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act relating act to amend amend section Arnold of Pottawatomie Arnold of Reno Barber county Beattie bill back bill pass Blaker Bollinger Bolmar bonds Bottorff Bowersock Butin Calderhead Chadsey Chairman chapter Clogston Corbett Cowley county Cox of Douglas Cox of Stafford Currier Donahue Doty Earlywine Eaton entitled An act Finney county Fockele Fryhofer Gentlemen absent Gentlemen voting Gillett Goodsoe Hargrave Hatfield Haun Hazen Henshaw Hostetter Hurd Johnson June 30 Justus Kansas Kirkman Kirtland Knapp Kuney Lacey Lybarger majority having voted Matlock Maurer McAfee McCall McCammon McGregor McNeal McTaggart Messrs Miller of Lincoln Miller of Neosho Morrison Morse Morton county motion prevailed Myton o'clock P. M. O'Meara petition Polinger referred House bill Reitz report the bill resolution Roetzel roll was called Sawhill Seaver Senate bill Session Laws Shawnee county Simpson Slavens SPEAKER Stratford Taylor of Reno Taylor of Wabaunsee Thrailkill Tilton Timmons township Trovinger Veale voted in favor Walrond Willhoite
Popular passages
Page 80 - If any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgress the rules of the House, the Speaker shall, or any member may call him to order, in which case the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain, and the House shall, if appealed to, decide the case, but without debate.
Page 177 - When a bill or resolution which shall have passed in one house is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same shall have passed.
Page 70 - Each member of such board shall before entering upon the duties of his office be sworn to support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, and to faithfully discharge the duties of his office.
Page 75 - The Speaker shall take the chair each day at the hour to which the House shall have adjourned. He shall call the House to order, and, except in the absence of a quorum, shall proceed to business in the manner prescribed by these rules. Rule 5.
Page 657 - ... thirty days before the issuance of the bonds or after the issuance of the bonds by paying all the installments of the assessments which have been levied and also the amount of unlevied installments with interest on the latter at the rate of eight per centum per annum from the date of the issuance of the rate bonds to the time of maturity of the last installment.
Page 209 - An order of attachment shall be made by the clerk of the court in which the action is brought, in any case mentioned in the preceding section...
Page 974 - ... dollars; and such conviction shall be a forfeiture of the office held by such person, and the court before whom such conviction is had shall, in addition to the imposition of the fine aforesaid, order and adjudge the forfeiture of his said office.
Page 499 - An act to provide for the health and safety of persons employed in and about the coal mines of Michigan, for the appointment, qualifications, duties and compensation of an inspector of mines, and for the protection and preservation of property connected therewith...
Page 230 - Affairs, the President of the United States Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives: and that they be requested to lay the same before their respective bodies.
Page 230 - That our senators in Congress be, and they are hereby instructed and our representatives requested: — " 1st. To oppose the passage of any act for the government of New Mexico and California, or any other Territory now belonging to the United States...