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För praise | too dear-ly lov'd | or warm -ly sought,
Enfee-bles all | inter-nal strength | of thought."
With soll-emn ad-orāl-tion down | they cast

As of



Their crowns | inwove | with am|-arant | and gold."

s. 1. This is the regular English heroic. It is, perhaps, the only meas uitable for blank verse.

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"Enough | has Heav'n | indulg'd |
To tempt |

s. 2.-The Elegiac Stanza consists of four heroics rhyming alternately

below in this lov'd | retreat;

Enough has Heav'n | ordain'd | of use-ful wo,
To make | us lang-uish for | a hap|-pier seat."

Measure 5th.-Iambic of Four Feet, or Tetrameter.

"The jōys | abōve | are ūn-derstood
And rel-ish'd on -ly by | the good."
Measure 6th.-Iambic of Three Feet, or Trimeter.

"Blue light-nings singe | the wāves,
And thun-der rends | the rock."

Measure 7th. Iambic of Two Feet, or Dimeter.

"Their love | and awe
Supply | the law."

Measure 8th. Iambic of One Foot, or Monometer.

"How bright,

The light!"

3s. 1.-Lines of fewer than seven syllables are seldom found, except in nexion with longer verses.

3s. 2.-In iambic verse, the first foot is often varied, by introducing a

nee; as, "Plāněts | and sūns | run law-less through | the sky."

3s. 3.-By a synæresis of the two short syllables, or perhaps by mere
titution, an anapest may sometimes be employed for an iambus; or a
yl, for a trochee: as,

"O'er man-y a fro-zen, man-y a fil-ery Alp."


n Trochaic verse, the stress is laid on the odd syllables, and
even ones are short. Single-rhymed trochaic omits the
1 short syllable, that it may end with a long one.
d of verse is the same as iambic would be without the ini-
short syllable. Iambics and trochaics often occur in the
ne poem.

Measure 1st.--Trochaic of Eight Feet, or Octometer.
Once up-on a | midnight | dreary, | while I | pondered, |

weak and | weary,

Over | mānỹ ă | quaint and | curious | volume | of for -gotten | lore,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

e I | nodded, | nearly | napping, | sudden -ly there | came a | tapping,

of | some one | gently | rapping, | rapping | at my | chamber door."

sure 2d. Trochaic of Seven Feet, or Heptameter.

n, | Lord, to | rescue | me, and | set me | safe from | uble;

e thou | those who | seek my | soul, re-ward their | chief | double."


Single Rhyme.

and | morning | were at | meeting | over | Water

had | sung their | earliest | greeting; | faint and | low ✔ | crew."

asure 3d.--Trochaic of Six Feet, or Hexameter. mōuntain | stretch'd be -nēath ă | hōary willow, hepherd wain and view'd the rolling billow

Single Rhyme.

ely | in the | forest, | subtle | from his | birth,
ed a | necro-mancer, | wondrous | son of | earth."
sure 4th. Trochaic of Five Feet, or Pentameter.
tue's | bright'ning | ray shall | beam för | ever.”

Single Rhyme.

"Idle | after | dinner, | in his | chair,

Sat a | farmer, | ruddy, | fat, and | fair." sure 5th.--Trochaic of Four Feet, or Tetrameter. "Round ă | holy | calm dif-fusing,

Love of | peace and | lonely | musing."

Single Rhyme.

"Restless | mortals | tōil för | naught, Bliss in vain from | earth is | sought." sure 6th.--Trochaic of Three Feet, or Trimeter. “When our | hearts are | mourning."

Single Rhyme.

"In thě | days of | old,
Stories | plainly | told."

easure 7th. -Trochaic of Two Feet, or Dimeter.

"Fancy | viewing.

"Nimrod th


cease, Sink to peace."

Measure 8th.- Trochaic of One Foot, or Monometer.

“ Chāngĩng,


n Anapestic verse the stress is laid on every third syllable e first foot of an anapestic line, may be an iambus.

Measure 1st.-Anapestic of Four Feet, or Tetrameter. "At the close | of the day, | when the hām|-let is still, And mor-tals the sweets | of forget -fulness prove."

Hypermeter with Double Rhyme.

n a word, | so complete -ly forestall'd | were the wish/-es, Even har-mony struck | from the noise | of the dish-es."

Hypermeter with Triple Rhyme.

Lean Tom, | when I saw | him, last week, ❘ on his horse {


Threaten'd loud -ly to turn | me to stone | with his sor-cery."
Measure 2d. Anapestic of Three Feet, or Trimeter.
"Iăm mōn-arch of all | I sŭrvēy;
My right there is none | to dispute."

Measure 3d.-Anapestic of Two Feet, or Dimeter.

“When I look | ăn mỹ bōys,
They renew | all my joys."

Measure 4th.-Anapestic of One Foot, or Monometer.

"On the land

Let me stand."


n pure Dactylic verse, the stress is laid on the first syllable each successive three; that is, on the first, the fourth, the enth, the tenth syllable, &c. Full dactylic generally forms ble rhyme. When one of the final short syllables is omitted, rhyme is double; when both single. Dactylic with single me is the same as anapestic would be without its initial rt syllables. Dactylic measure is rather uncommon; and, en employed, is seldom perfectly regular.

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easure 1st.--Dactylic of Eight Feet, or Octometer. trod the | hünter wăs | mighty în | hūnting, and | famed

as the | rüler of | cities of | yōre;

el, and | Erech, and | Accad, and

| Calneh, from | Shi

nar's fair | region his | name afar | bore."

asure 2d.--Dactylic of Seven Feet, or Heptameter. of the | kingdom of | Christ shall be | gathered, by | angels o'er | Satan vic-torious,

that of -fendeth, that | lieth, that | faileth to | honour his | name ever | glorious."

[easure 3d.--Dactylic of Six Feet, or Hexameter. 3, thou art | ever in | motion, on | wheels of the | days, years, and | ages;

less as waves of the | ocean, when | Eurus or | Boreas | rages."

Example without Rhyme.

is the forest pri|-meval; but | where are the | hearts that bel-neath it

o'd like the | roe, when he | hears in the woodland the | voice of the | huntsman?"

easure 4th.-Dactylic of Five Feet, or Pentameter.

- thou dost | welcome me, | welcome me, | from the dark sea,

1 of the | beautiful, | beautiful, | land of the | free."

easure 5th.-Dactylic of Four Feet, or Tetrameter.
- will ăn tīcīpăte, | lavish, and | dissipăte
11 thăt your | būsỹ păte | hōarděd with | care;

in their | foolishness, | passion, and | mulishness, marge you with | churlishness, | spurning your | pray'r."

easure 6th.-Dactylic of Three Feet, or Trimeter. "Evěr sing | merrily, | mērrily."

Teasure 7th.-Dactylic of Two Feet, or Dimeter.

"Free from să tīětě,
Care, and anxiety,
Charms in variety,
Fall to his | share."

asure 8th.-Dactylic of One Foot, or Monometer.

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te Eighth Praxis, are exemplified the several Figures of thography, of Etymology, of Syntax, and of Rhetoric, which - parser may name and define; and by it the pupil may so be exercised in relation to the principles of Punctuation, tterance, and Versification.



Fery goot: I will make a prief of it in my note-book; and
will afterwards 'ork upon the cause with as great discreetly
e can." -Shak.

Vat is you sing? I do not like dese toys. Pray you, go
vetch me in my closet un boitier verd; a box, a green-a
Do intend vat I speak? a green-a box."-Id.
ax'd you what you had to sell. I am fitting out a wessel
Wenice, loading her with warious keinds of prowisions, and
alling her for a long woyage; and I want several undred
ht of weal, wenison, &c., with plenty of inyons and winegar,
he preserwation of ealth." - Columbian Orator, p. 292.
None [else are] so desperately evill, as they that may bee
- and will not: or have beene good and are not."-Rev.
Rogers, 1620. "A Carpenter finds his work as hee left
ut a Minister shall find his sett back. You need preach

ere whilom ligg'd th' Esopus of his age,
at call'd by Fame, in soul ypricked deep." - Thomson.
was a fountain of Nepenthe rare,

Which on f

hence, as Dan Homer sings, huge pleasaunce grew."-Id.


The gentle
Let fall ado


'gainst the steepy hill thy breast,

t down like torrent from its crest." -Scott.

mine to teach th' inactive hand to reap

- nature's bounties, o'er the globe diffus'd. - Dyer. ! alas! how impotently true

aërial pencil forms the scene anew.-Cawthorne.

'Certes,' qu Tundo the

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True dignit

Virtue has

Who, ev'ry

Shrinks not

For longer

The law [

So little m

Bliss is the
In[-] who

Man made

That tell yo

Man may

But God w

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