ACTS OF A GENERAL NATURE AND LOCAL LAWS AND JOINT RESOLUTIOND PASSED BY THE FIFTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF OHIO: BEGUN AND HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS,. JANUARY 7, 1856: AND IN THE FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR OF SAID STATE. STA VOL. LIII. LIBRARY COLUMBUS: STATESMAN STEAM PRESS. 1856. ACTS OF A GENERAL NATURE. STANKSND LIBRARY AN ACT To fix and provide for the terms of the district court in the fifth common pleas district in the third circuit of Ohio. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the terms of the district court shall hereafter be holden in the several counties of the fifth judicial district in the State of Ohio, as follows: In the county of Highland, on the seventh day of May; Terms of District Court, Fifth District. Highland. Brown. Clermont. In the county of Madison, on the fifth day of September; Madison. In the county of Fayette, on the ninth day [of] September; Fayette. In the county of Ross, on the twelfth day of September; Ross. In the county of Pickaway, on the twenty-second day of Pickaway. September; In the county of Franklin, on the twenty-ninth day of Sep- Franklin. tember. In case of fail to be given and special term held. Special terms SEC. 2. If, from any cause, a failure to hold the prescrib-ure to hold ed terms of the district court, in any of the foregoing coun- terms, notice ties, should occur, it shall be the duty of the judges of the district, on giving thirty days previous notice, in such county, to hold a special term of the district court, in such county, within the same year to dispose of the business; and should important business arise in the district court in any of said counties, which cannot be disposed of at the stated terms of the court for want of time, it shall be lawful for the judges of the district court to hold a special term of the district court, in such county, at such time as they shall determine, on giving thirty days previous notice thereof, in the county. SEC. 3. Should any day named herein for the holding of the said district court, fall upon a Sunday, said court shall commence and be holden on the next day. SEC. 4. That section two of the act entitled "an act to fix and provide for the terms of the district court in the third for business not disposed of. Notice. When day for |