Administration of the Department of State: Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, August 26, 1960U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960 - 206 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
abroad agencies appointment assigned Board members Bureau career ambassador career minister chief of mission Civil Service employees civil service officers Civil Service personnel class of career clerical considered Consul continue cost CSC WB FSO CSO CSC WB dedesignated Department departmental Deputy Under Secretary designated positions economic effective efficiency reports employees think evaluating examination experience Extra heavy field foreign affairs Foreign Service Academy Foreign Service Act Foreign Service Institute Foreign Service officers Foreign Service positions Foreign Service Reserve Foreign Service Staff FORM DSP-36 functional FUNCTIONAL FIELD grade hardship posts integrated officers integration program language training lateral entry Low medium ment MIKE MANSFIELD number of officers officers of class overseas participants percent performance records Precepts problems qualifications rated recommendations result retirement salary score groups Selection Boards served Service Officer Corps Service officer positions specialists specialized supervisors tion Total U.S. Senate Washington WB FSO FSC
Popular passages
Page 103 - SEC. 502. (a) The Secretary shall, on the basis of recommendations made by the Board of the Foreign Service, from time to time furnish the President with the names of Foreign Service officers qualified for appointment to the class of career minister...
Page 10 - for the purpose of making recommendations concerning the measures necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of the professional service to a standard consistent with the vastly increasing responsibilities in the field of foreign policy which have devolved upon the President and the Secretary.
Page 134 - Service and who shall have been in a given class for a continuous period of nine months or more, shall, on the first day of...
Page 135 - A. Unless otherwise directed, all recommendations and reports shall be addressed to the Director General .of the Foreign Service. B. All recommendations and reports shall be signed by members of the respective boards. IV. APPROVAL REQUIRED A. The Director General of the Foreign Service may accept the findings of the selection boards in toto or he may return any list or lists or any name or names thereon for review by the selection boards if he questions procedure or conformity with the precepts....
Page 38 - ... c. To provide an opportunity for Foreign Service Staff and departmental employees with the requisite abilities and qualifications to be appointed as Foreign Service officers whenever there is a manifest need therefor.
Page 132 - A list of those officers by class and technical category whose performance is judged by the board to have failed to meet the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Foreign Service and who, therefore, are not entitled to receive the regular in-class promotion in accordance with section 625 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended. The pertinent facts to justify the findings regarding each officer listed shall be set forth in a brief formal statement.
Page 118 - ... if his performance has been in Washington only or in the field only. Service limited to one or the other is not disqualifying for advancement, when otherwise deserved. (c) Absence due to illness, to military service, or to other authorized activity, will not penalize an officer and will not prevent his consideration by a selection board, if his prior record is sufficiently documented to provide an appraisal of his merit for promotion. It should usually be possible to project with reasonable accuracy...
Page 39 - Service officer is established. On the assumption that there will be no significant increase in the size of the Foreign Service officer category in the near future, and in consideration of the fact that the integration program has been completed, it is expected that the need for lateral appointments will not be large during the next few years. 4. Who May Apply 4.1 Foreign Service Reserve and Staff personnel, and departmental personnel who were appointed by the Secretary of State and are under his...
Page 129 - Inst selection boards is found to have failed to meet the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Foreign Service and who, therefore, are not entitled to receive the regular in-class promotion in accordance with section 625 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended. The pertinent facts to justify the findings regarding each officer listed shall be set forth in a brief formal statement.
Page 170 - By Executive Order 10,000, dated September 16, 1948, as amended the President has given the Secretary of State authority and responsibility under section 443 of the Foreign Service Act and section 207 of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1949, for prescribing regulations and establishing foreign post (salary) differentials for civilian employees. The Foreign Service Act and section 103 of the Executive order are explicit in stating that this payment must be limited to places involving one...