id not like neither his temper nor his principles. thing never can justify ingratitude. RULE XVI.—CONJUNCTIONS. Conjunctions connect either words or sentences: as, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and ce, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for = are brethren." Gen., xiii, 8. EXCEPTION FIRST. The conjunction that sometimes serves merely to introduce a sentence ch is made the subject of a verb; as, "That mind is not matter, is cer ." EXCEPTION SECOND. When two corresponding conjunctions occur, in their usual order, the for- should be parsed as referring to the latter, which is more properly the meeting word; as, "Neither sun nor stars in many days appeared."-Acts, ii, 20. EXCEPTION THIRD. Either, corresponding to or, and neither, corresponding to nor or not, are metimes transposed, so as to repeat the disjunction or negation at the end the sentence; as, "Where then was their capacity of standing, or his er?"-Barclay. "It is not dangerous neither." - Bolingbroke. "He is y tall, but not too tall neither." -Spectator. OBSERVATIONS ON RULE XVI. BS. 1. Conjunctions that connect particular words, generally join similar Es of speech in a common dependence on some other term. Those which nect sentences or clauses, commonly unite one to an other, either as an adonal affirmation, or as a condition, a cause, or an end. They are placed Deen the terms which they connect, except there is a transposition, and a they stand before the dependent term. BS. 2.-Two or three conjunctions sometimes come together; as, "What rests, but that the mortal sentence pass?"-Milton. BS. 3. Conjunctions should not be unnecessarily accumulated; as, "But if that evil servant say in his heart." - Matthew, xxiv, 48. Greek, ἂν δὲ εἴπῃὁ κακὸς δοὖλος ἐκεῖνος," &c. Here is no and. BS. 4. The conjunction as often unites words that are in apposition; as, Bs. 5. As frequently has the force of a relative pronoun; as, "Avoid "Thou warnst me [that] I have done amiss."-Scott. BS, 7.-After than or as expressing a comparison, there is usually an el s of som bekrown b He does humanity"-Dune. NOTE L thev mus and in fo will be la be laudab NOTE L be employ as, "I fea be deserte NOTE I latter tern junction Harris, NOTE IV proper cor to give the 1. Thou Live." Jor 2. Whe 5. Both- consequence equality: a f some word or words. The construction of the words employed may wn by supplying the ellipsis; as, "She is younger than I" [am].Des nothing who endeavours to do more than [what] is allowed to ity." -Johnson. "My punishment is greater than [what] I can bear." . NOTES TO RULE XVI. TE I.-When two terms connected refer jointly to a third, must be adapted to it and to each other, both in sense form. Thus: in stead of, "It always has, and always e laudable," say, "It always has been, and it always will dable." TE II. The disjunctive conjunction lest or but, should not ployed where the copulative that, would be more proper: feared that I should be deserted;" not, "lest I should erted." TE III.-After else, other, rather, and all comparatives, the term of comparison should be introduced by the conon than: as, "Can there be any other than this?". "Is not the life more than meat?"-Bible. E IV. The words in each of the following pairs, are the - correspondents to each other; and care should be taken, e them their right place in the sentence. hough-yet; as, "Though he were dead, yet shall he -John, xi, 25. Whether-or; as, "Whether there be few or many." Vither-or; as, "He was either ashamed or afraid." 1 Veither-nor; as, "John the Baptist came neither eating nor drinking wine."-Luke, vii, 33. Roth-and; as, "I am debtor both to the Greeks and to rbarians."-Rom., i, 14. 'uch-as; as, "An assembly such as earth saw neve per. uch-that; with a finite verb following, to express a ience: as, "My health is such that I cannot go." s-as; with an adjective or an adverb, to express y: as, "The peasant is as gay as he."-Cowper. Is-so; with two verbs, to express equality or propors, "As two are to four, so are six to twelve." So-as; with an adjective or an adverb, to limit the by comparison: as, "How can you descend to a thing as falsehood?" So-as; with a negative preceding, to deny equality: > lamb was e'er so mild as he."-Langhorne. So-as; with an infinitive following, to express a con These difficulties were e crest de to discoura nsequence: as, "He was so much injured, that he could not lk." FALSE SYNTAX UNDER RULE XVI. - CONJUNCTIONS. Examples under Note 1.-Two Terms with One. e first proposal was essentially different and inferior to the second. FORMULE.-Not proper, because the preposition to, is used with joint reference to two adjectives different and inferior, which require different prepositions. But, rding to Note 1st under Rule 16th, "When two terms connected refer jointly to a 1, they must be adapted to it and to each other, both in sense and in form." The ence may be corrected thus; The first proposal was essentially different from the nd, and inferior to it.] has made alterations and additions to the work. - is more bold, but not so wise, as his companion. cerity is as valuable, and even more so, than knowledge. e pervert the noble faculty of speech, when we use it to the more anxious to acquire knowledge than of showing it. Under Note 2.- Lest or But for That. e were apprehensive lest some accident had happened. o not deny but he has merit. e you afraid lest he will forget you? These paths and bow'rs, doubt not but our joint hands, Will keep from wilderness. --Milton. Under Note 3.--Prefer Than. was no other but his own father. ve you no other proof except this? xpected something more besides this. e no sooner retires but his heart burns with devotion. ch literary filching is nothing else but robbery. Under Note 4 - Of Correspondents. ither despise or oppose what you do not understand. would not either do it himself nor let me do it. e majesty of good things is such, as the confines of them are reverend. Thether he intends to do so, I cannot tell. nd me such articles only, that are adapted to this market. No erro ill cons So Ti Prepos came from inent me -Analect The prepos Which is mad tion; as, "To theless, to ab reduced to po The prepos Ons. 1.-In two terms of simple and e Among tolera equal number which they ar Ons. 2. If t let him ask an fore the prepo Loun after the answered acco term is obvion speech, and ni Ans. "Utteret To parse right shame to m ras I am able to judge, the book is well written. is no condition so secure as cannot admit of change. ou think this is so good as that? elations are so obscure as they require much thought. is so fierce that dare stir him up. = was no man so sanguine who did not apprehend soma consequence. t be so candid to own that I do not understand it. Till judgment speak the doom of fate. -Scott. RULE XVII.---PREPOSITIONS. epositions show the relations of things: as, "He from Rome to Paris, in the company of many emmen, and passed with them through many cities." alectic Magazine. , EXCEPTION FIRST. reposition to, before an abstract infinitive, and at the head of a phrase made the subject of a verb, has no proper antecedent term of rela"To learn to die, is the great business of life."-Dillwyn. "Neverto abide in the flesh, is more needful for you."-St. Paul. "To be to poverty, is a great affliction." EXCEPTION SECOND. reposition for, when it introduces its object before an infinitive, and le phrase is made the subject of a verb, has properly no antecedent relation; as, "For us to learn to die, is the great business of life." theless, for me to abide in the flesh, is more needful for you."-" an to be reduced to poverty, is a very great affliction." OBSERVATIONS ON RULE XVII. -In parsing any ordinary preposition, the learner should name the s of the relation, and apply the foregoing rule. The principle is and etymological, yet not the less important as a rule of syntax. olerable writers, the prepositions exhibit more errors than any other mber of words. This is probably owing to the careless manner in ey are usually slurred over in parsing. -If the learner be at any loss to discover the two terms of relation, sk and answer two questions; first, with the interrogative what bepreposition, to find the antecedent; and then, with the same proer the preposition, to find the subsequent term. These questions according to the sense, will always give the true terms. If one obvious, find the other in this way; as, "Day unto day uttereth nd night unto night showeth knowledge." Psal. What unto day? What unto night? Ang "Showeth ginto might -gh. "Science they [the ladies] do not pretend то." -Id. "Until I have e that which I have spoken to thee or." - Gen., xxviii, 15. BS. 4. The former or antecedent term of relation may be a noun, an adive, a pronoun, a verb, a participle, or an adverb: the latter or subsequent a may be a noun, a pronoun, a pronominal adjective, an infinitive verb, n imperfect or preperfect participle. The word governed by the prepoon, is always the subsequent term, however placed. BS. 5. Both the terms of relation are usually expressed; though either hem may be understood; as, 1. The former" All shall know me, [reckg] FROM the least to the greatest." Heb., viii, 11. [I say] "IN a word, would entirely defeat the purpose."-Blair. 2. The latter "Opinions ceremonies [which] they would die FOR."-Locke. "IN [those who obdefence, or who defend."-Pope. BS. 6. The only proper exceptions to the foregoing rule, are those which inserted above, unless the abstract infinitive used as a predicate is also be excepted; as, "To reason right, is to submit." -Pope. But here most ot all grammarians would say, the verb is, is the antecedent or governing n. The relation, however, is not such as when we say, "He is to sub;" but, perhaps, to insist on a different mode of parsing these two infinis, would be a needless refinement. In relation to the infinitive, Dr. am remarks, that the preposition to is often taken absolutely; as, "To con- the truth."-" To proceed." But the assertion is not entirely true; nor his examples appropriate; for what he and many other grammarians call infinitive absolute, evidently depends on something understood; and the position is surely in no instance indepen dent of what follows it, and is refore never entirely absolute. Prepositions are not to be supposed to e no antecedent term, merely because they stand at the head of a sence which is made the subject of a verb; for the sentence itself often conas that term, as in the following example: "In what way mind acts upon ter, is unknown." Here in shows the relation between acts and way; ause it is suggested, that mind acts In some way." OBS. 7. The preposition (as its name implies) precedes the word which it -erns. But, in poetry, the preposition is sometimes placed after its object; "Wild Carron's lonely woods among." Langhorne. OBS. 8. In the familiar style, a preposition governing a relative or an in- "And from before the lustre of her face."-Thomson. ese should be written as compounds, and taken together in parsing; fof OBS. 10. Two separate prepositions have sometimes a joint reference to "Thou pendulum betwixt a smile and tear."-Byron. NOTE ably to t express t NOTE gant, exce has sanct Th FALSE Er Her sobri [FORMULE- She finds I turned in |