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" In every indictment for wilful and corrupt perjury it shall be sufficient to set forth the substance of the offence charged. upon the defendant, and by what court, or before whom, the oath was taken, (averring such court or person to have competent authority... "
Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan - Page 50
by Michigan - 1840
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The Statutes at Large: From Magna Charta to ... 1869 ...

Great Britain - 1765 - 470 pages
...What (hall be and corrupt perjury, it (hall be fufficient to let forth the fub- Sufficient in ftance of the offence charged upon the defendant, and by what '" ' " court, or before whom the oath was taken (averring fuch court ' or perfon or perfons, to have a competent authority to adminifter...
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A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown; Or, A System of the Principal Matters ...

William Hawkins - 1777 - 812 pages
...or indictment for wilfu! and cor" rupt perjury, it (hall be fufficient to fct forth the fubfiancc " of the ofFence charged upon the defendant, and by what " court, or before whom the oath was taken, (averring inch " court, or perfon or perfons to have a competent authority " to admin ifter...
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Laws of the State of New-York, Volume 1

New York (State) - 1802 - 712 pages
...perjury, either at the common law or upon this act, it ihall be fufficient to fet forth the fubfiance of the offence charged upon the defendant, and by what court or before whom the oath was taken, avering fuch court or perfon to have a competent authority to roĆ­. i. Q q fcdminifter the...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 109; Volume 1225

Great Britain - 1807 - 798 pages
...charged was not committed with a guilty intent. 19. In au indictment for au offence under this Act it shall be sufficient to set forth the substance of the offence charged, in the words of this Act specifying the offence or as near thereto as circumstances admit, without...
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The New Virginia Justice, Comprising the Office and Authority of a Justice ...

William Waller Hening - 1810 - 710 pages
...indictment for subornation of perjury, or for corrupt bargaining or contracting with others to commit wilful and corrupt perjury, it shall be sufficient...substance of the offence charged upon the defendant, without setting forth the bill, answer, information, indictment, declaration, or any part of any record...
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A Treatise on Criminal Pleading: With Precedents of Indictments ..., Volume 1

Thomas Starkie - 1814 - 378 pages
...and which enacts, that" in every indictment or information to be prosecuted against any person for wilful and corrupt perjury, it shall be sufficient...defendant, and by what court or before whom the oath was taken, averring such court to have competent authority to administer the same, together with the...
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A Treatise on Criminal Pleading: With Precedents of Indictments ..., Volume 2

Thomas Starkie - 1814 - 470 pages
...indictment for subornation of perjury, or for corrupt bargaining or contracting with others to commit wilful and corrupt perjury, it shall be sufficient...substance of the offence charged upon the defendant, without setting forth the bill, answer, information, indictment, declaration, or any part of any record...
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The Office and Duty of a Justice of the Peace, and a Guide to Sheriffs ...

Henry Potter - 1816 - 474 pages
...indictment for subornation of. perjury, or for corrupt bargaining or contracting with others to commit wilful and corrupt perjury, it shall be sufficient...forth the substance of the offence charged upon the defend* ant, without setting forth trie bill, answer, information, indictment, declaration, or any...
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A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the ..., Volume 2, Part 1

Joseph Chitty - 1819 - 540 pages
...formal defects, it was enacted by 23 Geo. II. c. 1 1. that in every indictment and information for wilful and corrupt perjury, it shall be sufficient...defendant, and by what court, or before whom the oath was taken, (averring such court, or person or persons to have a competent authority to administer the...
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A Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of England ..., Volume 2; Volume 659

Harold Nuttall Tomlins - 1819 - 726 pages
...Indictment for Subornation of Perjury, or for corrupt -bargaining, or contracting with others to commit wilful and corrupt Perjury, it shall be sufficient...Substance of the Offence charged upon the Defendant, without setting forth the Bill, Answer, Information, Indictment, Declaration, or any Part of any Record...
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