ms natural as read them in a description. espise no infirmity of mind or body, nor any condition of life, for they may be thy own lot. RULE IX.-VERBS. A finite Verb must agree with its subject, or nomiative, in person and number: as, "I know; thou knowst, knowest; he knows, or knoweth." -"The bird flies; the rds fly." OBSERVATIONS ON RULE IX. OBS. 1. To this general rule for the verb, there are properly no exceptions. e infinitive mood, having no relation to a nominative, is of course exempt m such agreement; and all the special rules which follow, virtually accord th this. OBS. 2.-Every finite verb (that is, every verb not in the infinitive mood) OBS. 3.-Different verbs always have different subjects, expressed or un- Овѕ. 5. The place of a verb can have reference only to that of the subject th. NOTES TO RULE IX. NOTE I.-"The adjuncts of the nominative do not control DEDOD WI quality of NOTE II. The infinitive mood, a phrase, or a sentence, is metimes the subject to a verb: a subject of this kind, howver composed, if it is taken as one whole, requires a verb in e third person singular; as, "To lie is base."-"To see the en is pleasant." "That you have violated the law, is evident." "For what purpose they embarked, is not yet known." -"How Far the change would contribute to his welfare, comes to be condered."-Blair. 66 NOTE II OBS. 1. The same meaning will be expressed, if the pronoun it be placed efore the verb, and the infinitive, phrase, or sentence, after it; as, "It is lie."" It is evident that you have violated the law." The construction the following sentences is rendered defective by the omission of the proDun: "Why do ye that which [it] is not lawful to do on the sabbath days?" -Iuke, vi, 2. "The show-bread which [it] is not lawful to eat, but for the iests only." Luke, vi, 4. ase to ODD. 2-When the infinitive mood is made the subject of a finite verb, it wages of si NOTE IV should be and reputa miliarly, "" edst, when t and writeth, than to use NOTE V. should have ao, I congr sake of emp struction; a "Th FAL You was kir FORMULE-N Timber, and doc Faral But, acce minative, in p tired; thus, To We was disa She dare not His pulse ar is Creumstance He need not Twenty-four to express some action or state in the abstract; as, "To be contents iral desire."-Pope. Here to be stands for simple existence. In conwith the infinitive, a concrete quality may also be taken as an abas, "To be good is to be happy. Here good and happy express the of goodness and the state of happiness, considered abstractly; and re these adjectives do not relate to any particular noun. So also the infinitive, or a perfect participle taken in a passive sense; as, "To ied with a little, is the greatest wisdom." - "To appear discouraged, is - to become so." Here the satisfaction and the discouragement are red abstractly, and without reference to any particular person. 3.-When the action or state is to be limited to a particular person or The noun or pronoun may be introduced before the infinitive, by the Lion for; as, "For a prince to be reduced by villany to my distressfu) tances, is calamity enough."-Tr. of Sallust. E III.-A neuter or a passive verb between two nominshould be made to agree with that which precedes it; Vords are wind:" except when the terms are transposed he proper subject is put after the verb by questio aton; as, "His pavilion were dark waters and ek of the sky."-Bible. "Who art thou?"-Ib. "The of sin is death."-Ib. E IV. When the verb has different forms, that form be adopted, which is the most consistent with present putable usage in the style employed: thus, to say fay, "The clock hath stricken," "Thou laughedst and talkhen thou oughtest to have been silent," "He readeth iteth, but he doth not cipher," - would be no better, › use don't, won't, can't, shan't, and didn't, in preaching. E V.-Every finite verb not in the imperative mood, have a separate nominative expressed; as, "I came, 1 conquered:" except when the verb is repeated for the emphasis, or connected to an other in the same con on; as, "They bud, blow, wither, fall, and die." - Watts. FALSE SYNTAX UNDER RULE IX. - VERBS. as kindly received. LE. -Not proper, because the passive verb was received is of the singular and does not agree with its nominative you, which is of the second person, But, according to Rule 9th, "A finite verb must agree with its subject, or ve, in person and number." Therefore, was received should be were re hus, You wer were kindly received.] is disappointed. re not oppose it. Ise are too quick. istances alters cases. ed not trouble himself. -four pence is two shillings. side was beautiful meadows. was That says his friends on this subject? nou knows the urgency of the case. That avails good sentiments with a bad life? as those books been sent to the school? here is many occasions for the exercise of patience. That sounds have each of the vowels? here were a great number of spectators. here are an abundance of treatises on this easy science. While ever and anon there falls Huge heaps of hoary moulder'd walls. Dyer. e that trust in the Lord, will never be without a friend. ut one of the authors who mentions this incident, is entitled ne man and woman that was present, being strangers to him, wondered at his conduct. nere necessarily follows from thence these plain and unques- O thou, for ever present in my way, Under Note 1.--Nominatives with Adjuncts. ne derivation of these words are uncertain. our years' interest were demanded. ne added to nineteen, make twenty. ne increase of orphans render the addition necessary. he road to virtue and happiness, are open to all. ne ship, with all her crew, were lost. round of vain and foolish pursuits, delight some folks. Under Note 2.- Composite Subjects. › obtain the praise of men, were their only object. › steal and then deny it, are a double sin. › copy and claim the writings of others, are plagiarism. › live soberly, righteously, and piously, are required of all men. hat it is our duty to promote peace and harmony among men, admit of no dispute. Under Note 3.- Verb between Nominatives. de reproofs of instruction is the way of life, diphthong are two vowels joined in one syllable. n affliction to him was his wicked sons. Under Note 4.-Adapt Form to Style. u that buildedst that house? vriteth very elegantly. ot thou write without blotting thy book? nou not it will rain to-day? our cousin intend to visit you? ath torn my, book. u that spreadest the hay? nes or thou that didst let him in? not say a word. est in my way and hinderedst me. 2. For the Solemn Style. nas prepar'd his throne in the heavens; and his king. es over all. er'd them, O Lord our God: thou was a God that hem, though thou took vengeance of their inventions. spoke in vision to thy Holy One, and said s not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of shows mercy. Under Note 5.- Express the Nominative. New York, Fifthmonth 3d, 1823. , Am sorry to hear of thy loss; but hope it may ved. Should be happy to render thee any assistay power. Shall call to see thee to-morrow morneept assurances of my regard. A. B. New York, May 3d, P. M., 1823. ave just received the kind note favoured me with ing; and cannot forbear to express my gratitude On further information, find have not lost so much supposed; and believe shall still be able to meet ngagements. Should, however, be happy to see cept, dear sir, my most cordial thanks. C. D. martial flames forever fire thy mind, RULE X.-VERBS. plural number; as, "The council were divided." OBSERVATION ON RULE X. To this rule there are no exceptions. Whenever the collective noun conveys the idea of plurality without the form, the verb is to be parsed by Rule 10th; but if the nominative conveys the idea of unity or takes the plural form, the verb is to be parsed by Rule 9th. The only difficulty is, to determine in what sense the noun should be taken. In modern usage, a plural verb is commonly adopted wherever it is admissible; as, "The public ars informed," "The plaintiff's counsel are of opinion," -"The committee wers instructed." NOTE TO RULE X. A collective noun conveying the idea of unity, requires a verb in the third person, singular; and generally admits also the regular plural construction: as, "His army was defeated." "His armies were defeated." FALSE SYNTAX UNDER RULE X. - VERBS. The people rejoices in that which should cause sorrow. [FORMULE.-Not proper, because the verb rejoices is of the singular number, and does not correctly agree with its nominative people, which is a collective noun conveying the idea of plurality. But, according to Rule 10th, "When the nominative is a collective noun conveying the idea of plurality, the verb must agree with it in the plural number." Therefore, rejoices should be rejoice; thus, The people rejoice in that which should cause sorrow.] The nobility was assured that he would not interpose. All the world is spectators of your conduct. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. Under Note to Rule 10.- The Idea of Unity. The church have no power to inflict corporal punishments. The meeting have established several salutary regulations. A detachment of two hundred men were immediately sent. In this business, the house of commons were of no weight. There are a flock of birds. No society are chargeable with the disapproved conduct of particular members. |