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determination of the matter to their next sitting or to a later sitting at the request of the applicant.

each days


Fifth. It shall be the duty of the registration officers of Signing each and every election district in this State, upon the close registraof each day's registration, to write in the line on their registers, immediately below the last person registered on said day the words "end of the day's registration," and immediately under said entry the said registration officers shall sign their respective names with the proper designation of their office. The said entries shall in no way interfere with Not to inthe numbering of the names of the persons as the same shall with numbe entered upon said registers, but the same shall be continued bering of as if the said entries had not been made.



to be adminis

SECTION 5. If, upon the personal application of any one In case of to be registered, he shall be challenged for having received or for bribery accepted, or for having offered to receive or accept, or for etc., oath having paid, transferred or delivered, or for having offered or bereds promised to pay, transfer or deliver, or for having contributed or offered or promised to contribute to another to be paid or used any money or other valuable thing as a compensation, inducement or reward for the registering or abstaining from registering of any one qualified to register, it shall be the duty of the Registrar to administer to the person so challenged an oath or affirmation as follows, viz. :

"You do solemnly swear upon the Holy Evangels of Al-Form of mighty God (or 'You do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm') that you have not received or accepted or offered to receive or accept, or paid, transferred or delivered, or offered or promised to pay, transfer or deliver, or contributed or offered or promised to contribute to another, to be paid or used, any money or other valuable thing as a compensation, inducement or reward for the registering or abstaining from registering of any one qualified to register at the registration for this present year, so help you God" (or 'so you do solemnly sincerely and truly declare and affirın '.)"


Such oaths or affirmation shall be conclusive evidence to Osth to be the registration officers of the truth of such oath or affirma-evidence. tion; but if any such oath or affirmation shall be false, the False.onth person making the same shall be guilty of perjury, and on perjury. conviction thereof shall bar any prosecution under Section 8,


Article 5 of the Amended Constitution. If any person so Refusal to challenged as aforesaid, shall refuse to make the oath or

make oath.

affirmation above prescribed, then it shall be the duty of the registration officers to cause a line to be heavily drawn in ink opposite his name in the column headed "Registered Voter," and in the column headed "Disqualified" to insert the words disqualifi- "disqualified for refusing to make the oath concerning bribery at registration," opposite his name as first entered, in such manner that said name shall remain legible.

Eutry of


books of

voters in


Entries in SECTION 6. When the registration officers of any election registered district in this State, at any of the sittings hereinbefore propresence vided for, shall enter in the Registers the name of any apappli plicant for registration as a registered voter, they shall immediately thereafter enter, in the presence of such applicant, if he remains in attendance, in its proper alphabetical place in the "Book of Registered Voters," heretofore provided for, the name of such applicant, and also his residence, and color, and his age, if he will be between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two on the day of the next following general election.

of registration.

Certificate II. And the Registrar shall give to each person who is registered as a registered voter and who may request it a certificate to the following effect :

Form of

certificate. tive District, in

Printing of alphabeti al lists of


Election District, in


I do hereby certify that.


[blocks in formation]

been registered as a registered voter in the election district above mentioned, and that his number on the registers is

[blocks in formation]

III. The said registration officers shall within one week after their third sitting as aforesaid cause to be printed not Feisered less than fifty copies of the alphabetical lists of registered voters as contained in the "Book of Registered Voters," together with the entries opposite the names in said books, and shall within the said week cause one of said printed copies of each of said lists to be posted in at least ten of the most public places in their election district, and shall use the remaining

Posting of lists.


copies in such a manner as in their judgment will be most likely to secure publicity and general inspection.

decision of



SECTION 7. Upon the affidavit of a legal voter in an elec-Review of tion district, made before any person authorized by the laws registraof this State to administer oaths and represented to the reg-affidavit. istration officers of the election district, of which said affiant is a voter, that in his opinion any person (naming him) is illegally registered in such election districts as a registered voter and setting forth the reasons therefor, it shall be the duty of the registration officers to examine into the matter of the registration of such persons, and, if said registration officers deem it a proper case for a hearing, notice shall be given to Notice of. such person, either personally or in writing, in the manner hereinafter provided, to appear before the said registration officers at their next sitting to show cause why his name shall not be stricken from the "Books of the Registered Voters" of such election district. And if upon examination and inquiry Entries in the registration officers shall be satisfied, at the sitting at conte which such person had notice to appear, that he ought not to strike off be registered as a registered voter, a heavy line shall be drawn in ink through his name in the column headed "Registered Voter," and a line shall be drawn through his name as first entered, but in such manner as said name shall remain legible, and the cause of his disqualification shall be briefly stated in the column headed "Disqualified," and in the column headed "Remarks," opposite his said name shall be written the words "adjudged disqualified on revision by the Registration officers," and the date when his disqualification was ascertained as aforesaid and in the books of "registered voters" a heavy line of ink shall be drawn through his name, his residence, his color and his age.

case of de


SECTION 8. If any person registered as a registered voter, Removal in any election district in this State, shall, after he is so reg-trict in istered, remove from the district in which he is so registered registered. to any other district in the county, he may apply in person to Applicathe registration officers of the election district in which he is tion to of registered and have his name stricken from the "Registers" and from the "Books of Registered Voters" in which his name shall appear, and may obtain from said registration officers a Certified certified copy of the entries in the register relating to him, tries and

from Dis



copy of ention books.


certificate. together with a certificate that his name has been stricken

Registration in other district.

from the register and books of registered voters, as aforesaid ; and it shall be lawful for him, after his name shall be so stricken from said registers and book of registered voters, to cause himself to be registered in the election district to which he may have removed upon producing the aforesaid certificate and copy of entries in said registers and books of registered Proviso as voters; provided that by the next following general election

to residence.

Entries in case of

he will have acquired in the election district to which he has removed the residence required by the Constitution. And the registration officers to whom such persons may apply to have his name stricken from the registers and books of registered voters shall draw a line in ink through his name and all the entries opposite his name in said registers and books of regisplication. tered voters, and in the column in the registers headed "remarks" shall enter "removed from this election district into election district in this County," and shall prepare and deliver to him the certified copy of entries and the certificate aforesaid.

Quorum and acts

SECTION 9. At every sitting of said registration officers ofregistra. two shall constitute a quorum and the acts of a majority shall

tion officers.




be as valid as the acts of all of them.

II. In all cases where written notice is required by this what suf- act to be given to any person such notice shall be deemed sufficient if addressed to the person to be notified at the postoffice named by him, at the time of his application for registration, and deposited in the mail not later than the Wednesday next preceding the sitting of the registration officers at which he may be notified to appear.

Comparison of

SECTION IO. It shall be the duty of the registration offiregistra- cers, immediately after the close of their last sitting, carefully

to compare the two registers, and see that they agree with each other in every particular, and also to compare the alphabetical lists of "Registered Voters" as contained in the "Books of Registered Voters" aforesaid, with the said registers, and to see that the name of every person entered upon the registers as a registered voter is entered in its proper alphabetical place on each of the two lists of registered voters, together with the residence and color, and also the age if it be between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years on the day of the next



general election, as entered on the registers. And if any name Entry of
in the registers which ought to have been entered on said nanteed
alphabetical lists of registered voters shall have been omitted
therefrom, it shall be the duty of said registration officers to
enter such name in its proper alphabetical place, on the proper
alphabetical lists, together with the proper entries as they
appear on the said registers.

tions of

pended to

II. And it shall be the further duty in such comparison of Correc the alphabetical lists with the registers to make such correc-books. tions on the alphabetical lists as will make the names and entries appearing on the alphabetical lists agree with the same names and entries as entered on the registers. It shall also Certificate be the duty of the said registration officers, within three days to be ap after their last sitting, to append to each of said alphabetical lists books. of "registered voters" contained in said "Books of Registered Voters" a certificate, verified by the oath or affirmation of said registration officers, or at least two of them, that the said "Book of Registered Voters" contain a complete list of the registered voters of said election district, as the same are entered in the "Books of Registered Voters" of such election district.

to be ap

III. And the said registration officers shall, within the Certificate three days aforesaid, also append to the registers of their pended to election districts a certificate that each of said registers is the registers. official register of such election district, and, so far as within their knowledge, no false or improper entries have been made therein, which certificate shall be made and verified by at least two of said registration officers.

SECTION II. From the decision of the registration officers Appeal to granting or refusing registration, or striking or refusing to Associate strike a name or names from the registration lists, any person other interested, or any registration officer may appeal to the Resi-Judge. dent Associate Judge of the county, or in case of his disability or absence from the county, to any Judge entitled to sit in the Supreme Court, whose determination shall be final, and Decision in order to prosecute said appeal it shall be the duty of the person taking the same to notify the "Registrar" of the Notice to election district from the decision of whose officers said appeal registrar. is taken stating in said notice the time when said appeal will be presented to the resident Associate Judge of his county or


Judge or


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