Replacing the Fallen AngelsXulon Press, 2007 - 108 pages Replacing the Fallen Angels gives a deeper understanding of God's ultimate purpose for creation and man's role in God's ultimate purpose. The book explores God's purpose from a time prior to creation as He with subtlety reveals to Isaiah, Ezekiel and then John the Apostle in the book of Revelation the real heart of a dilemma that arose in Heaven before the creation of the world. God found himself needing to replace some rebellious angels and man would be his solution. In order to select from His creation those who would qualify for His Heavenly Kingdom, God had to give man something that he did not give His created angels. He gave man the opportunity to make choices between right and wrong, good and evil. This book explores this divine purpose of God and the effects of man's use of the choices that are before him. William A. Shackleford, Sr. has served as the pastor of the St. Paul High Street Baptist Church in Martinsville, Virginia for the past 21 years and served 4 years at Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Charles City County, Virginia. The author has served for over thirty-five years in The Baptist Sunday School and BTU Congress of Virginia, the Christian Education Auxiliary of the Virginia Baptist State Convention. He has served as the president of the congress, the chairman of the executive board and staff instructor. He has served for over 20 years as a regular staff instructor for the Christian Education Institute of the congress and has taught in many seminars and workshops in Virginia, North Carolina and Washington, D.C. Pastor Shackleford has served on Martinsville City School Board and as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Seminary and College (VA Univ.) of Lynchburg, Virginia. |
Introduction | ix |
Created For His Pleasure | 23 |
Loving God More Than Anything | 47 |
The Sin That Will Keep Many Church | 63 |
Rejecting God As Lord | 87 |
Gods Plan And Provision | 101 |
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Adam and Eve attitude believe benefit blessings bride celebration CHAPTER choice choose church members Corinthians created day that thou destroy Deuteronomy doeth doth earth eternal evil Ezekiel faithful angels fallen angels Father final authority follow Genesis give glory God's commands God's laws God's word grace hath heaven heavenly host human iniquity Isaiah Israel Jesus Christ John John warns keep his commandments kingdom Lamb of God live Lord thy Love causes love the Lord loving person Luke marriage marriage supper Matthew mind mouth ness Numbers obedience one's Paul peace perfect laws Peter Pharisees pride principles Psalm Psalm 51 rebel rebellion receive Jesus rejecting God's authority replace the fallen resurrection righteous rightly dividing Romans saints saith unto salvation Samaritan satanic influence Savior says sinful Strong's Strong's Concordance teach ten plagues thee thine heart things thou hast Thou shalt love thoughts tion Today tree truth unrighteousness Whosoever wisdom word that proceedeth