250 LAWS OF DELAWARE. TITLE TWELFTH. Of Titles to Real Property. Record of to Jan. defective CHAPTER 110. OF TITLES TO REAL PROPERTY. AN ACT to make valid the record of Certain Deeds. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION 1. That the record of any deed dated prior to Deed prior the first day of January, A. D. 1895, and which was duly 1895, valid signed and sealed by the parties therein named as grantors, standing notwithstanding said deed had not been properly acknowlacknowl- edged, or the private examination of any married woman, edgment. party thereto or the said acknowledgment of private examiRecord nation, had not been taken and certified in conformity with evidence. the requirements of the laws of this State in force at the time and copy of its execution, shall be and the same is hereby made valid and effectual in law as if said deed had been correctly acknowledged and certified, and the said record, or any office copy thereof, shall be admitted as evidence in all courts of this State, and shall be valid and conclusive evidence, as if said deed had been in all respects acknowledged and the acknowledginent certified in accordance with the then existing law. Approved April 28, A. D. 1898. LAWS OF DELAWARE. TITLE FOURTEENTH. Of Courts of Justice. CHAPTER 111. OF COURTS OF JUSTICE. AN ACT to amend all Acts of the General Assembly of this State relating to Courts of Justice, and to conform them to the Amended Constitution. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : Supreme livery SECTION I. That the words "Court of Errors and Ap-Name of peals," wherever they occur in any act of the General Assem-Court and bly of this State, shall be stricken out, and the words "Su-General preme Court" inserted in lieu thereof, and also that the words pessions of "Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery," Jail Dewherever they occur in any act as aforesaid shall be stricken changed. out, and the words "Court of General Sessions" inserted in lieu thereof. That the laws of this State shall hereafter be read and construed, according to the foregoing amendments, and in any edition of the said laws hereafter to be published, they shall be printed as amended by this act. plicable to All acts or parts of acts of the General As-Laws apSECTION 2. sembly of this State, in force on the fourth day of June in the new courts year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, relating to the Court of Errors and Appeals, shall be applied and extended to the Supreme Court, established by the Amended Constitution of this State; and all acts or parts of acts as aforesaid, relating to the Superior Court, shall be applied and extended to the Superior Court established by the Amended Constitution; and all acts or parts of acts as aforesaid, relating to the Court of Chancery, shall be applied and extended to the Court of Chancery, established by the Amended Constitution; and all acts or parts of acts as aforesaid, relating i : Laws in conflict with Con OF COURTS OF JUSTICE. to the Orphans' Court, shall be applied and extended to the Provided, however, that any of the provisions of any of the void. Powers & author this act shall be void. SECTION 3. That all the powers and authorities conferred test by any act or parts of acts of the General Assembly of this ed in Judges. State, upon the Chancellor, Chief Justice or any one of the Judges of the Court of Errors and Appeals, Superior Court, Orphans' Court, Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, or of the Court of Oyer and Terminer either in term time or in vacation, shall be and are hereby vested in and conferred upon the Chancellor, Chief Justice, or any one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, Superior Court, Orphans' Court, Court of General Sessions, or the Court of Oyer and Terminer respectively, as establisbed by the amendNo special ed Constitution of this State. And provided, further, that session of no special session of the Supreme Court, as provided for by an act entitled "An Act in relation to special sessions of Courts of Justice," passed at Dover, April 10, 1895, being Tuesday Chapter 775, Volume 19, Laws of Delaware, shall be called of June, or convened prior to the third Tuesday of June, A. D. (1898) Supreme Court to be held prior to third 1808. eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Approved March 1, A. D. 1898. AN AC AS LAWS OF DELAWARE. OF COURTS OF JUSTICE. CHAPTER 112. GENERAL PROVISIONS. AN ACT fixing the Compensation of the Chancellor, Chief Justice and Associate Judges; and repealing certain other Acts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : Judges. SECTION 1. The Chancellor, Chief Justice and Associate Salaries of Judges shall respectively receive from the State, as compenThe annual sation for their services, the following salaries, which are hereby fixed and established, that is to say. salary of the Chancellor shall be the sum of thirty-eight hundred dollars; the annual salary of the Chief Justice shall be the sum of thirty-eight hundred dollars and the annual salaries of the Associate Judges shall be the sum of thirty-six hundred dollars each. The said salaries shall commence on the day when to of the date of the commissions, respectively, and shall be payable quarterly. an com- al com for report additional compensa- AdditionSECTION 2. There shall be paid tion to the Chancellor of two hundred dollars per annum, for pensation reporting the decisions of the Court of Chancery and the ing. Orphans Court of the respective counties of this State; and also an additional compensation to the Associate Judge resident in Kent county of two hundred dollars per annum for reporting the decisions of the Supreme Court and also the decisions of the Superior Court, Court of General Sessions and the Court of Over and Terminer of the respective counties of the State. abolished. SECTION 3. All provisions of any act, inconsistent with Per diem this act, and also all acts and parts of acts providing for the payment of any compensation to the Chancellor, or any other of the members of the Judiciary either as salary, or as a per diem allowance, except as herein provided, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 10, A. D. 1898. 1 TS OF OF COURTS OF JUSTICE. : Seals of CHAPTER 113. GENERAL PROVISIONS. AN ACT providing Seals for the Courts of this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION I. That the seal of the Court of Errors and Apto be used peals in use on the fourth day of June in the year one thous in new and eight hundred and ninety-seven, shall be taken and deemed Supreme. to be the seal of the Supreme Court established by the Amended Constitution of this State, and may and shall be made use of and affixed to all writings, papers and copies to Superior. which the seal of office ought to be affixed. The seals of the Superior Court for the several counties in this State in use as aforesaid, as the seals of that court in the said several counties, shall be taken and deemed to be the seals of the Superior Courts in said counties respectively; as established by the said Amended Constitution, and may and shall be made use of and affixed to all writings, papers and copies to which the seal of office ought to be affixed. General Sessions. The seals of the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace ties in this State, in use as aforesaid, as the seals of that court affixed. |