unction is used, the colon is generally and properly inas, "Avoid evil doers: in such society an honest man come ashamed of himself."-" See that moth fluttering atly round the candle: man of pleasure, behold thy -Kames. RULE II. GREATER PAUSES. n the semicolon has been introduced, and a still greater - required within the period, the colon should be emas, "Princes have courtiers, and merchants have parthe voluptuous have companions, and the wicked have Lices: none but the virtuous can have friends." RULE III. INDEPENDENT QUOTATIONS. otation introduced without dependence on a verb or a cion, is generally preceded by the colon; as, "In his ments he uttered these words: 'I fall a sacrifice to sloth ury." SECTION IV. - OF THE PERIOD. Period, or Full Stop, is used to mark an entire lependent sentence, whether simple or compound. RULE I. DISTINCT SENTENCES. a sentence is complete in respect to sense, and indein respect to construction, it should be marked with od: as, "Every deviation from truth is criminal. Abalsehood. Let your words be ingenuous. Sincerity s the most powerful charm." RULE II.-ALLIED SENTENCES. eriod is often employed between two sentences which Ceneral connexion, expressed by a personal pronoun, a ion, or a conjunctive adverb; as, "The selfish man es in his narrow circle of pleasures. They are conwhat affects his own interests. He is obliged to repeat gratifications, till they become insipid. But the man bus sensibility moves in a wider sphere of felicity." RULE III. ABBREVIATIONS. eriod is generally used after abbreviations, and very the exclusion of other points; but, as in this case it is on of pouse other points may properly follow Edison, in the Spectator, Number 285th. SECTION V.-OF THE DASH. The Dash is mostly used to denote an unexpected or aphatic pause of variable length; but sometimes it is sign of faltering; sometimes, of omission: if set after other sign of pause, it usually lengthens the interval. RULE I.-ABRUPT PAUSES. A sudden interruption or transition should be marked with "Here lies the great-false marble, where? To mark a considerable pause, greater than the structure of 1. "And now they part-to meet no more." 3. "Behold the picture! - Is it like?-Like whom?" RULE III. FAULTY DASHES. 4 Dashes needlessly inserted, or substituted for other stops ore definite, are in general to be treated as errors in puncation. Example: "-You shall go home directly, Le Fevre, d my uncle Toby, to my house, and we'll send for a doc- to see what's the matter,--and we'll have an apothecary, and the corporal shall be your nurse; and I'll be your -vant, Le Fevre." - STERNE: Enfield's Speaker, p. 306. Better as: ""You shall go home directly, Le Fevre,' said my uncle by, 'to my house; and we'll send for a doctor to see what's e matter; and we'll have an apothecary; and the corporal all be your nurse: and I'll be your servant, Le Fevre."" SECTION VI. -OF THE EROTЕМЕ. The Eroteme, or Note of Interrogation, is used to signate a question. RULE I. QUESTIONS DIRECT. Questions expressed directly as such, if finished, should al ys be followed by the note of interrogation; as, Ons. The in than the princ mma, or gre "In life, can love be bought with gold? Are friendship's pleasures to be sold?" -Johnson. RULE II. QUESTIONS UNITED. two or more questions are united in one compound - the comma or semicolon is sometimes placed between d the note of interrogation, after the last only; as, ruths would you teach, or save a sinking land? Il fear, none aid you, and few understand."-Pope. RULE III. QUESTIONS INDIRECT. a question is mentioned, but not put directly as a it loses both the quality and the sign of interrogation; Cyprians asked me why I wept." -Murray. SECTION VII. OF THE ECPHONEME. Ecphoneme, or Note of Exclamation, is used to pause with some strong or sudden emotion of d; and, as a sign of great wonder, it may be !!! RULE I.-INTERJECTIONS, &C. ctions, and other expressions of great emotion, are followed by the note of exclamation; as, ! let me listen to the words of life!" - Thomson. RULE II. INVOCATIONS. in earnest address or solemn invocation, the note of on is usually preferred to any other point; as, upon, O king Agrippa! I was not disobedient unto nly vision." Acts, xxvi, 19. RULE III.-EXCLAMATORY QUESTIONS. uttered with vehemence in the form of a question, but eference to an answer, should be followed by the noto ation; as, "How madly have I talked!" - Young. SECTION VIII.-OF THE CURVES. urves, or Marks of Parenthesis, are used to disa clause or hint that is hastily thrown in between of a sentence to which it does not properly be To others do (the law is not severe) 1 A clause that breaks the unity of a sentence too much to be corporated with it, and only such, should be enclosed as a renthesis; as, "Know then this truth, (enough for man to know,) Virtue alone is happiness below."-Pope. RULE II. INCLUDED POINTS. The curves do not supersede other stops; and, as the paren esis terminates with a pause equal to that which precedes it, same point should be included, except when the sentences fer in form: as, 1. "Man's thirst of happiness declares it is : (For nature never gravitates to nought:) 2. "Night visions may befriend: (as sung above :) SECTION IX. -OF THE OTHER MARKS. There are also several other marks, which are occa- 7. ['] The Apostrophè usually denotes either the possessive 2. [-] The Hyphen connects the parts of many compound 3. [...] The Diæresis, or Dialysis, placed over either of two ntiguous vowels, shows that they are not a diphthong; as, mäe, aërial. 4. ['] The Acute Accent marks the syllable which requires > principal stress in pronunciation; as, équal, equality. It sometimes used in opposition to the grave accent, to distinsh a close or short vowel; as, "Fancy:" (Murray:) or to note the rising inflection of the voice; as, "Is it hé?" 5. ['] The Grave Accent is used in opposition to the acute, distinguish an open or long vowel; as, "Favour :" (Mur:) or to denote the falling inflection of the voice; as, ès; it is hè." sound of a rowel; as 7.[] elose vowe vour. 8.[] an open v bird. 9.[ the omissio 10. [4] sert words 13.[] tinguished, 15. [[]] markable, o 18.[** ] The Circumflex generally denotes either the broad of a, or an unusual and long sound given to some other as in eclât, âll, héir, machine, môve, bûll. ~] The Breve, or Stenotone, is used to denote either a Owel or a syllable of short quantity; as, raven, to de ] The Macron, or Macrotone, is used to denote either vowel or a syllable of long quantity; as, rāven, a _ ] or [****] The Ellipsis, or Suppression, denotes ssion of some letters or words; as, K-g, for King. 4] The Caret, used only in writing, shows where to inrds or letters that have been accidentally omitted. ~] The Brace serves to unite a triplet; or to con-eral terms with something to which they are all re §] The Section marks the smaller divisions of a book ter; and, with the help of numbers, serves to abridge es. T] The Paragraph (chiefly used in the Bible) denotes mencement of a new subject. The parts of discourse re called paragraphs, are, in general, sufficiently dised, by beginning a new line, and carrying the first Little forwards or backwards. ""] The Guillemets, or Quotation Points, distinguish hat are taken from an other author or speaker. A quoithin a quotation is marked with single points; which, th are employed, are placed within the others. ]] The Crotchets, or Brackets, generally enclose some n or explanation, or the subject to be explained; as, e speaker] was of a different opinion." ]The Index, or Hand, points out something ree, or what the reader should particularly observe. *] The Asterisk, or Star, [+] the Obelisk, or Dagger, Diesis, or Double Dagger, and [||) the Parallels, refer nal notes. The Section also [§], and the Paragraph - often used for marks of reference, the former being pplied to the fourth, and the latter to the sixth note e; for, by the usage of printers, these signs are now y introduced in the following order: 1*, 2 †, 3 ‡, 6, 7**, 8ft, &c. When many references are to , the small letters of the alphabet, or the numerical |