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ment is so far from creating the modification governed, that it presupposes it to exist.

-Prepositions are sometimes elliptically construed with adjectives; ,in secret, at first, on high; i. e., in a vain manner, in secret places, time, on high places. Such phrases imply time, place, degree, or nd are equivalent to adverbs. In parsing, the learner may supply

In a few instances prepositions precede adverbs; as, at once, from ver. These should be united, and parsed as adverbs, or else the st be parsed as a noun, according to observation 3d on Rule 15th. -When nouns of time or measure are connected with verbs or adne prepositions which govern them, are generally suppressed: as, sixty miles that day;" that is, “through sixty miles on that day." all is ten feet high;" that is, "high to ten feet." In parsing, suppsis; or else you must take the time or measure adverbially, as the verb or adjective qualified by it. Such expressions as, ix feet long," "A boy of twelve years old," are wrong. Strike say, "A board of six feet in length," -" A boy of twelve years of

After the adjectives like, near, and nigh, the preposition to or ununderstood; as, "It is like to or unto] silver." - Allen. "How mer!"-Dryden. "Near yonder copse." - Goldsmith. "Nigh this Farth. As similarity and proximity are relations, and not qualght seem proper to call like, near, and nigh, prepositions; and

marians have so classed the last two. Dr. Johnson seems to be t in calling near a preposition in the phrase, “So near thy heart," ective, in the phrase, "Being near their master!" We have not m with the prepositions for four reasons: (1.) Because they are compared; (2.) Because they sometimes have adverbs evidently them; (3.) Because the preposition to or unto is sometimes exDer them; and, (4.) Because the words which usually stand for learned languages, are clearly adjectives. Like, when it expresses f manner, and near and nigh, when they express proximity of


The word worth is often followed by an adjective, or a participle, pears to govern; as, "If your arguments produce no conviction, rth nothing to me." - Beattie. "To reign is worth ambition."This is life indeed, life worth preserving."-Addison. It is not ermine to what part of speech worth here belongs. Dr. Johnson adjective, but says nothing of the object after it, which some supgoverned by of understood. In this supposition, it is gratuitously hat worth is equivalent to worthy, after which of should be ex5, "Whatsoever is worthy of of their love, is worth their anger."But, as worth appears to have no certain characteristic of an adme call it a noun, and suppose a double ellipsis; as, "The book is orth [of] a dollar." This is still less satisfactory; and, as the ars to be mere guess-work, we see no good reason why worth is sition, governing the noun or participle. If an adverb precede ay as well be referred to the foregoing verb, as when it occurs other preposition. Both Dr. Johnson and Horne Tooke, (who never agreed if they it,) unite in saying that worth, in the phrases, "Wo worth the No worth the day," is from the imperative of the Saxon verb weorthan, to be; i. e., "Wo be [to] the man," or, "Wo betide the And the latter affirms, that, as by is from the imperative of beon, h (though admitted to be sometimes from withan, to join) is often an this same imperative verb wyrth or worth: if so, the words by, Dorth, were originally synonymous, and should now be referred to same class. The dative case, or oblique object, which they govaxon verbs, becomes their proper object, when taken as English s; and in this also they appear to be alike.


ater to drink." Buy for me a knie.' So in the exclamation,

me!"-meaning, "Wo is to me!"


FALSE SYNTAX UNDER RULE XXII. - OBJECTIVES. rests with thou and me to decide.

FORMULE. Not proper, because the pronoun thou is in the nominative case, and governed by the preposition with. But, according to Rule 22d, "Prepositions vern the objective case." Therefore, thou should be thee; thus, It rests with thes d me to decide.]

et that remain a secret between you and I. lent the book to some one, I know not who.

Tho did he inquire for? Thou.

rom he that is needy, turn not away.

Je are all accountable, each for his own act's. oes that boy know who he is speaking to?

bestow my favours on whosoever I will.


The preposition to governs the Infinitive mood, and ommonly connects it to a finite verb; "I desire To arn." Dr. Adam.


the necessity f mother coun

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have called it

Grammars; in

hamal to the go


eyet it ma ninitive

1. To a noun

1. To an ad

OBS. 1. No word is more variously explained by grammarians, than this ord to, which is prefixed to the verb in the infinitive mood. Johnson, Falker, Scott, Todd, and other lexicographers, call it an adverb; but, in exaining its use, they say it denotes certain relations, which it is not the office an adverb, to express. [See Johnson' Dictionary, 4to.] Lowth, Murray, Tebster, Coar, Comly, and others, call it a preposition; and some of these cribe it to the government of the verb, and others do not. Lowth says, The preposition to placed before the verb, makes the infinitive mood." kinner, in his Canones Etymologici, calls it an equivocal article. Horne Tooke, ho shows that most of our conjunctions and prepositions may be traced ack to ancient verbs and nouns, says that to has the same origin as do, and › seems to consider it an auxiliary verb. Many are content to call it a prex, a particle, a sign of the infinitive, &c., without telling us why or how it is , or to what part of speech it belongs. If it be a part of the infinitive, it is a rb, and must be classed with the auxiliaries. Dr. Ash placed it among the uxiliaries; but he says, the auxiliaries "seem to have the nature of adrbs." We have given in the preceding rule that explanation which we onsider to be the most correct and the most simple. Who first parsed the finitive in this manner we know not; the doctrine is found in several nglish grammars, one of which, written by a classical teacher, was published London in 1796.-See Coar's Grammar, 12mo, p. 263.

To a prom

4 To a ver

To a parti

& To an ed

1. To a congu

& To a prep

To an inte


Eme respect, 1

OBS. 2.-Most English grammarians have considered the word to as a part "the infinitive; and, like the teachers of Latin, have referred the governent of this mood to a preceding verb. But the rule which they give is artial, and often inapplicable; and their exceptions to it are numerous and azzling. They teach that at least half the different parts of speech frequentgovern the infinitive: if so, there should be a distinct rule for each; for hy should the government of one part of speech be made an exception to at of an other? and, if this be done, with respect to the infinitive, why not so with respect to the objective case? In all instances to which their rule

L. A subiect

2. A predica

1. A purpose

4. An emplo

. A cause;

A coming

7. A term of

Das. 6.-Anc ; as, "I w went ye out fo

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Ons. 9-Th to be) neces Оля. 10.-Т but this order

"To co

La prépo

les pophes,

bes, qu'e nouns, pronoun "Every verb to be put in th which preced

ble, the rule here given amounts to the same thing; and it obviate sity for their numerous exceptions, and the embarrassment arising er constructions of the infinitive not noticed in them.

-The infinitive thus admits a simpler solution in English, than in er languages. In French, the infinitive, though frequently placed iate dependence on an other verb, may also be governed by several prepositions, (as à, de, pour, sans, après,) according to the sense.* -h and Italian, the construction is similar. In Latin and Greek, the is, for the most part, dependent on an other verb. But, according mmars, it may stand for a noun in all the six cases; and many ed it an indeclinable noun. See the Port-Royal Latin and Greek s; in which several peculiar constructions of the infinitive, are reThe government of a preposition.

-Though the infinitive is commonly made an adjunct to some finite it may be joined to almost all the other parts of speech, or to an nitive; as,

noun; as, "He had leave to go."

adjective; as, "We were anxious to see you." pronoun; as, "I discovered him to be a scholar." verb in the infinitive; as, "To cease to do evil." participle; as, "Endeavouring to escape, he fell." adverb; as, "She is old enough to go to school,' conjunction; as, "He knows better than to trust you." preposition; as, "I was about to write." -Rev., x, 4.

interjection; (by ellipsis;) as, "O to forget her!" - Young.

-The infinitive is the mere verb, without affirmation; and, in

ect, resembles a noun. It may stand for-

ject; as, "To steal is sinful "

dicate; as, "To enjoy is to obey." -Pop

rpose, or an end; as, "He's gone to do it." -Edgeworth.

mployment; as,


He loves to

as, "I rejoice to hear it."


ning event; as, "A structure soon to fall." - Cowper.

m of comparison; as, “He was so much affected as to weep.”

-Anciently, the infinitive was sometimes preceded by jor as well "I went up to Jerusalem for to worship." -Acts, xxiv, 11. "What

at for to see?"-Luke, vii, 26.

-"Learn skilfullie how

Each grain for to laie by itself on a mow." - Tusser.

usage rejects the former preposition.

-The infinitive sometimes depends on a verb understood; as, "Tb vith you, [I confess] I was in fault." Some grammarians have ertaught that the infinitive in such sentences is put absolute. -The infinitive, or a phrase of which the infinitive is a part, boa apparently as the subject of a verb, but superseded by some other it absolute, or left unconnected, by pleonasm; as,

"To be, or not to be;-that is the question." --Shakspeare.

The infinitive of the verb be, is often understood; as, "I suppose ecessary." [See Obs. 2d on Rule xxiv.]

--The infinitive usually follows the word on which it depends; der is sometimes reversed; as,

catch your vivid scenes, too gross her hand."- Thomson.

position, est un mot indéclinable, placé devant les noms, les pronoms, et u'elle r git. The preposition is an indeclinable word placed before the ouns, and verbs, which it governs."---Perrin's Grammar, D. 152.

erb placed immediately after an other verb or after a preposition, ought

Pught these things be tolerated?

[FORMULE. Not proper, because the infinitive be tolerated, is not preceded by the -eposition to. But, according to Rule 23d, "The preposition to governs the infinitive ood, and commonly connects it to a finite verb." Therefore, to should be inserted; us, Ought these things to be tolerated?]

lease excuse my son's absence. ause every man go out from me. Torbid them enter the garden. Do you not perceive it move? llow others discover your merit, He was seen go in at that gate, ermit me pass this way.


The active verbs, bid, dare, feel, hear, let, make, need, ee, and their participles, usually take the Infinitive after nem, without the preposition To: as, "If he bade thee epart, how darest thou stay?"


OBS. 1. The preposition is almost always employed after the passive form these verbs, and in some instances after the active: as, "He was heard to y." "I cannot see to do it."-"What would dare to molest him who Light call, on every side, to thousands enriched by his bounty?"-Dr. John


ther? a
"Twis said
Dust of t

OBS. 2. The auxiliary be of the passive infinitive is also suppressed, after
eel, hear, make, and see; as, "I heard the letter read," -not, "be read.
OBS. 3.-A few other verbs, besides the eight which are mentioned in the
regoing rule, sometimes have the infinitive after them without to; such as,
hold, find, have, help, mark, observe, and other equivalents of see. Example:
Certainly it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in charity,
st in Providence, and turn upon the poles of truth."-Ld. Bacon.


They need not to call upon her.

1-In pars participle, sta pronou brovistances

[FORMULE.-Not proper, because the preposition to is inserted before call, which llows the active verb need. But, according to Rule 24th, "The active verbs bid, tre, fcel, hear, let, make, need, see, and their participles, usually take the infinitive ter them, without the preposition to." Therefore, to should be omitted; thus, They eed not call upon her.]

felt a chilling sensation to creep over me.

have heard him to mention the subject.
Sid the boys to come in immediately.
dare to say he has not got home yet.
Let no rash promise to be made
Ve sometimes see bad men to be honoured.

good reader will make himself to be distinctly heard.

When, with

When, by dir verb by a com

When, by ple

shall over
hast created

When, by m-
Er words expre

"Oh! de
The da

O2-The no
pendent clause,
3. The pa
absolute; as,



Ons. 4.-All no
Eule 25th, or in
ording to Rule
Ya builders."-A


Ons. 5.-Nouns and, in excla terminable cons knowledge of Ons. 6. The co breviated savings thing understood the principle a perhaps be men of their


un or a pronoun is put absolute in the Nomiwhen its case depends on no other word: as, "Не who shall meet success?"-"Your fathers, where y? and the prophets, do they live forever?"5.

s said, he form'd thee, Adam! thee, O man! t of the ground!"-Milton.


-In parsing the nominative absolute, tell how it is put so, whether Ficiple, by direct address, by pleonasm, or by exclamation; for a pronoun is put absolute in the nominative, under the following


, with a participle, it is used to express a cause, or a concomitant

-"Thou looking on,

Shame to be overcome or overreach'd,
Would utmost vigor raise." --Milton.

, by direct address, it is put in the second person, and set off from y a comma; as, "At length, Seged, reflect and be wise."-Dr.

,by pleonasm, it is introduced abruptly for the sake of emphasis; t is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him." ""Gad, Il overcome him."-Gen., xlix, 19. "The north and the south, reated them."-Psalms, lxxxix, 12. [See the figure Pleonasm, in

, by mere exclamation, it is used without address, and without 3 expressed or implied to give it construction; as,

Oh! deep enchanting prelude to repose,

The dawn of bliss, the twilight of our woes!"--Campbell.

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The nominative put absolute, with a participle, is equivalent to a clause, commencing with when, while, if, since, or because; as, d," equal to, "When I was a child."

The participle being is often understood after nouns or pronouns B; as,

"Alike in ignorance, his reason [] such,

Whether he thinks too little or too much." --Pope.

All nouns in the second person are either put absolute, according 1, or in apposition with their own pronouns placed before them, › Rule 3d: as, "This is the stone which was set at nought of "-Acts.

'Peace! minion, peace! it boots not me to hear

The selfish counsel of you hangers-on." Author.

Nouns preceded by an article, are almost always in the third per1 exclamatory phrases, such nouns sometimes appear to have no le construction; as, "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom dge of God."-Rom., xi, 33.

The case of nouns used in exclamations, or in mottoes and abyings, often depends, or may be conceived to depend, on some

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