Page images

here is but little difference between the Earth and Venus's



his hat is John, or James's.

he store is opposite to Morris's and Company's.

his palace had been the grand Sultan's Mahomet's.

his was the Apostle's Paul's advice.

Jere Cain's occupation and Abel the same?

Jere Cain and Abel's occupation the same?
Jere Cain's and Abel's occupations the same?

Jere Cain and Abel's parents the same?
Jere Cain's parents and Abel the same?
Jas Cain's and Abel's father there?
Jere Cain's and Abel's parents there?

Thy Maker's will has placed thee here,
A Maker's wise and good.

Under Note 3.- Choice of Forms.

he world's government is not left to chance. Le was Louis the Sixteenth's son's heir.

he throne we honour is the choice of the people.

Je met at my brother's partner's house.

n account of the proceedings of the court of Alexander.
Cere is a copy of the Constitution of the Society of Teachers
of the city of New York.

Under Note 4.-Nouns with Possessives Plural.

heir healths perhaps may be pretty well secured.-Locke.
Je all have talents committed to our charges.
or your sakes forgave I it, in the sight of Christ.
Je are, for our parts, well satisfied.
The pious cheerfully submit to their lots.

ools think it not worth their whiles to be wise.

Under Note 5.-Possessives with Participles,

rewarded the boy for his studying so diligently.
Have you a rule for your thus parsing the participle?
Te errs in his giving the word a double construction.
Ly our offending others, we expose ourselves.

hey deserve our thanks, for their quickly relieving us.


Ота. 1.-1

to this Rule

are put in a

participle They took OBS. 2.-T

When it is en
to mine offic

herween the
relative or ann
clause, and o
stom thou pe
OB. 3.-A
object. Thou
pendent claus
mmonly int
ject as is conte
tence, Bovs
m; why n
sely the sam
s take the i
Ons. 4-The

Active-transitive verbs, and their imperfect and preerfect participles, govern the objective case; as "I

wem to

some gram

which follows
onrin and the

som, and to
pis, the autho
better, to call th
pendent clause.
explanation sup
transitive verb a
involve some
Ons. 5.-Acti
pposition: as,
my being for
Herten." Bible
times placed bef

OBE. 6.-Whe
which are neithe
governed by a
-"They offered
Felded, and unle
Ons. 7.-In exp
Kon is sometime
paid the money,"

NOTE I-T ject, should n Reta, in order

her assisting him."-"Having finished the work, 1 it."


- Every objective is governed by some verb or participle, according ale, or by some preposition, according to Rule 22d; except such as apposition with others according to Rule 3d, or after an infinitiva Epie according to Rule 21st; as, "Like him of Gath, Goliath."ok him to be me."


- The objective case generally follows the governing word: but 3 emphatic, it often precedes the nominative; as, "Me he restored ffice, and him he hanged."-Gen. xli, 13. "Home he had not.""This point they have gained." In poetry it is sometimes placed the nominative and the verb; as, "His daring foe securely him deilton. "The broom its yellow leaf hath shed."-Langhorne. A an interrogative pronoun is commonly placed at the head of its d of course it precedes the verb which governs it; as, am Jesus, u persecutest."-Acts. "Whom will the meeting appoint?" - All active-transitive verbs have some noun or pronoun for their Though verbs are often followed by the infinitive mood, or a de-lause, forming a part of the logical predicate; yet these terms, being introduced by a connecting particle, do not constitute such an obcontemplated in our definition of a transitive verb. If, in the senBoys love to play," the verb is transitive, as several grammarians hy not also in "Boys like to play," "Boys delight to play," "Boys ay," "Boys cease to play," and the like? The construction is presame. It must, however, be confessed, that some verbs which the infinitive after them, cannot otherwise be intransitive.

-The word that, which is often employed to introduce a clause, is, grammarians, considered as a pronoun, representing the clause lows it. And their opinion seems to be warranted both by the I the general import of the particle. But in conformity to general nd to his own views of the practical purposes of grammatical analauthor has ranked it with the conjunctions. And he thinks it call those verbs intransitive, which are followed by that and a delause, thar to supply the very frequent ellipses which the other n supposes. To explain it as a conjunction, connecting an activeverb and its object, (as several respectable grammarians do,) appears some inconsistency.

-Active-transitive verbs are often followed by two objectives in : as, "Thy saints proclaim thee king."-Cowper. "The Author ig formed me man. Murray. "And God called the firmament -Bible. And, in such a construction, the direct object is someed before the verb; as, "And Simon he surnamed Peter."-Mark,

-When a verb is followed by two words in the objective case, neither in apposition nor connected by a conjunction, one of them d by a preposition understood; as, "I paid [to] him the money." offered [to] me a seat." "He asked [of] them the question."" id unlock'd [to] her all my heart."-Milton.

-In expressing such sentences passively, the object of the preposi netimes erroneously assumed for the nominative; as, "He was mey," in stead of, "The money was paid [to] him."


They wer


NOTE II. Those verbs and participles which do not admit n object, should not be used transitively; as, "The planters row cotton." Say raise, or cultivate.

OBS. Some verbs will govern a kindred noun, or its pronoun, but no Cher; as, "He lived a virtuous life."-"Hear, I pray you, this dream which have dreamed."-Gen., xxxvii, 6.

NOTE III. The passive verb should always take for its subect the direct object of the active-transitive verb from which is derived; as, (Active) "They denied me this privilege."Passive,) "This privilege was denied me," not, "I was denied mis privilege."


he I shall more readily forgive.

[FORMULE. Not proper, because the pronoun she is in the nominative case, and is Sed as the object of the active-transitive verb shall forgive. But according to Rule th, "Active-transitive verbs, and their imperfect and preperfect participles, govern me objective case." - Therefore, she should be her; thus, Her I shall more readily rgive.]

Thou only have I chosen.

Vho shall we send on this errand?

My father allowed my brother and I to accompany him.
He that is idle and mischievous, reprove sharply.

Vho should I meet but my old friend!

He accosts whoever he meets.

Vhosoever the court favours, is safe.
They that honour me I will honour.

Who do you think I saw the other day?

Under Note 1.- An Object Required.

The ambitious are always seeking to aggrandize.
must premise with three circumstances.
This society does not allow of personal reflections.
False accusation cannot diminish from real merit,
His servants ye are to whom ye obey.

Under Note 2.-False Transitives,

Good keeping thrives the herd.

Ve endeavoured to agree the parties.

Seing weary, he sat him down.

Fo, flee thee away into the land of Judah.


We were

But, unfo

You were

I have ne

Active their par

The popular lords did not fail to enlarge themselves on the subject.

when bo

turned a

named J

OBS. 1.-T rebs, requir flowed by a tive or an ob

And as these

sense be said

ride of agree

said to forin


Ons. 2.-In the sense and subject of the

other nomins
eal, however

sit, agrees
ject is placed
id, the explan
be thou an exc
OBS. 3.-In
both are place

[blocks in formation]

Under Note 3. - Passive Verbs.

ere refused the benefit of their recantation.
rs are not promised temporal riches.
re shown several beautiful pictures.
fortunately, I was denied the favour.
re paid a high compliment.
never been asked the question.


ve-intransitive, passive, and neuter verbs, and articiples, take the same case after as before them, both words refer to the same thing: as, "He rea friend, who came a foe." -Pope. "The child was John." "It could not be he."


-The verbs described in this rule do not, like active-transitive uire a regimen, or case after them; but their finite tenses may be y a nominative, and their infinitives and participles by a nominaobjective, explanatory of a noun or pronoun which precedes them. ese cases belong after the verb or participle, they may in a certain aid to be governed by it. But the rule is perhaps more properly a reement; the word which follows the verb or participle, may be an a simple concord with that which precedes it, as if the two were on. [See Rule 3d.]

-In this rule the terms after and before refer rather to the order of and construction, than to the placing of the words. The proper the verb is the nominative to it, or before it, by Rule 2d; and the inative, however placed, belongs after it, by Rule 21st. In genver, the proper subject precedes the verb, and the other word fol-eeably to the literal sense of the rule. But when the proper submed after the verb, as in the nine instances specified under Rule planatory nominative, is commonly introduced still later; as, "But example of the believers."-1 Tim., iv, 12.

-In interrogative sentences, the terms are usually transposed, or laced after the verb; as,

Whence, and what art thou, execrable shape?"-Milton.

Art thou that traitor angel? art thou he?"-Idem.

In a declarative sentence, there may be a rhetorical or poetical on of the terms; as, "I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to -Job, xxix, 15.

"Far other scene is Thrasymenè now."-Byron.

-In some peculiar constructions, both words naturally come before as, "I know not who she is."" Inquire thou whose son the stripling n., xvii, 56. "Man would not be the creature which he now is."- could not guess who it should be."-Addison. And they are placed in this manner by hyperbaton, or transposition; as, "Yet -Young. "No contemptible orator he was."-Dr. Blair. -As infinitives and participles have no nominatives of their own, - not transitive in themselves, may take different cases after them; der to determine what case it is that follows them, the learner Fully observe what preceding word denotes the same person or

Dught of being an outcast from his presence?" - Addison. "I cannot help ng so passionate an admirer as I am."-Steele. "To recommend what the Derer part of mankind look upon to be a trifle."-Id. "It would be a roantic madness, for a man to be a lord in his closet."-Id. "To affect to be ord in one's closet, would be a romantic madness." In this last sentence, d is in the objective after to be; and madness, in the nominative after would

FALSE SYNTAX UNDER RULE XXI, -SAME CASES. Te did not know that it was him.

FORMULE.-Not proper, because the pronoun him, which belongs after the nenter -b was, is in the objective case, and does not agree with the pronoun it, which be gs before it as the nominative; both words referring to the same thing. But, ac ding to Rule 21st, "Active-intransitive, passive, and neuter verbs, and their par ples, take the same case after as before them, when both words refer to the same ng." Therefore, him should be he; thus, We did not know that it was he.]

Te thought it was thee.

would act the same part, if I were him.

could not have been her.

is not me, that he is angry with.

hey believed it to be I.

was thought to be him.

it had been her, she would have told us.

Te know it to be they.

hom do you think it is?

Tho do you suppose it to be?

e did not know whom they were.

nou art him whom they described.

apossible! it can't be me.

hom did he think you were?

Thom say ye that I am?


Prepositions govern the Objective case: as,
"Truth and good are one:
And beauty dwells in them, and they in her,
With like participation." -Akenside.


OBS. 1.-Most of the prepositions may take the imperfect participle for their Tect; and some, the preperfect, or pluperfect: as, "On opening the trial, ey accused him of having defrauded them."-" A quick wit, a nice judgent, &c., could not raise this man above being received only upon the foot contributing to mirth and diversion."-Steele. And the preposition to is en followed by an infinitive. But, as prepositions, when they introduce clinable words, or words that have cases, always govern the objective, there = properly no exceptions to the foregoing rule. - Let not the learner suppose, at infinitives or participles, when they are governed by prepositions, are erefore in the objective case; for case is no attribute of either of them. They = governed as participles or as infinitives, and not as cases. The mere fact



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6. The v
which it appears
they are worth n
on. "This
easy to determin
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assumed, that

essed; as," Denham. But, jective, some ca. of the worth whole appears t Dot a prepositio worth, it may a before any othe Ons. 7.-Both

sould help it, man,""Wo wrythan or weo man, &c. A to be, so with (t De other than t with, and wort one and the sa erned as Sax prepositions;

OBS. 8.-A

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