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Le Fevre, Howard E., B. & L. Motor Freight, Inc., and Atlas Freight
Lines, Inc., 171 Riverside Drive, Newark, Ohio..

Mackie, David I., chairman, Eastern Railroad Presidents Conference,
Association of American Railroads, New York, N. Y..
Mathews, H. O., general manager, Transportation and Distribution
Division, Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill.

McBride, Robert J., Regular Common Carrier Conference, American
Trucking Association, Inc., 1424 16th Street, NW., Washington,
D. C....

Oren, Earl O., president, Dart Transit Co., 665 North Vandalia

Street, St. Paul, Minn

Rice, E. G., president, Complete Auto Transit, Inc., c/o American
Trucking Association 1424 16th St., NW., Washington, D. C..................
Robertson, Thomas F., executive director, Common Carrier Confer-
ence, American Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW.,
Washington, D. C.

Rothschild, Hon. Louis S., Under Secretary for Transportation,

Department of Commerce, Washington, D. Č.

Todd, Clarence D., general counsel, Contract Carrier Conference,

American Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW.,

Washington, D. C.......

Van Liew, R. J., first vice chairman, Private Carrier Conference, Inc.,

American Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW.,

Washington, D. C.

Williams, Cecil J., chairman, Hillside Transit Co., c/o American
Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW., Washington,
D. C....

Statement submitted by-








Brinkley, Homer L., executive vice president, National Council of
Farmer Cooperatives, 744 Jackson Place NW., Washington, D. C..
George A. Hormel & Co..



Mann, James D., managing director, Private Truck Council of
America, Inc., Sheraton Building, 711 14th Street NW., Wash-
ington 5, D. C........


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Letters from-
Brashear, Harry R., director, Traffic Service, Aircraft Industries
Association of America, Inc., Washington, D. C., July 26, 1957, re
H. R. 8825 (companion bill to S. 1384).-

Browne, Charles A., vice president, traffic, Security Cartage Co., Inc.,
1326 Polk Street, Fort Wayne 7, Ind., dated April 30, 1957.
Keller, Joseph E., general counsel, Private Carrier Conference, Inc.,
Washington, D. C., dated July 10, 1957--

Law, J. W., assistant traffic manager, Columbus & Chicago Motor

Freight, Inc., 1053 East Fifth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, dated

April 29, 1957.

Sanford, H. C., vice president and general manager, Clemans Truck
Line, Inc., South Bend, Ind., dated April 30, 1957.
Slater, William T., general manager, M. C. Slater, Inc., 10401 Muske-
gon Avenue, Chicago 17, Ill., dated April 27, 1957--
Report from Interstate Commerce Commission, dated May 21, 1957-
Report from Department of Justice, dated July 26, 1957__


Pinkney, James F., general counsel, American Trucking Association,
Inc., 1424 16th St. NW., Washington, D. C.........-

Thompson, Robert F., member of the board of directors, National
Association of Motor Bus Operators, Burlington, Vt__
Letter from Shapiro, Alvin, vice president, American Merchant Marine
Institute, Inc., 1701 K Street NW., Washington, D. C., dated May 13,

Report from Interstate Commerce Commission, dated May 21, 1957.
Letter from Interstate Commerce Commission, dated June 10, 1957, with-
drawing their legislative recommendation No. 12 (S. 1460) in view of
favorable Supreme Court decision.

Allen, John C., chairman, legislative committee, National Industrial
Traffic League, 711 14th Street NW., Washington, D. C.............

Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission,

Washington 25, D. C........

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