270 LAWS OF DELAWARE. OF PLEADING AND PRACTICE. may be ordered at the same or a subsequent term, or a continuance may be ordered, as justice may require. The courts Rules. of original jurisdiction and the said Supreme Court shall make proper and adequate rules to carry this law into effect. That Certificate at the time of the filing such Demurrer, the same shall be acdemumer. companied by a certificate of the counsel filing the same, that the said Demurrer, in his opinion, is good in law, and is not filed for purposes of delay. on filing SECTION 2. That Chapter 219, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware, entitled "An Act in regard to pleading in Civil and Criminal cases," passed at Dover, March 14th, 1883, and all other laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved June 9, A. D. 1898. ! A 1 LAWS OF DELAWARE. TITLE NINETEENTH. Of the Fees of Public Officers. CHAPTER 127. OF THE FEES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS. AN ACT to amend Chapter 225, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware, passed at Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : SECTION I. Amend Section 1 of Chapter 225, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware, by adding at the end of the last paragraph of said Section the following to wit: not allow "Provided, That no Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Constable, De-Officers puty Constable, Detective, or other person or persons author-ed mileage ized by law to make arrests shall be allowed mileage as wit-nesses. nesses under this act. And when more than one person is omicers magistrate, no more than one fee have more arrested and taken before shall be allowed for serving warrant, conveying to Jail or wines committing to prison." SECTION 2. a not to than one fee. ment re That Chapter 92 of Volume 12 of the Laws Imprisonof Delaware be and the same is hereby amended by striking duced out the word "sixty" where the same occurs in the second and tren days sixth Sections thereof and substituting in lieu thereof the word "ten." to Approved February 9, A. D. 1898. 272 LAWS OF DELAWARE. RESOLUTIONS. Be 1 the St Commission to prepare bills. CHAPTER 128. Joint Resolution in relation to the Employment of Counsel. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: That William T. Lynam of New Castle county, John B. Pennington of Kent county and Charles F. Richards of Sussex county be and they are hereby appointed to prepare such laws as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the New Constitution. Approved January 14, A. D. 1898. Th o'cloc Ac Se CHAPTER 129. Senate Joint Resolution in relation to Adjournment. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of That when the respective Houses do adjourn it shall be t LAWS OF DELAWARE. RESOLUTIONS. CHAPTER 130. House Joint Resolution in relation to Adjournment. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: That when these two Houses adjourn it shall be until 10 o'clock A. M. January 31st, 1898. Adopted at Dover, January 27, 1898. CHAPTER 131. Senate Joint Resolution Repealing Chapter 653, Volume 20, Laws of Dela ware. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : That Chapter 653, Vol. 20, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby repealed, made null and void. Approved February 3, A. D. 1898. RESOLUTIONS. Joint.com- Houses. CHAPTER 132. Senate Joint Resolution, appointing a Joint Committee to wait upon the Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of That a joint committee of one on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House, be appointed by the respective Speakers to wait upon the Governor, and inform him that the two Houses of the General Assembly are re-assembled and ready to receive any communication he may see proper to present. Approved February 3, A. D. 1898. Chapter so to at House of heir Jour Session a Sall ma Link jus the Stat sed con respecti App ! Commit- CHAPTER 133. Joint Resolution authorizing the appointment of a Joint Committee of two Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the That a Joint Committee of two on the part of the Senate clerks. duty it shall be to settle and audit the accounts of the Secre- Jo th a |