For later Cases, Developments and Changes in the Law see Cumulative Annual Annotations, READY REFERENCE TABLES 1. TABLE OF TITLES, page v 2. TABLE OF WORDS AND PHRASES, page 3. TABLE OF MAXIMS, page vii 4. TABLE OF TITLES IN CYC-CORPUS JURIS SYSTEM, 16 C. J., page vii 5. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS, 16 C. J., page x 6. CYC-CORPUS JURIS PARALLEL REFERENCE TABLE, page xi [The last table shows where every proposition in CYC (if still the law) is located in CORPUS JURIS. This table translates CYC citations into CORPUS JURIS citations. No matter where you get a CҮС citation, whether in an opinion, a brief, an annotated statute, a textbook, or any other source, this table will give the corresponding CORPUS JURIS citation. The CYC INDEX AND CONCORDANCE, by means of this table, becomes a Key to CORPUS JURIS equally as well as to CYC.] THE LAW UP TO THE LAST MINUTE, BY LETTER OR BY WIRE FREE CITATIONS FROM EVERY JURISDICTION Photographic Service to CYC-corpus JURIS Subscribers By applying by letter or wire to the ANNUAL ANNOTATIONS BUREAU, 272 Flatbush Ave., Extension, Brooklyn, N. Y., giving volume, page, and note number of CYC or CORPUS JURIS, you will receive: I. All citations of cases subsequent to the last volume of ANNUAL ANNOTATIONS FREE, by mail or wire according to request. 2. Photographic copies of decisions by mail at prices set out below. There are about 30,000 decisions, containing about 100,000 points of law, being handed down annually. These cases are analyzed and annotated daily to specific rules of law in CYC and CORPUS JURIS from the advance sheets of the reporters and are kept in readiness for instant use. These late cases may win a case for you. They are given to our CYC and CORPUS JURIS subscribers FREE, except that answers by wire will be sent Collect. Subscribers to CYC and the ANNUAL ANNOTATIONS and CORPUS JURIS thus get the law up to the last minute without additional cost. This is the only service in existence which gives you access AT ONCE, and without cost, to ALI, cases subsequent to the ANNUAL ANNOTATIONS or CORPUS JURIS and without loss of time or labor. SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE We are prepared to furnish our subscribers Photographic Copies from the original reports of cases cited in CYC, CORPUS JURIS, or ANNOTATIONS, or of cases subsequent thereto, for a merely nominal cost per printed page. MINIMUM charge for any one case is 50 cents (stamps will do), which should accompany your order if sent by mail. [26 C. J.] |