A BILL TO REVISE THE DEFINITION OF CONTRACT CARRIER BY MOTOR VEHICLE AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 203 (a) (15) OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES A BILL TO AMEND PART II OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT, AS AMENDED, TO CLARIFY AND MAKE CERTAIN THE AUTHORITY OF A BILL TO AMEND PARTS II AND III OF THE INTERSTATE COM- MERCE ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COM- A BILL TO AMEND PART II OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT Alldredge, Hon. J. Haden, Regular Common Carrier Conference, American Trucking Association, Inc., 1424 16th Street, NW., Washington, D. C., accompanied by counsel, Hon. Scott Lucas__ Allen, John C., chairman, legislative committee, National Industrial Carey, Joseph M., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, Ohio--- Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission, Edmondson, Frazor T., vice president, Private Truck Council of Fischbach, C. B., president, Fischbach Trucking Co., Akron, Ohio...- Griffin, D. E., secretary, National Trucking Co., Jacksonville, Fla... Lawson, J. D., general manager, Middlewest Motor Freight Bureau, 330 163 Le Fevre, Howard E., B. & L. Motor Freight, Inc., and Atlas Freight Mackie, David I., chairman, Eastern Railroad Presidents Conference, McBride, Robert J., Regular Common Carrier Conference, American Oren, Earl O., president, Dart Transit Co., 665 North Vandalia Rice, E. G., president, Complete Auto Transit, Inc., c/o American Rothschild, Hon. Louis S., Under Secretary for Transportation, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. Č. Todd, Clarence D., general counsel, Contract Carrier Conference, American Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW., Van Liew, R. J., first vice chairman, Private Carrier Conference, Inc., American Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW., Williams, Cecil J., chairman, Hillside Transit Co., c/o American Statement submitted by- 316 263 207 55 325 345 312 Brinkley, Homer L., executive vice president, National Council of 349 219 Mann, James D., managing director, Private Truck Council of 164 Letters from- Browne, Charles A., vice president, traffic, Security Cartage Co., Inc., Law, J. W., assistant traffic manager, Columbus & Chicago Motor Freight, Inc., 1053 East Fifth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, dated Sanford, H. C., vice president and general manager, Clemans Truck Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission, Pinkney, James F., general counsel, American Trucking Association, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW., Washington, D. C.. Thompson, Robert F., member of the board of directors, National Association of Motor Bus Operators, Burlington, Vt. Report from Interstate Commerce Commission, dated May 21, 1957- Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission, Thompson, Robert F., member of the board of directors, National Association of Motor Bus Operators, Burlington, Vt. - Report from Interstate Commerce Commission, dated May 21, 1957. Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission, Hays, Joseph H., general counsel, Association of Western Railways, representing Association of American Railroads, Union Station, 291 Pinkney, James F., general counsel, American Trucking Association, Thompson, Robert F., member of the board of directors, National Report from Interstate Commerce Commission, dated May 21, 1957. Allen, John C., chairman, legislative committee, National Industrial Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission, |