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[blocks in formation]


455, 456

Flood, in re, exparte Ford, 5 De G. M'N. and

Ford v. Earl of Chesterfield, 21 Beav. 426
Ford, exparte, in re Flood, 5 De G. M'N. and
G. 398
Forte v. Beete and others, 9 Moore, P. C. 336. 551
Freeman v. Freeman, 5 De G. M⚫N. and G. 704 . 568
Garbett, in re, 18 C. B. 403




[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]




Jersey, in re States of, 9 Moore, P. C. 185 551 Johnson v. Diamond, 11 Exch. 431

[ocr errors]


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

214 v. Goslett and others, 18 C. B. 728 527 Jones's Patent, in re, 9 Moore, P. C. 41 294 Jordan v. Money, 5 H. of L. 185 Kempe v. Kempe, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 346 375 Keogh, in re, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 73 401 Lainson v. Lainson, 5 De G. M'N. and G 754. 568 Lane v. Horlock, 5 H. of L. 580 Lea v. Hinton, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 823 Lee v. Hart, 10 Exch. 555; 11 Exch. 880 London and Birmingham Extension and Northampton, &c., Railway Company, in re, exparte Prichard, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 484 Long v. Orsi and another, 18 C. B. 610 Lord v. Colvin, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 47 Lowe v. Thomas, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 315 Luce v. Izod, 1 Hurl. and N. 245 M'Cormick v. Garnett, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 278 374, 375 M'Kenna, in re, exparte Hunt, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 387

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


v. Scott, Macq. 281 Sea, Fire and Life Assurance Company, in re, exparte official manager of Port of London Shipowners' Loan and Assurance Company, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 465 Seto Luchmeechund v. Seto Zorawur Mull, 9 Moore, P. C. 351

[ocr errors]

Shaw v. Fisher, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 596


-v. Forrest, 20 Beav. 249

v. Remnant, 20 Beav. 157

[ocr errors]


Shaw's Water Company v. Magistrates, &c. of
Greenock, 2 Macq. 151
Sheffield, exparte Corporation of, in re Manches-
ter, Sheffield, &c. Railway Company, 21 Beav.


Shepherd v. Moore, 1 Hurl. and N. 125

PAGE 328








[ocr errors]


v. Sharp, 1 Hurl. and N. 115 ... 535, 536 Sherwin v. Shakspear, 5 De G. M'N. and G.


Sibnarain Ghose v. Hullodhur Doss, 9 Moore, P. C. 354

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]




[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Mitcheson v. Oliver, 5 Ellis and B. 419
Morgan v. Morris, 2 Macq. 342. 311, 312,
Morley v. Morley; Harland v. Morley, 5 De G.
M'N. and G. 610
Murray's Executors' Case, 5 De G. M'N. and
G. 746
Neale v. Davies, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 258 392
Netherlands Steamboat Company v. Styles, 9
Moore, P. C. 286, 287
Norman v. Mitchell, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 648... 390
Northern and Southern Connecting Railway
Company, in re, exparte Mercer, 5 De G.
M'N. and G. 26

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Place v. Potts, 5 H. of L. 383 ... Pomfret v. Perring, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 775. 565 Port of London Shipowners' Loan and Assurance Company, exparte Official Manager of, in re Sea, Fire and Life Assurance Company, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 465 Prichard, exparte, in re London and Birmingham Extension and Northampton, &c., Railway Company, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 484 exparte, in re Warwick and Worcester Railway Company, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 495

Smith v. Adams, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 712

v. Armstrong, 6 De G. M'N. and G. 150 v. Sieveking, 5 Ellis and B. 589

South Wales Railway Company v. Wythes, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 880


565, 567 178

471, 472



Staines v. Giffard, 20 Beav. 484
Stanton v. Percival, 5 H. of L. 257
Star v. Newbery, 20 Beav. 14
Stewart v. Stewart, 20 Beav. 322
Stoddart v. Nelson, 6 De G. MN. and G. 68.. 568
Stokes v. Trumper, 2 Kay and J. 232 ..


Stone v. Godfrey, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 76 375, 390
Sullivan v. Bevan, 20 Beav. 399
Surat, in re Nawab of, 9 Moore, P. C. 88
Swinfen v. Swinfen, 18 C. B. 503





Symonds v. Atkinson, 1 Hurl. and N. 146 Tatton v. Wade, 18 C. B. 371



Taylor, exparte, in re Taylor, 5 De G M N. and

G. 392



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Tickner v. Smith, 3 Smale and G. 42 Tobin v. Stowell, 9 Moore, P. C. 71




Toft v. Stevenson, 5 De G. M'N. and G. 735.. 568 Tongue v. Chadwick, 5 Ellis and B. 950


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Privy Council, 293, 550

House of Lords, 311, 328, 454, 470
Bankruptcy, 343

Chancery, 350, 374, 389, 406, 550
Common Law, 423, 439, 534
Winding-up Acts, 408, 422

Apathy of the Profession, 155

Arbitrations and compromises, compulsory, 162
Assurance offices, pretended, 131

Attorneys, law of, 33, 49, 68, 88, 106, 160, 178, 192,
213, 229, 242, 260, 273, 292, 388, 416,
434, 485, 512, 527

liability for negligence, 98

conduct and character of, 142

certificates renewal, see each Term

admission of, see each Term

delivery of bill of costs, 106
re-admission, 143

delivering up papers, 192
striking off roll, 229
attachment against, 260
office drudgery, 325-
annual registration, 447
Bainbridge's Law of Mines, 291
Bankers' Drafts, 393, 489, 511
Bankruptcy messengers' income, 416
Barristers called, 577

Biggs' Parliamentary Proceedings, 559
Bills of Exchange Act Extension, 9, 172, 263
Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors, 571
Canvassing for professional business, 340, 404
Central street, proposed, 223

Chancery Commissioners' third Report, 5, 45
orders, 12, 214

Amendment Bill, 474

Registrar, 25

registrar's office, 474

Charity Commissioners' third Report, 64

Circuits of the judges, 147

Clerks of Peace, 418

260, 276, 293, 305, 322, 338, 370, 388

401, 417, 435, 445, 465, 485, 496, 526,
543, 559

of second trial, 69

County courts, 61, 176, 172, 179, 226, 240, 276,

845, 446

fees, 299

judges salaries, 300
costs, 370

scale of costs, 431

Courts, new, plan of site, 379

and offices (new), 41, 114, 149, 223, 377,
500, 575

Counsel's authority to compromise, 339
Criminal law amendments, 34, 382

Cursitor baron, 214

Dart's Vendors and Puechasers, 205
Dax's Bill of Costs Book, 154

Decimal coinage, 157

District attorneys, 314

Divorce, report of Select Committee, 172

[blocks in formation]

Common Law Procedure, 8, 263, 305, 404, 496, 512, Holme, Bryan, memoir of, 281

527, 547

Courts commission, 505, 521

Cockburn, Chief Justice, 489

Cort's invention, 528

Coroners for Dorsetshire, 259

Copyhold Acts Amendment, 209, 224

enfranchisement and grievances, 36, 85,
183, 388

Costs, law of, 11, 69, 145, 160, 178, 192, 214, 228,

Hurd's Topics of Jurisprudence, 464
Imprisonment for Debt Bill, 227

Incorporated Law Society, 163, 302, 319
Inns of Court examinations, 97, 323
Insurance Companies, 277

Intestates' estates, administering, 154, 393
Jervis, Chief Justice, 457

Joint Stock Companies' limited liability, 137
registration fees, 339



Joint Stock Companies regulations, 353
Judgments Execution Bill, 192

Judicial changes, 457, 489

Kerr, Mr., on County Court Jurisdiction, 475
King's Inns, Dublin, 336

Law Amendment Society's Report, 465

Bills in Parliament, progress of, 21, 63, 97,
101, 153

reform, state and progress of, 441
university, proposed, 293, 473, 497
Lectures at the Inns of Court, 12, 307
Incorporated Law Society, 475
Lien of attorneys, 33, 68, 160, 242, 485
Liverpool Law Society Report, 481

Local and Personal Acts, 451, 499
Small Debts Act, 175

London, legal, 54

London Small Debt Act, 175

Lunacy orders, 484

Markham's Common Law Procedure Acts, 496

Marriages, prohibited, 55, 87, 128

Commissioners' report, 63

Amendment Bill, 84

Medical jurisprudence, 401

Mercantile Law Amendment, 177, 361

Metropolitan and Provincial Law Association, 90,

110, 179, 425, 544

Miscellanea, legal, 325, 371

Mortgagee's costs, 213, 445

Oath of Abjuration Amendment, 106

Obituary, legal, 340, 372

Oke's Magisterial Formulist, 445

Orders in Chancery, 256, 494

Palmer's case, 401

Parliamentary Proceedings, 15, 21, 63, 96, 101

Partnerships dissolved, 98, 230, 309, 373, 578
Partnership Amendment Bill, 189

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Administration of Intestates Estates, 299
Settled Estate, 315'
Mercantile Law, 332

Foreign Tribunal, Evidence in, 334
Criminal Justice, 352

Grand Juries, 352

Police (Counties and Boroughs), 362
Advowsons, 380

Charities, 382

Parishes, formation, 394

Marriage and Registration, 411

Statutes, repeal, 432

Mercantile Law (Scotland), 442

Deeds (Scotland), 444

Marriages (Scotland), 444 °

Reformation of Juvenile Criminals, 459

Seamen's Savings Bank, 461
Metropolis Local Management, 462
Income and Land Taxes, 492
Commons Inclosure, 493

Court of Chancery (Ireland), 493
Joint Stock Banks, 494
Chancery Appeals (Ireland), 508
Cursitor Baron, 511

Corrupt Practices Prevention, 511
Judicial Procedure (Scotland), 522
Poor Law, 557

Surety, costs of, 145

Tapping's Joint Stock Compauies, 573
Taxation of bill after payment, 49
between party and party, 322

by cestui que trust, 416
where special agreement, 434

Testimonial to Secretary of the Incorporated Law

Society, 575

Thring's Joint Stock Act, 558

Trevor's Taxes on Succession, 66

Trustees' costs, 178, 260

United Law Clerks' Society, 164, 193

Vendor and purchaser, possession of title deeds, 369

deposit, 338

lien on estate, 357
Warren, Mr., his Charge to the Grand Jury, 448
Williams on Pleading, 571
Winding-up Acts, 338, 408, 422
Winter circuits, 513
Woolrych's Building Act, 140
Yarmouth Borough Court, 528

Concluding address, 574

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