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And shall presumptuous mortals Heaven


And, madly, godlike Providence accuse ? Ah! no, far fly from me attempts so vain; I'll ne'er submission to my God refuse.

Yet is remembrance of those virtues dear, Yet fresh the memory of that beauteous face;

Still they call forth my warm affection's tear,

Still in my heart retain their wonted place.



[To the son of one of Byron's tenants at Newstead.]

LET Folly smile, to view the names

Of thee and me in friendship twined; Yet Virtue will have greater claims

To love, than rank with vice combined.

And though unequal is thy fate,

Since title deck'd my higher birth! Yet envy not this gaudy state;

Thine is the pride of modest worth.

Our souls at least congenial meet,

Nor can thy lot my rank disgrace; Our intercourse is not less sweet, Since worth of rank supplies the place. November, 1802.


[To George John, fifth Earl Delawarr.] IN thee, I fondly hoped to clasp

A friend, whom death alone could sever; Till envy, with malignant grasp,

Detach'd thee from my breast for ever.

True, she has forced thee from my breast, Yet in my heart thou keep'st thy seat; There, there thine image still must rest, Until that heart shall cease to beat.

And, when the grave restores her dead,
When life again to dust is given,
On thy dear breast I 'll lay my head-
Without thee, where would be my heaven?
February, 1803.

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Could tears retard the tyrant in his course; Could sighs avert his dart's relentless force; Could youth and virtue claim a short delay, Or beauty charm the spectre from his prey; Thou still hadst lived to bless my aching sight,

Thy comrade's honour and thy friend's delight.

If yet thy gentle spirit hover nigh

The spot where now thy mouldering ashes lie, Here wilt thou read, recorded on my heart, A grief too deep to trust the sculptor's art. No marble marks thy couch of lowly sleep, But living statues there are seen to weep; Affliction's semblance bends not o'er thy tomb,

Affliction's self deplores thy youthful doom. What though thy sire lament his failing line,

A father's sorrows cannot equal mine! Though none, like thee, his dying hour will cheer,

Yet other offspring soothe his anguish here: But, who with me shall hold thy former place?

Thine image, what new friendship can efface?

Ah, none ! a father's tears will cease to


Time will assuage an infant brother's woe; To all, save one, is consolation known, While solitary friendship sighs alone.



WHEN, to their airy hall, my fathers' voice Shall call my spirit, joyful in their choice; When, poised upon the gale, my form shall ride,

Or, dark in mist, descend the mountain's side;

Oh may my shade behold no sculptured


To mark the spot where earth to earth returns!

No lengthen'd scroll, no praise-encumber'd

My epitaph shall be my name alone;
If that with honour fail to crown my clay,
Oh may no other fame my deeds repay
That, only that, shall single out the spot;
By that remember'd, or with that forgot.




'Why dost thou build the hall, son of the winged days? Thou lookest from thy tower to-day: yet a few years, and the blast of the desert comes, it howls in thy empty court.' – OSSIAN.

THROUGH thy battlements, Newstead, the hollow winds whistle;

Thou, the hall of my fathers, art gone to decay;

In thy once smiling garden, the hemlock

and thistle

Have choked up the rose which late bloom'd in the way.

Of the mail-cover'd Barons, who proudly to battle

Led their vassals from Europe to Palestine's plain,

The escutcheon and shield, which with every blast rattle,

Are the only sad vestiges now that remain.

No more doth old Robert, with harp-stringing numbers,

Raise a flame in the breast for the warlaurell'd wreath;


Near Askalon's towers, John of Horistan


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J. J. ROUSSEAU: FOUNDED ON FACTS' 'AWAY, away, your flattering arts

Unnerved is the hand of his minstrel by May now betray some simpler hearts;

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And you will smile at their believing,
And they shall weep at your deceiving.'


DEAR, simple girl, those flattering arts,
From which thou 'dst guard frail female

Exist but in imagination,

Mere phantoms of thine own creation;
For he who views that witching grace,
That perfect form, that lovely face,
With eyes admiring, oh, believe me,
He never wishes to deceive thee!
Once in thy polish'd mirror glance,
Thou 'lt there descry that elegance,
Which from our sex demands such praises,
But envy in the other raises:

Then he who tells thee of thy beauty,
Believe me, only does his duty:

Ah! fly not from the candid youth;
It is not flattery, 't is truth.

July, 1804.

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Animula vagula, blandula,
Hospes comesque corporis,
Quæ nunc abibis in loca -
Pallidula, rigida, nudula,

Nec, ut soles, dabis jocos?

AH! gentle, fleeting, wav'ring sprite, Friend and associate of this clay!

To what unknown region borne, Wilt thou now wing thy distant flight? No more with wonted humour gay,

But pallid, cheerless, and forlorn.




[Catullus's translation of the famous ode of Sappho.]

EQUAL to Jove that youth must be
Greater than Jove he seems to me —
Who, free from Jealousy's alarms,
Securely views thy matchless charms.
That cheek, which ever dimpling glows,
That mouth, from whence such music flows,
To him, alike, are always known,
Reserved for him, and him alone.
Ah, Lesbia! though 't is death to me,
I cannot choose but look on thee;
But at the sight my senses fly;
I needs must gaze, but, gazing, die;
Whilst trembling with a thousand fears,
Parch'd to the throat my tongue adheres,
My pulse beats quick, my breath heaves

My limbs deny their slight support,

Cold dews my pallid face o'erspread,
With deadly languor droops my head,
My ears with tingling echoes ring,
And life itself is on the wing;
My eyes refuse the cheering light,
Their orbs are veil'd in starless night:
Such pangs my nature sinks beneath,
And feels a temporary death.



He who sublime in epic numbers roll'd,
And he who struck the softer lyre of love,
By Death's unequal hand alike controll❜d,
"Fit comrades in Elysian regions move.


Sulpicia ad Cerinthum. -Lib. 4.

CRUEL Cerinthus ! does the fell disease Which racks my breast your fickle bosom please?

Alas! I wish'd but to o'ercome the pain, That I might live for love and you again: But now I scarcely shall bewail my fate; By death alone I can avoid your hate.


Lugete, Veneres, Cupidinesque, etc.

YE Cupids, droop each little head,
Nor let your wings with joy be spread,
My Lesbia's favourite bird is dead,
Whom dearer than her eyes she loved:
For he was gentle, and so true,
Obedient to her call he flew,
No fear, no wild alarm he knew,
But lightly o'er her bosom moved.

And softly fluttering here and there,
He never sought to cleave the air,
But chirup'd oft, and, free from care,

Tuned to her ear his grateful strain.
Now having pass'd the gloomy bourne
From whence he never can return,
His death and Lesbia's grief I mourn,
Who sighs, alas! but sighs in vain.

Oh! curst be thou, devouring grave!
Whose jaws eternal victims crave,
From whom no earthly power can save,
For thou hast ta'en the bird away:
From thee my Lesbia's eyes o'erflow,
Her swollen cheeks with weeping glow;
Thou art the cause of all her woe,
Receptacle of life's decay.



[An imitation of 'Mellitos oculos tuos, Juventi.']

OH! might I kiss those eyes of fire,
A million scarce would quench desire:
Still would I steep my lips in bliss,
And dwell an age on every kiss;
Nor then my soul should sated be,
Still would I kiss and cling to thee:
Nought should my kiss from thine dissever;
Still would we kiss, and kiss for ever,
E'en though the numbers did exceed
The yellow harvest's countless seed.
To part would be a vain endeavour:
Could I desist? - ah! never
November 16, 1806.



Θέλω λέγειν Ατρείδας, κ. τ. λ.

I WISH to tune my quivering lyre
To deeds of fame and notes of fire;
To echo, from its rising swell,
How heroes fought and nations fell,
When Atreus' sons advanced to war,
Or Tyrian Cadmus roved afar;
But still, to martial strains unknown,
My lyre recurs to love alone.
Fired with the hope of future fame,
I seek some nobler hero's name;
The dying chords are strung anew,
To war, to war, my harp is due.
With glowing strings, the epic strain
To Jove's great son I raise again;
Alcides and his glorious deeds,
Beneath whose arm the Hydra bleeds.
All, all in vain; my wayward lyre
Wakes silver notes of soft desire.
Adieu, ye chiefs renown'd in arms!
Adieu the clang of war's alarms!
To other deeds my soul is strung,
And sweeter notes shall now be sung;
My harp shall all its powers reveal,
To tell the tale my heart must feel;
Love, Love alone, my lyre shall claim,
In songs of bliss and sighs of flame.


Justum et tenacem propositi virum, etc. THE man of firm and noble soul No factious clamours can control; No threat'ning tyrant's darkling brow Can swerve him from his just intent: Gales the warring waves which plough, By Auster on the billows spent, To curb the Adriatic main, Would awe his fix'd determined mind in vain.

Ay, and the red right arm of Jove,
Hurtling his lightnings from above,
With all his terrors there unfurl'd,

He would, unmoved, unawed behold.
The flames of an expiring world,
Again in crashing chaos roll'd,
In vast promiscuous ruin hurl'd,
Might light his glorious funeral pile:

Still dauntless 'midst the wreck of earth he'd smile.

Μεσονυκτίοις ποθ' ὥραις, κ. τ. λ.

'T WAS now the hour when Night had driven

Her car half round yon sable heaven;
Bootes, only, seem'd to roll

His arctic charge around the pole;
While mortals, lost in gentle sleep,
Forgot to smile, or ceased to weep.
At this lone hour the Paphian boy,
Descending from the realms of joy,
Quick to my gate directs his course,
And knocks with all his little force.
My visions fled, alarm'd I rose,
'What stranger breaks my blest repose?'
Alas!' replies the wily child,
In faltering accents sweetly mild,
A hapless infant here I roam,
Far from my dear maternal home.
Oh, shield me from the wintry blast!
The nightly storm is pouring fast.




No prowling robber lingers here.
A wandering baby who can fear?'
I heard his seeming artless tale,
I heard his sighs upon the gale: *
My breast was never pity's foe,
But felt for all the baby's woe.
I drew the bar, and by the light
Young Love, the infant, met my sight;
His bow across his shoulders flung,
And thence his fatal quiver hung
(Ah! little did I think the dart
Would rankle soon within my heart).
With care I tend my weary guest,
His little fingers chill my breast;
His glossy curls, his azure wing,
Which droop with nightly showers, I wring;
His shivering limbs the embers warm;
And now reviving from the storm,
Scarce had he felt his wonted glow,
Than swift he seized his slender bow:
'I fain would know, my gentle host,'
He cried, if this its strength has lost;
I fear, relax'd with midnight dews,
The strings their former aid refuse.'
With poison tipt, his arrow flies,
Deep in my tortured heart it lies;
Then loud the joyous urchin laugh'd:-
'My bow can still impel the shaft:
Tis firmly fix'd, thy sighs reveal it;
Say, courteous host, canst thou not feel it?'



Μηδαμ' ὁ πάντα νέμων, κ. τ. λ.
GREAT Jove, to whose almighty throne
Both gods and mortals homage pay,
Ne'er may my soul thy power disown,
Thy dread behests ne'er disobey.
Oft shall the sacred victim fall
In sea-girt Ocean's mossy hall;
My voice shall raise no impious strain
'Gainst him who rules the sky and azure main.

How different now thy joyless fate,
Since first Hesione thy bride,
When placed aloft in godlike state,

The blushing beauty by thy side,
Thou sat'st, while reverend Ocean smiled,
And mirthful strains the hours beguiled,
The Nymphs and Tritons danced around,
Nor yet thy doom was fix'd, nor Jove re-
lentless frown'd.

HARROW, December 1, 1804.

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