payment of the loan but may be transferred or exchanged as provided in section 21. SEC. 24. Production Credit Associations doing business under this Act are authorized to borrow from, and rediscount paper with, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks subject to the restrictions, limitations. and conditions applicable under title II of the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended (U.S.C., title 12, ch. 8). Except with the approval of the governor, Production Credit Associations shall not have the power to borrow from or rediscount paper with any other bank or agency. TITLE III-CENTRAL BANK FOR COOPERATIVES ESTABLISHMENT OF BANK SECTION 30. The governor is authorized and directed to provide for the establishment of a corporation to be known as the "Central Bank for Cooperatives" with its principal office in the District of Columbia and such other offices as in the opinion of the governor may be necessary. BOARD OF CENTRAL BANK SEC. 31. (a) The board of directors of the Central Bank for Cooperatives shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be the Cooperative Bank Commissioner of the Farm Credit Administration, who shall be chairman of the board of directors. The other six directors shall be appointed by the governor, of whom the successors of three first appointed shall be appointed from nominees selected by borrowers as provided in subsection (b). The terms of the directors first appointed shall be for one, two, and three years as designated by the governor at the time of appointment and their successors shall hold their offices during a term of three years, but a director appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold his office for the unexpired term of the director whose place he is selected to fill. Any appointed director may at any time be removed for cause by the governor. No compensation shall be paid any director as a director of the corporation but the corporation, subject to the approval of the governor, may allow directors a reasonable per diem and expenses. (b) The successors of three of the directors first appointed shall be selected one each year by the governor from among individuals nominated by borrowers (except Banks for Cooperatives). The governor shall, not less than sixty days prior to the end of the term of any director whose successor is to be appointed from among nominees as herein provided, or as soon as practicable after a vacancy occurs in the office of such director other than by the expiration of his term, cause notice of the vacancy to be sent to each borrower eligible to vote for nominees. Each such borrower shall be eligible to cast one vote. The governor shall not count any ballot received after the expiration of thirty days after the sending of notice. From those (not exceeding three) receiving the highest number of votes, as shown by his count, the governor shall appoint the director. POWERS OF CHAIRMAN AND BOARD SEC. 32. The chairman of the board of the corporation shall be the executive officer of the corporation and the powers of the board of directors shall be such powers as may be prescribed in the charter and bylaws. CAPITAL STOCK OF CENTRAL BANK SEC. 33. The capital stock of the central bank shall be in such amount as the governor determines is required for the purpose of meeting the credit needs of eligible borrowers from the bank under this title, and the governor may from time to time increase or decrease such amount, subject to the limitations contained in sections 35 and 37, in accordance with such needs. The stock of such bank shall be divided into shares of $100 each. Out of the revolving fund created under section 6 of the Agricultural Marketing Act, as amended, the governor, on behalf of the United States, shall subscribe for and make payments for stock in the Central Bank and such payment shall be subject to call in whole or in part by the chairman of the board of the Central Bank with the approval of the governor. LENDING POWER OF CENTRAL BANK SEC. 34. The Central Bank is authorized to make loans to cooperative associations, as defined in the Agricultural Marketing Act, as amended, including amendments made in title V of this Act, for any of the purposes and subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in such Act, as so amended, and to make loans, by way of discount or otherwise and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the chairman of the board of the Central Bank, to Banks for Cooperatives established under section 2 of this Act. |