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reakness is excusable, but thy wickedness is not. ny son, I forgive thee, and freely pardon your fault. You draw the inspiring breath of ancient song, Till nobly rises emulous thy own.--Thomson.

Under Note 3.- Of Who and Which.

the horse whom my father imported. tre the birds whom we call gregarious.

two brothers, one of which I am acquainted with. vas that creature whom Job called leviathan?

vhich desire to be safe, should be careful to do that 1 is right.

erfly which thought himself an accomplished traveller, ened to light upon a bee-hive.

ras a certain householder which planted a vineyard.

Under Note 4.-- Nouns of Multitude.

ructed and fed the crowds who surrounded him. rt, who has great influence upon the public manners, to be very exemplary.

d tribes who inhabit the wilderness, contemplate the with astonishment, and gaze upon the starry heavens delight.

Under Note 5.- Mere Names.

who is now another name for treachery) betrayed his er with a kiss.

ded to Phalaris, who is a name for all that is cruel.

Under Note 6.-- That Preferable.

the first who entered.

the drollest fellow whom I ever saw.

he same man whom we saw before.

she who comes clothed in a robe of green?

and fortune whom he gained, did not aid him.

o are avaricious, never have enough.

eh I have, is thine.

thou, or the wind, who shut the door?

ot I who shut it.

e who was in the cradle, appeared to be healthy. Under Note 7. - Relative Clauses Connected.

man that knows what belongs to good manners, and Fill not do a dishonourable act.

-A who was how and that ontontained us so much will

have the pleasure of seeing, are said to be very rare.

Under Note 8.-Relative and Preposition.

Oserve them in the order they stand.
Te proceeded immediately to the place we were directed,
y companion remained a week in the state I left him.
he way I do it, is this.

Under Note 9.--Adverbs for Relatives.

emember the condition whence thou art rescued.

now of no rule how it may be done.

e drew up a petition, where he too freely represented his own merits.

ne hour is hastening, when whatever praise or censure I have acquired, will be remembered with equal indifference,

Under Note 10.- Repeat the Noun,

any will acknowledge the excellence of religion, who cannot
tell wherein it consists,

very difference of opinion is not that of principle.
ext to the knowledge of God, this of ourselves seems most
worthy of our endeavour.

Under Note 11.-Place of the Relative,

nou art thyself the man that committed the act, who hast thus condemned it.

here is a certain majesty in simplicity, which is far above the quaintness of wit.

nou hast no right to judge who art a party concerned.

is impossible for such men as those, ever to determine this question, who are likely to get the appointment.

here are millions of people in the empire of China, whose support is derived almost entirely from rice.

Under Note 12.- What for That.

had no idea but what the story was true.
me post-boy is not so weary but what he can whistle.
Le had no intimation but what the men were honest.

Under Note 13.-Adjectives for Antecedents.
ome men are too ignorant to be humble; without which
there can be no docility. - Berkley.

adas declared him innocent; which he could not be, had he in any respect deceived the disciples. Porteus.

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This court

accurate in all you say or do; for it is important in all the oncerns of life.

ery law supposes the transgressor to be wicked; which in eed he is, if the law is just.



When the antecedent is a collective noun cont ymg idea of plurality, the Pronoun must agree with it in plural number; as, "The council were divided in Er sentiments."


Ost collective nouns of the neuter gender, may take the regular plural , and be represented by a pronoun in the third person, plural, neuter; -The nations will enforce their laws." This construction comes under = 5th. To Rule 6th there are no exceptions.


collective noun conveying the idea of unity, requires a noun in the third person, singular, neuter, agreeably to e 5th; as, "The nation will enforce its laws."


he jury will be confined till it agrees on a verdict.

RMULE.-Not proper, because the pronoun it is of the singular number, and does orrectly represent its antecedent jury, which is a collective noun, conveying the of plurality. But, according to Rule 6th, "When the antecedent is a collective conveying the idea of plurality, the pronoun must agree with it in the plural er." Therefore, it should be they; thus, The jury will be confined till they on a verdict.]

outh, the multitude eagerly pursue pleasure, as if it were ; chief good.

council were not unanimous, and it separated without ming to any determination.

committee were divided in sentiment, and it referred the siness to the general meeting.

e happened to the army a very strange accident, which t it in great consternation.

enemy were not able to support the charge, and he dis rsed and fled.

lefendant's counsel had a difficult task imposed on it. board of health publish its proceedings.

all the species thus delivered from its sorrows.

Under Note to Rule 6th. - The Idea of Unity.


crowd was so great that the judges with difficulty made eir way through them.


Then a Pronoun has two or more antecedents coned by and, it must agree with them in the plural ber; as, "James and John will favour us with their Dany."


en two or more antecedents connected by and, serve merely to describe erson or thing; they are in apposition, and do not require a plural an: as, "This great philosopher and statesman continued in public life eighty-second year."-"The same Spirit, light, and life, which eneth, also sanctifieth, and there is not an other."-Penington.


en two antecedents connected by and, are emphatically distinguished; elong to different propositions, and (if singular) do not require a pluonoun: as, "The butler, and not the baker, was restored to his office." ne good man, and the sinner too, shall have his reward." - "Truth, and only, is worth seeking for its own sake."


en two or more antecedents connected by and, are preceded by the ve each, every, or no; they are taken separately, and do not require a pronoun: as, "Every plant and every tree produces others after its -" It is the original cause of every reproach and distress which has atthe government."-Junius.


1. When the antecedents are of different persons, the first person is red to the second, and the second to the third: as, "John, and thou, are attached to our country."-" John and thou are attached to your y."

2. The gender of pronouns, except in the third person singular, is guished only by their antecedents. In expressing that of a pronoun has antecedents of different genders, the masculine should be preferred feminine, and the feminine to the neuter.


scontent and sorrow manifested itself in his countenance. MULE. Not proper, because the pronoun itself is of the singular number, and Ot correctly represent its two antecedents discontent and sorrow, which are Led by and, and taken conjointly. But, according to Rule 7th, "When a proas two or more antecedents connected by and, it must agree with them in the number." Therefore, itself should be themselves; thus, Discontent and sorrow Sted themselves in his countenance.]

levity and heedlessness if it continue, will prevent all Ostantial improvement.

rty and obscurity will oppress him only who esteems it pressive.



Avoid ha implies If love an

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a canke Hatred an

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When dents con the singul with his

Ons. 1.-W
by or or nor,
fereroing rule
OBs. 2.-W
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applicable to
Either thou
Harray's Key
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Digest. Or, i
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Exodus, xxi, z

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wealth nor honou

Neither Sara
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A man is no
move onl
Rye or barl
of coffee.

1 sense and refined policy are obvious to few, because it mnot be discovered but by a train of reflection.

d haughtiness of behaviour, and affectation of manners: it plies a want of solid merit.

ve and unity continue, it will make you partakers of one other's joy.

r not jealousy and distrust to enter: it will destroy, like canker, every germ of friendship.

ed and animosity are inconsistent with Christian charity ard, therefore, against the slightest indulgence of it. y man is entitled to liberty of conscience, and free opinion, if he does not pervert it to the injury of othe


Then a Pronoun has two or more singular anteces connected by or or nor, it must agree with them in ingular number: as, "James John will favour us

his company."



1.-When a pronoun has two or more plural antecedents conneeted r nor, it is of course plural, and agrees with them severally. To the ng rule, there are properly no exceptions.

2.-When antecedents of different persons, numbers, or genders, are ed by or or nor, they cannot be represented by a pronoun that is not ble to each of them. The following sentence is therefore inaccurate: r thou or I am greatly mistaken in our judgement on this subject."'s Key. But different pronouns may be so connected as to refer to tecedents taken separately; as, "By requiring greater labour from ave or slaves, than he or she or they are able to perform." -Prince's Or, if the gender only be different, the masculine may involve the e by implication; as, "If a man smite the eye of his servant or the ris maid that it perish, he shall let him go free for his eye's sake."xxi, 26.


er wealth nor honour can secure the happiness of their aries.

JLE.-Not proper, because the pronoun their is of the plural number, and correctly represent its two antecedents wealth and honour, which are cony nor, and taken disjunctively. But, according to Rule 8th, "When a protwo or more singular antecedents connected by or or nor, it must agree n in the singular number." Therefore, their should be its; thus, Neither or honour can secure the happiness of its votaries.]

r Sarah, Ann, nor Jane, has performed their task.

- the other must relinquish their claim.

is not such a machine as a clock or a watch, which will e only as they are moved.

- barlow when they are scorobod may supply the place

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