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ous character of Rose, in works expressly devoted to that purpose.Here I will only add to this faithful narrative of his exemplary death the Verses composed under the influence of recent affliction, as part of an inscription for a tablet, by which a few associated admirers of their lost friend are preparing to testify their sincere regard for his memory.

Esteem'd, admir'd, and lost, in manhood's prime!
But who may question God's appointed time?
Rash grief! prophane not Rose's hallow'd tomb,
Though Heaven its gifts, of earthly, hope resume!
Learning, and wit, and eloquence, and truth,
The patient thought of age, the zeal of youth,
To man these bright endowments seem'd to claim
A long and rich career of legal fame;
But angels often from their sire impart

His early summons to the pure in heart.

Friendship must weep, tho' faith, with blameless pride,
Tells, how the Christian triumph'd as he died:

Earth's dearest blesings round his heart entwin'd,
To God, who gave them all, he all resign'd.



Cowper's Residence in Olney, page 1-His removal to Weston, 3. First mention of Mr. Rose, the barrister, ibid.





June 19..4

1. To Joseph Hill, Esq. Lady Hesketh's visit, and the village of Weston. 2. To the Revd. Wm. Unwin. The arrival of Lady Hesketh, residence in Olney; Latin books for young readers.

July 3..5

3. To the Revd. Walter Bagot. Revisal of his Homer. 4. To the Revd. Wm. Unwin. On his Homer.

July 4.9 Aug. 24..13

5. To the same. On his own compositions.



6. To the same. His State of Mind

VERSES to Miss C. on her birth day.

7. To the same. On declining to write on a subject proposed

to him.


[blocks in formation]



11. To the same. First poetry, a translated elegy of Tibullus..29

Milton's blank verse, and 1e-
Aug. 31,

12. To the Revd. Walter Bagot.
visal of his Homer,

13. To Joseph Hill, Esqr.




Mischance that happened to part
his translation of Homer Oct. 6......

14. To the Revd. W. Bagot. Change of habitation. Nov. 17...35
15. To Lady Hesketh. A poet's hermitage. Nov. 26.

Dec. 4 . . . . . . 41

16. To the same.

On the death of Mr. Unwin.

Dec. 9•••••

17. To the same. On the same subject.
18. To Joseph Hill, Esq. On the same.


.... 44

Dec. 946

19. To Lady Hesketh. On praise to a poet.

Dec. 21...... 47


20. To the Revd. W. Bagot. Homer's descriptions of slaughter;


Jan. 3.49

praise of the author, and Mr. Unwin
21. To Lady Hesketh. On Homer, & his song of the rose. Jan. 8, 52
22. To the same. Obliged by indisposition to suspend his Homer;

on dreams, and a visit from Mr. Rose. Jan. 18..... • • • 54
23. To S. Rose, Esq. His indisposition; Burn's poems. July 24...58
24. To the same. On his reviving health; Barclay's Argenis,
and Burns. Aug. 27 ·

[ocr errors][merged small]

25. To Lady Hesketh. On the family at Weston Hall. Aug. 30..62
Books he had read. Sept. 4....

26. To the same.

27. To the same.

28. To the same.


On a lady whom he met at the Hall. Sept.15..66

On the memoirs of Baron de Tott. Sept. 29.68

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

On leaving the country after the death
Oct. 19.......

30. To Lady Hesketh. On a kitten and a leach

The RETIRED CAT, a poem:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



31. To Joseph Hill, Esq. On his own studies. Nov. 16.....79
32. To Lady Hesketh. Beauties of Weston; the clerk of North-
ampton; on a paper in the Mirror; anecdote of a beg-
gar. Nov. 27


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

34. To the Revd. W. Bagot. On Homer & Bp. Bagot. Dec. 6..86
35. To Lady Hesketh. On a ball, and his translation. Dec. 10..88
36. To Samuel Rose, Esq. On his Homer; talents given by
nature. Dec. 13.



37. To Lady Hesketh. On verses by Mr. Merry; inoculation.

Jan. 1..94

[ocr errors]

38. To the Revd. W. Bagot. On Bp. Bagot & his Homer. Jan. 5. 97
39. To Lady Hesketh. Reasons for writing few occasional
poems; on a print of Bunbury's. Jan. 19..........101

40. To the same.

On his own anxiety. Jan. 30................ 104
41. To the same. On trouble as the portion of mortality; on
reading a book of his Iliad to Mr Greatheed.

42. To Samuel Rose, Esq.
flection of Glaucus.

Feb. 1..106

Improvement of time; on the re-
Feb. 14....

43. To Lady Hesketh. On his own melancholy; Hannah More,

and Hastings's trial, Feb. 16...................


[ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

46. To the same.

On the book entitled "The Manners of the
March 12.....



47. To General Cowper. On his poem upon the slave trade··122

The MORNING DREAM, a ballad.


48. To the Revd. W. Bagot. On "The manners of the Great,"

[blocks in formation]



49. To Samuel Rose, Esq. Depression of spirits; Dr. Clarke. 128
50. To Lady Hesketh. On his poem upon the slave-trade.

March 31..131

Smollett's Don Quixote; on his friend
.....May 6..132

51. To the same.
Mr. Rowley......

52. To Joseph Hill, Esq. Books that he had lost. May 8..135
53. To Lady Hesketh. On Mrs. Montagu........ May 12..136
54. To Joseph Hill, Esq. On two prints, Crazy Kate, and the
Lace-maker; bust of Paris.۰۰

May 24139
55. To Lady Hesketh. Same subject; Mrs. Montagu. May 27..141
56. To the same. Sufferings from the East-wind; extraordi-

nary advertisement of a dancing-master......June 30.143
57. To Joseph Hill, Esq. Death of Ashley Cowper.

June 8..145

June 10..146

June 15..148

June 17..150


.June 23..152

58. To Lady Hesketh. On the same subject.
59. To the same.
On the same subject.
60. To the Revd. W. Bagot. On scenes of horror.
61. To S. Rose, Esq. On a dry season.

62. To Lady Hesketh. On his own expectations;

[blocks in formation]

anecdote of

.June 27 ..156

account of
.....July 280.159

Favorable reception of the Task; Mr. Bacon,

65. To S. Rose, Esq. Solicitude for a friend.

66. To the same.

[blocks in formation]


On the oak called Judith;

VERSES on a spaniel.

•Sept. 11..166

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