BANKRUPTS, CERTIFICATES, AND DIVIDENDS, ADVERTISED IN THE LONDON GAZETTE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. Patrick Johnson, 20, Basinghall-street. William Bell, 3, Coleman-street-buildings. William Whitmore, 2, Basinghall-street. Herbert H. Cannan, 18, Aldermanbury. William Pennell, 3, Guildhall Chambers, Basinghall-street. Isaac Nicholson, 24, Basinghall-street. Hatton Hamer Stansfeld, 76 A, Basinghall-street. George John Graham, 25, Coleman-street. William Lee, 20, Aldermanbury. E. W. Edwards, 1, Sambrook-court, Basinghall-street. BIRMINGHAM DISTRICT. (This Court also sits at the County Hall, Nottingham, every Friday.) COMMISSIONER. John Balguy, Esq., Q.C. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. Thomas Bittleston, 29, Waterloo-street, Birmingham. James Christie, 7, Waterloo-street, Birmingham. Frederick Whitmore... Ditto........ Ditto. John Harris, Middle-pavement, Nottingham. BRISTOL DISTRICT. COMMISSIONER. Matthew Davenport Hill, Esq., Q.C. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. Alfred John Acraman, 19, St. Augustine's-place, Bristol. Edward Mant Miller ........ Ditto.......... Ditto. LEEDS DISTRICT. (This Court also sits at Council Hall, Sheffield, every Saturday, and at the Town Hall, Kingston-upon-Hull, every Wednesday.) COMMISSIONERS. Martin John West, Esq. William Scrope Ayrton, Esq. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. Henry Philip Hope, 1, East-parade, Leeds. Theophilus Carrick, 23, Parliament-street, Hull. John Brewin, Sheffield. EXETER DISTRICT. COMMISSIONER. Thomas Baker, Royal-arcade, Newcastle. Accountant in Bankruptcy-Richard Clarke, Esq. Gazette, Tuesday, January 1, 1856. BANKRUPTS. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. MARSH John Parker, (filed June 9, 1855,) late of Salvador House, Bishopsgate-street, wool-broker and banker. TOWN AND COUNTRY FIATS. BARKER Baxter, of the city of York, innkeeper; surr. Jan. 17 and Feb. 15 at 11. Court, Leeds. Com. West. Official assignee, Young. Sols. Bond & Barwick, Leeds. - Petition, Dec. 31. BLACKER Rowland Hill, of Ludgate-street, in the city of London, importer of foreign silk goods, mantle manufacturer, warehouseman, d. c.; surr. Jan. 11 and Feb. 8 at 12. Court, Basinghallstreet. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Bell. Sols. Mardon & Prichard, Newgate-street.-Petition, Dec. 21. Pet. Crs. Charles Candy, Charles Wilson and Matthew Potter, of Watling-street, City, merchants. ELSAM William, of Heywood, and Rugbrook, in the county of Northampton, ironstone-master, lately in copartnership with Henry Boothby Elsam, at Bombay, and late also at Bishopsgate-street Within, in the city of London, as merchants, under the firm of William & Henry Elsam, lately also in partnership with the said Henry Boothby Elsam and Edward Elsam, at Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, as merchants, under the firm of Elsam, Brothers, also late in partnership with William Elsam (since deceased), as colour-manufacturers, at Stanhope Wharf, Camden Town, in the county of Middlesex; surr. Jan. 11 at 1, Feb. 15 at 11. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Goulburn. Official assignee, Nicholson. Sols. Lawrance, Plews & Boyer, Old Jewry Chambers. -Petition, Dec. 29. Bankrupt's own petition. FIRTH Isaac, of Thomas-street, in the city of Manchester, victualler and coffee-house keeper; surr. Jan. 11 and Feb. 1 at 12. Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Hernaman. Sols. Potter & Wood, Manchester.-Petition, Dec. 21. HARRISON James, of the city of London, commission-agent, d. c.; surr. Jan. 9 at 2, Feb. 12 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Graham. Sols. J. Parkinson, Argyll-street, Regent-street; Parrott, Colville & May, Macclesfield. -Petition, Dec. 26. Pet. Cr. Isaac Moss, of Macclesfield, silkmanufacturer. LAIDMAN Leonard, of Chancery-lane, and of Wentworth Lodge, Coburn New-road, Bow, in the county of Middlesex, law-stationer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 10 at half-past 12, Feb. 14 at 12. Court, Basinghallstreet. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Bell. Sols. Philpot & Greenhill, Gracechurch-street. Petition, Dec. 29. Pet. Crs. Thomas Philpot and Charles Pope Greenhill, of Gracechurchstreet, solicitors. NOKES Joseph, of Lower Hospital-street, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, glass-cutter, d. c.; surr. Jan. 14 and Feb. 6 at half-past 10. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Whitmore. Sols. J. Smith, or A. B. East, Birmingham. Petition, Dec. 29. TAYLOR George, of Derby, in the county of Derby, silk-manufacturer. under the firm of William Taylor & Sons; surr. Jan. 15 and Feb. 12 at half-past 10. Court, Nottingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Harris. Sols. Crowder, Maynard & Co. London; J. Dunnicliff, Derby; Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Dec. 19. WAGNER George, late of North Audley-street, in the county of Middlesex, now of Bernard-street, Russell-square, auctioneer and house-agent, d. c.; surr. Jan. 8 at half-past 1, Feb. 12 at halfpast 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Stansfeld. Sol. S. W. Tucker, Clement's-lane, City.Petition, Dec. 31. Pet. Cr. Thomas Horner, of Hart-street, Bloomsbury, plumber, &c. WHITE William Seager, of Soho-street, Handsworth, in the county of Stafford, chemist and druggist; surr. Jan. 14 and Feb. 6 at half-past 10. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Christie. Sol. T. J. Robinson, Birmingham.-Petition, Dec. 29. WIGGINS William, of Hawley Mills, near Dartford, in the county of Kent, and St. Paul's Hotel, St. Paul's-churchyard, in the city of London, paper-manufacturer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 11 at 2, Feb. 15 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fane. Official assignee, Whitmore. Sol. R. N. Spicer, Staple Inn, Holborn.-Petition, Dec. 27. Pet. Crs. Messrs. Spicer Brothers, of New Bridgestreet, Blackfriars, stationers. CERTIFICATES. Hudson Henry, of Heaton Fold, in Marsh, Huddersfield, cattle dealer-2nd class. Hunter James, of Burscough, shipwright-2nd class suspended. Gazette, Friday, January 4. BANKRUPTS. TOWN AND COUNTRY FIATS. BARFF Thomas, of Harrogate, in the county of York, hotel-keeper, d. c.; surr. Jan. 21 and Feb. 18 at 11. Court, Leeds. Com. Ayrton. Official assignee, Hope. Sols. Cariss & Cudworth, Leeds. -Petition, Jan. 1. CRICKMAR Henry, of East Donyland, in the county of Essex, ship-owner; surr. Jan. 11 at hali-past 12, Feb. 12 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Coin. Goulburn. Official assignee, Nicholson. | Sol. H. Jones, Southampton-buildings, and Colchester.-Petition, Jan. 2. Pet. Cr. Walter Garratt Roofe, of Colchester, dealer in horses. FOULDS Thomas, of Bingley, in the county of York, coach-proprietor, d. c.; surr. Jan. 17 and Feb. 15 at 11. Court, Leeds. Com. West. Official assignee, Young. Sols. Weatherhead & Burr, Keighley; Bond & Barwick, Leeds.-Petition, Dec. 27. GAUNTLETT Edward, and Robert Living, both of Devonshire Wharf, Camden-town, in the county of Middlesex, wharfingers, builders and copartners; surr. Jan. 15 at 2, Feb. 12 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Lee. Sol. T. A. Tibbitts, Field-court, Gray's Inn.-Petition, Dec. 21. Pet. Cr. John Joseph Hickmott, of Mile End-road, timber-merchant. GREENE Richard, of the city of Lichfield, banker; surr. Jan. 31 and Feb. 21 at half-past 12. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Bittleston. Sols. Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 1. MEASON Malcolm Ronald Laing, of Manchester-buildings, in the city of London, merchant, commission-agent, d. c.; surr. Jan. 17 at 11, Feb. 14 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Evans, Official assignee, Johnson. Sol. Stubbs, Moorgate-street.-Petition, Oct. 23. Bankrupt's own petition. MOORE William, of Bradford, in the county of Wilts, blue and medley dyer, surviving partner of Charles Timbrell, deceased, heretofore carrying on trade under the firm of Timbrell & Moore, at Bradford; surr. Jan. 21 and Feb. 19 at 12. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Miller. Sols. W. Merrick, Bradford; Abbot & Lucas, Bristol.-Petition, Jan. 3. PHILLIPS Robert Lawrence, and George Douglas Phillips, residing or carrying on business at King William-street, in the city of London, late of Pelham Cottage, Brompton, and Arundel-street, Strand, in the county of Middlesex, and formerly of Bombay, trading with James Eaton, under the firm of James Eaton & Co. as general merchants, and previously in partnership together, under the firm of Phillips Brothers & Co. at Bombay, general merchants, d. c.; surr. Jan. 15 at 2, Feb. 13 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Graham. Sols. Turnley & Luscombe, of Cannon-street, City.-Petition, Jan. 3. Pet. Cr. Henry Eaton, of New Inn, Strand, gentleman. PRINTER Albert, of Weston-super-Mare, in the county of Somer set, common brewer; surr. Jan. 15 and Feb. 12 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Acraman. Sols. Abbot, Bristol.-Petition, Dec. 27. SHERWIN Thomas, of Loughborough, in the county of Leicester, currier, leather-cutter, boot and shoe maker, d. c.; surr. Jan. 15 and Feb. 12 at half-past 10. Court, Nottingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Harris. Sols. Craddock & Woolley. Loughborough; Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Dec. 26. STIRKE Henry, of the city of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, money-scrivener, d. c.; surr. Jan. 16 and Feb. 13 at 12. Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Pott. Sols. Sale, Worthington & Shipman, Manchester.-Petition, Jan. 2. TOWELL William, of Bolingbroke-row, Walworth-road, Newington, and Brixton-hill, in the county of Surrey, boot-maker; surr. Jan. 9 at half-past 2. Feb. 12 at half-past 1. Court, Basinghallstreet. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Stansfeld. Sol. J. M. Dods, St. Martin's-lane, Charing-cross. - Petition, Dec. 31. Bankrupt's own petition. VAUGHAN David John, of Fishguard, in the county of Pembroke, maltster; surr. Jan. 15 and Feb. 12 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Miller. Sols. F. J. Davis, Pembroke; Bevan & Girling, Bristol.-Petition, Dec. 24. WELLS Robert, of the town or borough of Kingston-upon-Hull, tailor and draper; surr. Jan. 23 and Feb. 20 at 12. Court, Hull. Com. Ayrton. Official assignee, Carrick. Sols. Lightfoot, Earnshaw & Frankish, Hull.-Petition, Dec. 22. BANKRUPT AND DIVIDEND LIST. BENSON Elizabeth, and Sarah Benson, of Mansfield Hotel, Mansfield-street, Portland-place, in the county of Middlesex, spinsters and copartners, hotel and boarding-house keepers; surr. Jan. 22 at 2, Feb. 19 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Stansfeld. Sol. G. F. Eland, Trafalgar-square.Petition, Jan. 7. Pet. Cr. Charles Blacker Vignoles, of Dukestreet, Westminster, engineer. BROOKE Bancroft Pierpoint, of Heaton Norris, in the county of Lancaster, grocer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 21 and Feb. 11 at 12. Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Fraser. Sols. Higson & Robinson, Manchester.-Petition, Dec. 22. DEAKIN John, of Turner-street, Sheffield, in the county of York, joiner, coach-builder and beer-seller, d. c.; surr. Jan. 26 and 5 PAGE John, of Chelmsford. in the county of Essex, coach-builder, d. c.; surr. Jan. 22 at 2, Feb. 19 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Edwards. Sol. R. Prall, jun., Essex-street, Strand.-Petition, Jan. 4. Bankrupt's own petition. SLORACH Charles, of the town of Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 22 at 2, Feb. 12 at half-past 10. Court, Nottingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Harris. Sol. J. Bowley, Nottingham; Hodgson & Allen, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 5. THOMAS William, of the town of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan, sail-maker and ship-chandler, under the firm of William Thomas & Co.; surr. Jan. 22 and Feb. 19 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee. Acraman. Sols. Bevan & Girling, Bristol.-Petition, Jan. 4. CERTIFICATE. Johnstone George Frederick, St. Ives, draper and general dealer2nd class. Gazette, Friday, January 11. BANKRUPTS. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. WEATHERHEAD George, (filed Nov. 2, 1855,) of Newcastle, joiner, house-carpenter and builder. TOWN AND COUNTRY FIATS. ANDERSON Alexander, of Stourbridge, in the county of Worcester, innkeeper, plumber and glazier; surr. Jan. 25 and Feb. 22 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Christie. Sols. E. & H. Wright, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 7. FOX Charles, of the city of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster. artists' colourman, print-seller, picture-dealer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 24 and Feb. 14 at 12. Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Hernaman. Sol. D. Boote, Manchester.-Petition, Jan. 7. Feb. 23 at 10. Court, Sheffield. Com. West. Official assignee, HAMPTON Thomas, of Broadwater, in the county of Sussex, corn Brewin. Sols. Chambers & Waterhouse, Sheffield. Petition, Dec. 26. HARDMAN John, Edward Hardman, and William Garner, of Sutton, near St. Helen's, in the county of Lancaster, iron-founders, brass-founders, engineers, d. c. and copartners, under the firm of John Hardman & Co.; surr. Jan. 17 and Feb. 13 at 11. Court, Liverpool. Com. Stevenson. Official assignee, Bird. Sol. Bretherton, Liverpool.-Petition, Dec. 29. HERRING James Craggs, and William Herring, of West Boldon, in the county of Durham, merchants, carrying on business in copartnership at the borough of Sunderland, under the firm of J. C. and W. Herring, as timber-merchants, ship and insurance brokers, and general commission agents; surr. Jan 23 at 11, Feb. 12 at 1. Court, Newcastle. Com. Ellison. Official assignee, Baker. Sols. J. Kidson, Sunderland; Pringle, Shem, Wilson & Crossman, King's-road, Bedford-row.-Petition, Jan. 3. HUGHES Joseph, of the city of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, fustian manufacturer; surr. Jan. 18 and Feb. 8 at 12, Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Hernaman. Sol. T. Leeming, Manchester.-Petition, Jan. 2. JOHNS Joseph, of the Salisbury Arms Inn, in the town and county of Hertford, innkeeper, d. c.; surr. Jan. 17 at 2, Feb. 21 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Johnson. Sols. Mason & Sturt, Gresham-street; Longmore, Sworder & Longmore, Hertford.-Petition, Jan. 7. Bankrupt's own petition. LADD Edward, of Sidney-street, in the town and county of Cambridge, draper; surr. Jan. 17 at half-past 1, Feb. 19 at 11. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Johnson. Sols. Bristow & Tarrant, Bow-court, Walbrook; J. G. Bell, Cambridge. -Petition, Jan. 4. Pet. Cr. Henry Coullis Holden, of Trinitystreet, Cambridge, tailor. MEASON Malcolm Ronald Laing, of Winchester-buildings, (and not Manchester-buildings as before advertised,) in the city of London, merchant, commission-agent, d. c.; surr. Jan. 17 at 11, Feb. 14 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Johnson. Sol. Stubbs, Moorgate-street. - Petition, Oct. 23. Bankrupt's own petition. and coal merchant; surr. Jan. 25 at 12, Feb. 19 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Lee. Sols. Vandercom, Cree, Laws & Comyn, Bush-lane, Cannon-street.Petition, Jan. 8. Pet. Crs. Alfred Staff Prior and Edward Staff Prior, of Laurence Pountney-hill, City, coal-merchants. LONGDEN George, of Welton-in-the-Marsh, in the county of Lincoln, draper and grocer; surr. Feb. 6 and 27 at 12. Court, Hull. Com. Ayrton. Official assignee, Carrick. Sol. R. Farrow, Alford.-Petition, Jan. 9. LOWE Samuel, of West-street, Oldham, in the county of Lancaster, provision-dealer; surr. Jan. 28 and Feb. 25 at 12. Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Fraser. Sol. W. H. Partington, Manchester.-Petition, Jan. 7. PRATT James, and Charles Abson, of Castleford, in the county of York. earthenware manufacturers and copartners; surr. Jan. 28 and Feb. 18 at 12. Court, Leeds. Com. Ayrton. Official assignee, Hope. Sols. T. Haigh, or Bond & Barwick, Leeds.Petition, Jan. 5. RICHARDS John, of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan, shipowner; surr. Jan. 22 and Feb. 19 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Miller. Sols. Bevan & Girling, Bristol.Petition, Jan. 9. SANDERSON Edward Rheam, of West Kinnald Ferry, in the county of Lincoln, seed-crusher, d.c.; surr. Feb. 6 and 27 at 12. Court, Hull. Com. Ayrton. Official assignee, Carrick. Sols. L. Peel, Liverpool; Markland, Leeds.-Petition, Dec. 24. TURNER Robert, of Ludgate-hill, in the city of London, and of New-street, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, draper and mercer; surr. Jan. 23 at 2, Feb. 19 at half-past 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Graham. Sol. M. Shephard, Clifford's Inn, Fleet-street. - Petition, Jan. 9. Bankrupt's own petition. WHITEHEAD Thomas, and Joseph Lassey, of Morley, in the county of York, dyers and copartners, d. c.; surr. Jan. 28 and Feb. 25 at 11. Court, Leeds. Com, Ayrton. Official assignee, Hope. Sol. C. Naylor, Leeds. --Petition, Jan. 9. WILSON James, of Grafton-road, Kentish-town, in the county of Middlesex, out of business, formerly of West Strand, Whitehaven, in the county of Cumberland, and of King-street, Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, ship and insurance-broker; surr. Jan. 31 and Feb. 22 at 11. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fane. Official assignee, Cannan. Sol. H. A. Reed, Ironmonger-lane.-Petition, Jan. 10. Pet. Cr. Thomas Wilson, of Irish-street, Whitehaven, Cumberland, builder. Rigg Charles Merit, late of Crane-grove, Albion road, Holloway, now of Upper Stamford-street, Blackfriars, apothecary and vendor of medicines-2nd class. Salmon Thomas, of Kettering, ironmonger-3rd class. Starkey James, of Old-street, St. Luke, builder-2nd class. Taylor Robert, of Watts-terrace, Old Kent-road, baker and corn dealer-2nd class. Thomas Joseph, of Catherine-street, Strand, and of White Hartstreet, Drury-lane, newspaper proprietor and printer-1st class. Viner Charles, Henry Viner, George Viner, and Joseph John Viner, of Brighton, and Cliffe, Lewes, plumbers and glaziers-3rd class suspended. Gazette, Friday, January 15. BANKRUPTS. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. HALL George Westbury, (filed Oct. 20, 1848.) of Lime-street, city of London, East India merchant and drysalter. TOWN AND COUNTRY FIATS. BROWN George, and William Rusby, of Bankside, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, and of Idle, near Leeds, in the county of York, stone-merchants and quarrymen, d. c., in copartnership; surr. Jan. 30 at 2, Feb. 26 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Graham. Sol. D. Hughes, Gresham-street.-Petition, Jan. 12. Bankrupts' own petition. CORBETT William, of East Dean, and Newnham, in the county of Gloucester, coal-merchant and coke-manufacturer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 28 and Feb. 26 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Acraman. Sols. Bevan & Girling, Bristol.-Petition, Jan. 8. FORSHAW Robert, of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, coaldealer and beer-seller, d. c.; surr. Jan. 25 and Feb. 29 at 11. Court, Liverpool. Com. Stevenson. Official assignee, Bird. Sol. Dod, Liverpool.-Petition, Jan. 11. FRASER James, of Lower Thames-street, in the city of London. wine, spirit and beer merchant, d. c., under the firm of James Fraser & Co.; surr. Jan. 26 at 1, Feb. 26 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Lee. Sols. Mar*don & Prichard, Christchurch Chambers, Newgate-street-Petition, Jan. 14. Bankrupt's own petition. HATT George, of New Park-street, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, cow-keeper, dairyman and green-grocer, d. c.; surr. Jan. 24 at 11, Feb. 21 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Bell. Sol. Tucker, Sun Chambers, Threadneedlestreet.-Petition. Jan. 14. Pet. Cr. Charles Hart, of Brewer-street, Pimlico, cow-keeper. HOOKER Edward, late of Birchanger, near Bishop's Stortford, in the county of Essex, and now of Park-road, West Kent Park, Forest-hill, Sydenham, in the county of Kent, contractor and builder; surr. Jan. 30 at 2, Feb. 26 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fonblanque. Official assignee, Stansfeld. Sol. J. T. Moss, Gracechurch-street.-Petition, Jan. 14. Pet. Cr. Francis Adams, of High-street, Forest-hill, Sydenham, house-decorator. LUMLEY Charles, of Knaresborough, in the county of York, gardener, seedsman and fruiterer; surr. Jan. 25 and Feb. 29 at 11. Court, Leeds. Com. West. Official assignee, Young. Sols. Boulding, Pope & Simpson, Fenchurch-street; Bond & Barwick, Leeds. Petition, Jan. 5. MERRICK John Todd, of Chancellor-road, Hammersmith, in the county of Middlesex, and St. George's-place, Walworth-road, in the county of Surrey, builder, d. c.; surr. Jan. 23 at 11, Feb. 22 at 2. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Goulburn. Official assignee, Pennell. Sols Lawrance, Plews & Boyer, Old Jewry Chambers. -Petition, Jan. 9. Pet. Crs. Frederick George Harding and Joseph Maddox, of Fore-street, City, timber-merchants. PEE John, of Astley Abbotts, in the county of Salop, publican and blacksmith; surr. Jan. 25 and Feb. 22 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Bittleston. Sols. Saunders & Son, Kidderminster; Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 12. WINSCOM Edwin, of Park-street, Croydon, in the county of Surrey, pianoforte dealer; surr. Jan. 25 at half-past 12, Feb. 23 at half-past 11. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Goulburn. Official assignee, Pennell. Sol. H. A. Reed, Ironmonger-lane.-Petition, Jan. 12. Pet. Cr. Robert Jones, of Wellington-street, Borough, grocer. WOOLHOUSE Thomas, Elijah Woolhouse, and Samuel Woolhouse, of Sheffield, in the county of York, saw-manufacturers and copartners; surr. Jan. 26 and March 1 at 10. Court, Sheffield. Com. West. Official assignee, Brewin. Sol. W. B. Fernell, Sheffield.-Petition, Jan. 10. CERTIFICATES. Adamson Thomas and Henry Hunter Bell, of Sunderland, carriers and leather cutters-2nd class. Hopkinson John Granville, of Nottingham, beer-house keeper-2nd class. Jenkinson William, of Salford, agent and thread manufacturer-1st class. Kenyon James, of Blackburn, innkeeper, painter and plasterer-3rd class. Lowe William, of Birmingham, boot and shoe manufacturer-2nd class. Mallin John, of Rowley Regis, miller-3rd class. Pratt David, of Birmingham, thimble manufacturer-2nd class. Preston Henry Hebb, of Derby, laceman and hosier-1st class. Roxburgh William, of Liverpool, insurance broker-2nd class. Wright William, of Lower Mill, Loughborough, miller and cornfactor -2nd class. Gazette, Friday, January 18. BANKRUPTS. TOWN AND COUNTRY FIATS. BOOTH Walter, late of Church-road, Kingsland, in the county of Middlesex, and of Seymour-street, Deptford, in the county of Kent, papier-maché manufacturer, now a prisoner for debt in the Queen's Bench; surr. Jan. 29 at 11, Feb. 28 at 12. Court, Ba singhall-street. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Johnson. Sol. Vining, Moorgate-street.-Petition, Jan. 9 Pet. Cr. John Guest, of Wadhurst, yeoman. BRADLEY Charles, of Wilmslow, in the county of Chester, tailor and draper, d. c.; surr. Jan. 31 and Feb. 21 at 12. Court, Manchester. Official assignee, Hernaman. Sol. J. Hall, Manchester. -Petition, Jan. 13. BURCH William, of Sewardstone Mills, in the hamlet of Sewardstone, in the parish of Waltham Holy Cross, in the county of Essex, cotton dyer and dresser; surr. Jan. 31 and March 7 at halfpast 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fane. Official assignee, Cannan. Sol. G. T. Taylor, Featherstone-buildings, Holborn.Petition, Jan. 15. Bankrupt's own petition. DOWN Charles, of Newport, in the county of Monmouth, grocer; surr. Jan. 29 and Feb. 25 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Acraman. Sols. Cathcart, Newport; Bevan & Girling, Bristol.-Petition, Jan. 7. BANKRUPT AND DIVIDEND LIST. EDWARDS John T., of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, laceman, d. c.; surr. Jan. 30 and Feb. 25 at 11. Court, Liverpool. Com. Perry. Official assignee, Morgan. Sol. R. Williams, Liverpool.-Petition, Jan. 15. GREGORY John Cranbrook, of the city and county of Bristol, dealer in porter and ale, d. c.; surr. Jan. 29 and Feb. 25 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Miller. Sols. Hobbs & Slater, Stratford-upon-Avon; C. Bevan, Bristol. - Petition, Jan. 5. HUGHES Catherine, of Holywell, in the county of Flint, grocer and draper; surr. Jan. 30 and Feb. 25 at 11. Court, Liverpool. Com. Perry. Official assignee, Cazenove. Sol. R. Pattison, Liverpool.-Petition, Jan. 16. LODGE Joseph, of Wolverhampton, in the county of Stafford, brewer and cab-proprietor, d. c.; surr. Feb. 1 and 22 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Whitmore. Sol. E. Hayes, Wolverhampton, -Petition, Jan. 8. MITCHELL John, of Sun-street, Bishopsgate-street, in the city of London, analytical chemist, d. c.; surr. Jan. 29 and Feb. 26 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Edwards. Sol. W. Smythe, Searle-street, Lincoln's Inn.-Petition, Jan. 14. Pet. Cr. Maria Stephenson, of Mortlake, widow. RICHARDSON Henry William, of the Surrey Yeoman tavern, Banstead, near Epsom, in the county of Surrey, licensed victualler; Jan. 31 and March 7 at 2. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fane. Official assignee, Whitmore. Sol. Mackeson, Lincoln's Inn-fields.-Petition, Jan. 14. Pet. Crs. James Lys, William Evans, Robert Stafford, and Christopher Wilson, of Millbank, rectifiers. SALISBURY William, of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, builder, d. c.; surr. Feb. 1 and 22 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Bittleston. Sols. Hodgson & Allen, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 9. WHITEHEAD Thomas, of Eastcheap, in the city of London, sugar-dealer and colonial-agent, d. c.; surr. Jan. 29 and Feb. 28 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Evans. Official assignee, Johnston. Sol. Redpath, Old Jewry Chambers.-Petition, Jan. 16. Bankrupt's own petition. ALLEN Joseph, and Brammall Holmes, of Derby, in the county of Derby, silk-throwsters and silk-manufacturers and copartners; surr. Feb. 12 and 26 at half-past 10. Court, Nottingham. Com. Balguy. Official! assignee, Harris. Sols. J. B. Helm, Derby; Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 19. AMER Stephen, of Bradford, in the county of York, grocer, d. c.; surr. Feb. 5 at 12, March 3 at 11. Court, Leeds. Com. Ayrton. Official assignee, Hope. Sols. E. A. Barrett, Bradford; Cariss & Cudworth, Leeds. - Petition, Jan. 10. BATE Thomas, of Wolverhampton, in the county of Stafford, licensed victualler and brick-maker; surr. Feb. 2 and 23 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Christie. Sols. Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 21. 7 CLARK Alexander, of Gate-street, Lincoln's Inn-fields, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, patent-shutter maker, d. c.; surr. Jan. 30 at 2, March 12 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Goulburn. Official assignee, Pennell. Sol. J. Johnson, Chancerylane.-Petition, Jan. 22. Pet. Cr. William Dear, of St. George'splace, Knightsbridge, upholder. CURTIS Edward Charles, of Stratford, in the parish of West Ham, in the county of Essex, builder, d. c.; surr. Feb. 1 at 2, March 7 at 1. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fane. Official assignee, Whitmore. Sols. G. & E. Hilleary, Fenchurch-buildings, Fenchurchstreet.-Petition, Jan. 19. Pet. Crs. Thomas White and George William Price, of Mark-lane, wine-merchants. FOSSEY George, of Norway Wharf, Mill-wall, in the county of Middlesex, timber-merchant, d. c., trading in partnership with James Steel, under the firm of George Fossey & Steel; surr. Jan. 30 at 1, March 12 at 11. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Goulburn. Official assignee, Pennell. Sols. Linklaters & Hackwood, Siselane, Bucklersbury.-Petition, Jan. 17. Pet. Crs. John Sim, John Coysgaine Sim, Charles Churchill and Alexander Sim, of Old Broad-street, timber-brokers. FRASER James, of Lower Thames-street, in the city of London, wine, spirit and beer merchant, d. c., under the firm of James Fraser & Co.; surr. Jan. 25 (and not 26 as before advertised) at 1, Feb. 26 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Lee. Sols. Mardon & Prichard, Christchurch Chambers, Newgate-street.-Petition, Jan. 14. Bankrupt's own petition. GRIFFITHS John, of Ludlow, in the county of Salop, carpenter and joiner, d. c.; surr. Feb. 2 and 23 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Christie. Sols. T. S. Parnell, Bristol; W. H. Reece, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 8. HINTON William, and Samuel Meredith, of Pensnell, Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford, builders, d. c.; surr. Feb. 8 and 29 at 11. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Bittleston. Sols. Hodgson & Allen, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 21. HURLSTON William Page, of Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, innkeeper, wine and spirit merchant; surr. Feb. 4 and March 3 at 11. Court, Bristol. Com. Hill. Official assignee, Acraman. Sol. De Lacy Towle, Cheltenham.-Petition, Jan. 18. LAWRENCE Benjamin Richardson, of Carshalton, in the county of Surrey, apothecary; surr. Feb. 1 at 1, March 4 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Holroyd. Official assignee, Edwards. Sol. H. A. Reed, Ironmonger-lane.-Petition, Jan. 18. Pet. Cr. Henry Ollard, of Russell-place, Old Kent-road. MANSFIELD Henry, of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, fancy toy dealer, d. c.; surr. Feb. 1 and 28 at 11. Court, Liverpool. Com. Stevenson. Official assignee, Turner. Sol. T. Dodge, Liverpool.-Petition, Jan. 19. ROWLAND Edward, and Thomas Evans, of Coleman-street, New North-road, in the county of Middlesex, builders and copartners; surr. Jan. 30 at 1, March 12 at half-past 11. Court, Basinghallstreet. Com. Goulburn. Official assignee, Nicholson. Sols. Lawrance, Plews and Boyer, Old Jewry Chambers. - Petition, Jan. 21. Pet. Cr. William Palmer, of Great George-street, Eustonsquare, gentleman. STIMSON Abraham, of Scholefield-street, Bloomsbury, in the parish of Aston juxta Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, builder, d. c.; surr. Feb. 4 and 25 at half-past 10. Court, Birmingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Bittleston. Sol. H. Southall, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 15. TAYLOR Joseph Spooner, of Derby, in the county of Derby, ironfounder; surr. Feb. 12 and 26 at half-past 10. Court, Nottingham. Com. Balguy. Official assignee, Harris. Sols. J. B. Helm, Derby; Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Petition, Jan. 16. |